"Is this really necessary?
What about that time I sold you all those things?"
Name: Vilak Tethren
Nicknames/Titles: Vile, the death dealer.
Age: Undisclosed
Gender: Undisclosed
Ship Role: Primary: Weapon smith / technological analyst.
Secondary: Treasurer, fence, negotiator.
Race: Undisclosed
Personality: Straight forward and logical. Has an interest in all manner of technology, especially the ‘shooty kind’, second only to the ‘prevent death from the shooty kind’ kind. Vilak is surprisingly friendly and chatty despite the literal cold, dark, hard exterior. Vilak is quite curious but also cautious. They can be detached or simply naive at times but always very, very private. A habit that has followed on over from their last profession.
Biography: Unfortunately Vile has quite a reputation, despite what they say to try squash it. Vilak claims that most of it is built on lies and rumour. ‘
That station was poorly built and had a leak, the explosion had nothing to do with them not paying.’Fears, assumptions and miss interpretations. The bits that are true were unintentional accidents at best, strokes of sheer unbelievable luck at worst.
Vilak, through their vast love and knowledge of weaponry accidentally fell into the role of weapons dealer. One thing lead to another and without really knowing why, they became one of the most wanted and feared entrepreneurs across the galaxy by criminals and law enforcement alike. It was only after spending the vast fortune that they had acquired, did they manage to get off of most of the digital most-wanted lists and black market bounty boards.
Powers/Skills: Numbers is Vile’s thing. Numbers, technology and words. Their memory and attention to detail is near on a power by itself. Be that is due to some ancient racial alien lineage or advanced technological implant remains unknown, for Vile’s next greatest skill is the ability to never be seen outside of their military high grade full protective combat armour.
Equipment: Finely tuned, well kept, military high grade full protective combat armour.
Tools, and then some more tools.
Tools that don’t look like tools.
A machine that makes tools.
A few guns.
A secure crate of private things.
Other:Vilak’s voice is obviously altered by the armour they always wear.
The armour has been modified to pure defensive and analytical purposes.
Vilak is a bit jumpy.