Avatar of Dark Light


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There was a loud ’crash’ as Clay suddenly went hurtling through the air and came down heavily onto a table, wood and splinters flying everywhere. He groaned as he squirmed around in the wreckage. A wraith hovered slowly closer, its malevolent gleaming eyes glowing hot with hatred.

Clay reached for the dagger that had escaped his grasp but it was gone, in the hands of a woman who was crawling around on the floor. Now armed with a magical dagger she grew confident and daring, she stood and stalked back to where her friend struggled profusely with one of the undead. With a scream she charged and struck at the wraith, missing, and scored a thin red line across her friends shoulder.

The effects of the dagger were almost instant. The mans features grew gaunt as his skin paled and shadows started to gather around him while his eyes grew red with an eerie intensity.

“Oh god. Get the dagger off her!” The waiter boy yelled from elsewhere.
@Marmalised Junk

”Protecting the rest of the tavern!” the boy shouted as he squirmed about.
”Now let me go, there are other people here too that aren’t aware.”

Fire and silver, while not instantly fatal, devastate the wraiths and tear holes or slashes through their shadowing form. The wraiths are powerless as they coalesce back into shape. With enough blows their glowing red eyes fade away as the darkness of their shadows diminishes to nothing.

While sleep seemed to be a thing the wraiths did not know of, the one fighting Ghair seemed to slow and slightly even pacify.

More than one wraith turned its attention to the blade, but before any could claim it, Clay snatched it way from beneath the outstretched ghostly hands.
He gives Lavender a mischievous grin as he recklessly makes his way across the room towards the bar, barely dodging multiple angry wraith or frightened fleeing customer here and there.

”Yesss” the undead creature replied with a low raspy hiss as it grabbed Ghairs shoulders with its sharp shadowy hands.
”Your soul!”
It’s red glowing eyes stare flare brighter as it inhaled deeply sucking at Ghair’s life force.

Meanwhile, as the strange creatures mighty roar settles, it is replaced by the commotion and screaming of the average patrons.
A young man teeters precariously on the railings atop the stairs as he tries to backaway from a lodge shadowy wraith.

A young woman scrambles frantically amongst chairs and tables as a wraith rots them to dust with a touch, steadily following her.

Dorian has vanished.

The young server boy is kneeling, eyes closed and chanting. To what effect, it is unclear.

Back at Clays table the imp retuned with a small ‘pop’ of shadows. It startled clay and caused him to drop his bottle.
The small creature looked hurt and exhausted but in its hands it held a long thin dagger, as requested.
Upon initial viewing it was clear this was no ordinary dagger. It exude a menacing and vile aura. The imps were dark creatures but something about this dagger was far darker than they were. It’s intentions were pure malice and death.

The imp quickly toss it to Clay who momentarily admired it before handing it over to the fox masked lady. ”Huh, looks like it can get other things.” he said slightly amused but equally nonchalant. Before he could command it to get him another drink the demonic little creature flew off and settled behind the Naga.

A chill breeze swept through the tavern. Breaths soon turned mist, ice crystals formed in settled liquid. The fire dwindled and died against the plummeting drop in temperature.

Emerging from the darkest corners of the ceiling and walls, sinister, spectral figures robed in darkness emerged. One after another they came forth. They had no visual features or appendages, except for their glowing red eyes. Eyes that radiated with a clear malevolence and disdain for the living.
They circled the tavern swooping amongst the patrons effortlessly with an agile speed, spreading an empty coldness in their wake.

[[TAVERN EVENT- !Wraiths invade the tavern!]]


”I tire of cooking, if you could take over from that it would be greatly appreciated. I’m sure you can find your way around the kitchen. We have a pretty extensive range of supplies. The imps back there will source the ingredients for you, just let them know you are boss.
But you will also need to take take the orders and cover the bar if you are not cooking. Think you can handle that?”
”Well.” Dorian says as he places his hands down on the table in a manner concluding the interview the interview.
”Without you being sure of your exact skill set or experience I see only one solution, a trial period of various tasks until you find one that you excel at. If there is one. We hold our employees to a high standard here.”

It was at that moment, as if in defiance to Dorian, Clay the shirtless rugged bar keep dropped a bottle and and only laugh as it shattered over the floor.

Dorian held his composure but you could tell he was stirring beneath the near implacable mask.
”There are exceptions and circumstances to some rules.”

Dorian motions to a nearby table before taking a seat.
”Well, lets get this interview started then.” he says after Ghair joins him. Clasping his hands together above the table he begins.

”Firstly, I am Dorian Radshaw, the proprietor of this establishment. It’s a pleasure to meet you. So tell me a bit about yourself. Where are you from and what experience might you have? What do you have to offer?”

A curious smile tugged at dorians lips, contrasted by a knowing glint in his eyes as he turned to face Ghair.
”It is not by chance that I work here, but the answer to your question is yes.” he says politely with a slight nod.
”How can I be of assistance?”

He took the measure of Ghair with a single look, assessing the man before him. But he did not look him over, or study his unusual skin, he only look into his eyes with an appraising glare, an intent focus, as he awaited patiently for a reply.
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