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Clay had just finished pulling on a pair of ‘emergency jeans’ that he had long since learned to strategically leave around the place. They were denim and despite being hidden away, still appeared well worn and aged.

He got up to standing with a loud groan and a slow heavy exhalation at the top. Lines of deep gashes ran along his ribs on the left and amongst the blood, the skin was already swollen and bruised with dark shades of blue and purple.

He smiled at the newcomer, a wide, teeth baring, wolf’s grin.
”Rough day” he repeated pondering. ”Guess it’s been a bit slow. Dropped me drink earlier, that was kinda disappointing...”

His eyes scanned over the gold. He couldn’t quite hide that glimmer of excitement from them. That faint reflection that gold causes in many men, despite needing it or not, regardless how much they might have, that hungry greed.

Had it been silver he placed on the table instead, it still would have been enough for what he was asking. But still, clay picked up a coin and pretended to examine it.

”Hmm, this currency isn’t really recognised here, but I’ll see what I can do. Just chuck a few more on the bar if the drinks look to be getting a little too light for your tastes.”

With that he gives a small nod, collects the coins along with a bottle of whiskey and heads out back into the kitchen. A short moment later the door bursts open to a fluttering of leathery bat-like wings as a dozen small, wide eyed, oil skinned, shadow imps fly out carrying mugs and bottles of various ales and wines.

Only the truly observant would have seen it, only those with the keenest eye and highest attention to detail would have noticed the trivial amongst the chaos, after all, the wraiths all looked very very alike.

And while it seemed that they had been continually coming through walls and doors alike, there was often just as many leaving, through walls and doors alike. In fact, the very same ones trying to prowl around through other rooms and recesses of the tavern were the very same ones appearing by the main floor, In very much the same way Lavender was about to.

The taverns magic, it’s shift of reality, didn’t discriminate between the differences of wraith and patron, if it even acknowledged one at all.

It was dark outside by now, irregardless of how long she had actually been there.
’was it the same night or the following, was it supposed to be night at all?’
The lack of light hung heavy in the air, an almost palpable presence surrounding her, hungry even and it was accompanied by a strong firm silence haunting in its lone still serenity. A faint mist hovered just above the ground and danced around her feet.
The sky was however was a beautiful glittering canvas of mystical colours and sparkling stars on a deep dark blank backdrop.

No sooner had the tavern disappeared from vision behind her, than did it reappear in the near distance in front. Irregardless or direction, speed, will or magic, there was only one place she could possibly go.

Back to the tavern.

No matter how long she spent outside amongst the cold mist under the dark star lit sky, not much time had passed inside. Things were for most part as she left them.

@aia2022 Are you actually leaving or can I do some spooky ‘can’t leave the tavern’, stuff?
Ok I'm very sorry but I'm lost on what is happening, thought the wyvern was sitting ontop of the bag/dagger? So would that mean someone tore it out from under him? Burn the bag underneath his claws? If you want I'll change my post but I'm trying to figure out a post now.

Yea, it got a bit clunky but let’s just say it was snatched from under him in the chaos, or was magic’d Out by a wraith. I think I missed the part where he was on it. Anyway just trying to resolve and tidy up the tavern event now. ((Hence allowing the dagger to be burnt to nothing.))

Hmmm... wasn’t my cleanest event and looking forward to getting back to interactions.

More wraiths died (or vanished) to the wide varying skills and powers of the taverns brave patrons.

As one unlucky wraith was sent back to the shadows it dropped the dagger bound bag to the tavern floor. It landed with a heavy thud.
With a limping charge the wolf quickly darted towards the object, but by the time it covered that small distance it was no longer a wolf but a man who grabbed the bag. A naked injured Clay poorly used the focused on bag to try retain a modicum of modesty.
It was clear by the expression on his face that this was not thought through.
As a wraith swooped down at him from above in a fluttering of evil darkness, the shapeshifting bartender launched himself over the bar as he threw the bag away back into the main tavern.

Someone bloody get rid of it!” His wild yell was cut short by a thud as he vanished behind the solid wooden counter.

Not at all, been pretty quiet lately. Should be easy to slip back in.
Sorry to hear about your family member. That’s rough.
The large wolf, as if detecting Lavender’s gaze, turned to stare at her fox mask. Familiar eyes staring back at her in a familiar cocky way. It almost smiled at her, until in the distraction a wraith got close and clawed at the beast. The powerful blow sending the wolf scattering across the floor with a high pitched welp.

The wraith then seized its prize. Picking up the bag container the dagger.

... would it leave now that it had its possession back? Was it right to allow such an evil creature to have such an evil device?
Should anyone do anything?
Would anyone do anything?

Wraiths, the dark, coal eyed, life hating shadows, since their first appearance had dwindled in number, then risen again as the dagger began its evil work of turning other creatures into more of their own.

Then with the dagger secured away, their numbers began to dwindle once again.
Even though the wraiths seemed few in number now things only grew more chaotic as fear either subsided or set in. Both a good enough reason for men to grow foolish.

Arrows, bolts and bullets would seemingly fly through the air at random. Some passing through a wraith like shadow, many not. The room flashed with the warring of light and darkness. Effects and side effects of spells. Tables crashed and people cried, war cries and cries of pain, some hard to tell apart. A small fire smouldered on one wall, threatening to take a curtain soon.
A large wolf had appeared from somewhere, growling deeply and lashing out at multiple wraiths trying to close in on Vendril’s backpack. Trying to reclaim their knife.

The process sure enough halted and the man fell into some semblance of sleep. However...
In that time a wraith emerged from beneath the ground and had plunged the dagger, still in the woman’s hands, deep into her stomach. The deep wound caused a much faster transformation and she started wildly slashing about, catching two other patrons with just a small scratch before turning on Ghair.
But a small scratch was all they needed...

”Restrain them!” the boy cried.
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