Avatar of Dark Light


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I'm so Fuckin' broken...


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As Clay stared at the imp it seemed to shrink in on itself.
”A dagger hey.” he says with a toothy smile. ”Lets be more specific ” Those strange sounds seem to resonate from his mouth again, of a vocabulary that doesn’t belong in this world. They seem to have a physical effect on the imp as the air shimmers and distorts around.
”Morgul blade, you think you hear Clay say, just before a deep darkness starts to grow over the imps oily black skin, slowly surrounding it entirely, it’s large pale eyes last before it violently rips the little creature from existence.”

”Oh, now I guess we just wait and see.” Clay says sitting back in his chair and taking a swig from his ale.

Meanwhile the young boy looks on with an expression caught between horror and disgust. You notice his fists are tightly clenched at his side.
@Song Book

Ethodi might hear a whisper, there’s a familiarity to it as there is with all whispers. It was not in the sound or the tone but more where it was coming from, and that was nowhere.
The whisper echoed again in her head.

”Sorry, sorry. I am currently... ‘preoccupied’ but I will be with you as soon as I can. I will bring you more molluscs too!”
@Zyx & Young Server boy.

”Th, thank you.” The young boy stammers. His eyes not leaving the cup precariously balancing on a small plate in his hand, as if trying to use sheer will alone to keep the glowing boiling liquid in its container.
After a few more careful feet of movement he slowly slides the plate down onto an empty table only to look up and around, noticing the intended recipient is now gone.

Defeated he frowns and stands idly lost.
His eyes soon drift back to the fox-masked lady and Clay

@aia2022 and Clay.
”Honestly, never thought to try ask for anything else.” Clay says with a look of surprise and a tone of truth.
”Lets give it a go.” He leans forward excitedly with a grin as his gaze sweeps from Lavender to the nervous little imp that looks like it wants to be anywhere but where it currently is. ”Who’s incited the wrath of our angry little Fire Fox?” Clay asks teasingly.
@Katakuri@Liegelord - Dorian.
The finely kept barkeep in an immaculate suit.

With a gratuitous nod Dorian greets the newcomer then politely excuses himself of the current company leaving Vendril to answer the question as he continues to tend to new patrons. Some of the non-outstanding type. Those of unremarkable appearance or personality that seemingly just fade into the background. (Quiet NPC’s.)
Alrighty, gonna try catch up on all posts today
All good, I left you hanging for a while first.

I got in another reply though

It’s rare that we have little more option than liking where we are at or living in misery.” Dorian says with a certainty and look beyond that of his usual confidence and surety that says this tibbit of wisdom is one long learned through experience.

As if they were always in his hands, (although they were not) Dorian settles down two shot glasses between them, and pouring from a modest height fills both up with a flowing dark green liquid that nearly glows as it cascades down into the small glass container, without a single drop spilling.

Most of us cannot change who we were. Most of the time we don’t even truly know who we are right now.
But we can always work on being who we want to be.”

With that last line he picks up one of the tiny drinks, holds it out to Vendril, and after the glasses chink, throws back the vile drink and lets it burn its way down his throat. Giving a forced smile as it does.
”Hell no. Why would I want you to take it off?” he asked sliding down into a seat nearby.
”It’s much more exciting this way.”

Still grinning at that mask, Clay clicked his fingers in the air and spoke in a language that seemed beyond him. The sounds came out like a low bubbling beneath water, syllables just beyond the grasp of comprehension. Like the words teetered in the peripheral of ones ears, there was something there but it could not be focused on. They were laced with shadow and darkness, audibly so as well as visually.

He only yawned as he lean back. A serving shadow imp forming on the table before them. It’s wide hollow eyes looking from Clay to Lavender and then back again as it held out a clean clear bottle, near as large as itself, a caramel brown liquid sloshing about within.

”Work here long enough and you learn some tricks.” he says, ignoring the fact that Lavender seems to be ignoring him.
”Want to see if it can get you anything?”

Clay takes the bottle from the small demonic creature. Hands now empty, it takes its own tail in those long claw like fingers and shyly hugs it against its boney chest as it stands waiting.

Dorian took to wiping the bench, his gaze down as he spoke quietly. A stern serious edge tinting his voice.

Even those powerful beings that define themselves god’s cannot truly ever grant anything with 100 percent certainty. Life is layered with mystery and chaos...
This is not a refuge for one to hide from his own past, present or future. But at the same time who the patrons were or who they will become is not of our concern.
The tavern decides who will come and when they will go. It’s reasonings are a mystery even to me. Besides, it wasn’t their time to leave, they are simply
” he pauses to look up at Vendril thinking of the next words. “In another room.

As the polished wood shines with a clean sheen a professional and slightly distracted smile spreads across Dorians face.

Then with an assuring nod he adds.
”I’m 99.9 percent sure that nothing will happen here that you are not yet ready for.” The words as cryptical as the expression on his face.
@Dark Light
Unknowing of the extent of what he was doing, but at least had the idea that the man was busy so he expected to wait a bit. Surprise hitting him for a moment before smiling as he leans forward on the counter. "Sorry for being a bother, I just was curious about that being that showed up earlier. Reminded me of somethin and I was just wanting to ask." Seeming chipper as usual yet there was a hint of something else behind his eyes, as if he was struggling with something. Besides that, before Dorian could reply he also added on as he straightens up. "And if you need help I'd be happy to assist, seeing as you now have a full house!"

“Assistance is always appreciated, it would be nice to rely on the tavern imps a bit less. You will be accordingly compensated.” He said with a nod and a smile.
“Now, what is in on your mind?”
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