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I'm so Fuckin' broken...


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With the raccoons gone and the Phoenix eating, the tavern returned to some semblance of civility. Then, as if attacking the moments temporary peace, the tavern doors violently swing open. A strong chilling breeze comes rushing in bringing with it a few flakes of snow and the silhouette of a large man.

With a groaning creak the doors swing shut behind him and his form is visible in the light. Human, tall, muscular, leather jacket, tattooed chest.

With a wide grin he look around the room, then throwing his arms out wide he loudly bellows to the roof. "It's good to be home!"

Soo, lots going on.

Lucky is probably slinging it with the crew, (Doesn't mean he won't join the others) but the lower station are his people, crude mannered, boisterous and eager to gamble.

What he thinks of the others will entirely depend on their first interactions unless we build in a backstory.

Hey @Red Wizard, do have any plans for bad weather?
Would be fun if Lucky was trying to help the sailors with a spell for clear sky's or some directional winds but it went bad.
any advice for my character? like any edits I need to make? I'm trian's friend by the way, and I made a post in the character tab.

Nah, looks great. There's nearly no limit or restrictions on characters here except that you want to make it enjoyable for others to interact with.

Look forward to your first post.

Oh and welcome if I haven't already said that :)

I will tidy it up a bit later but you get the gist.
<Snipped quote by Dark Light>

That depends. I want to keep this game in line with the theme - medieval sword and sorcery - and I always get the feeling that artificers are more magepunk/steampunk oriented. What did you have in mind?

Completely understand, that's why I wanted to check first.
Seems the tanks and heavy hitter characters are covered so I was thinking a blend of stealth and magic.

His magic coming from gadgetry was just the first idea but maybe it could be heavy component based, almost like small rituals that he has learnt from a stolen book.

I envision him rummaging through his pack frantically looking for the right ingredient while reciting words in a lost language, drawing them out to buy time while simultaneously balancing a lit candle.

Like his life it's chaotic and risky.
@Red Wizard

Thoughts on an artificer?
The barmaid didn't even blink at the commotion, just casually picking up the briefcase like it was nothing and smirking at Julian.

"Would serve you right if you did catch something." She said before heading back towards the bar.
"Alright, one mystery meat coming up." She called out loudly, stashing the briefcase in a low cupboard and then heading through the back door into the kitchen.
"We don't really do menus, let me know what you are after and I'll see what we can do." The barmaid managed to inform the raccoons before one of them was hoisted into the air.
Sternly staring at Julian she was about to scold him when another newcomer entered, notably bringing with them far less chaos than the previous few.

"Same goes for you, what can I get ya?" She asks the traveller.
@Dark Light Just to make sure, it seems like the tavern can just appear anywhere the characters need it too. Is that the case? Or is it in a fixed place?

No one ever sees it appear but people do find it in locations that were empty the day before.
Sometimes they might walk through an ordinary mundane door and instead find themselves in the tavern.
oh also one more question: should I write my character's backstory in his character sheet or should I leave it a mystery until he reveals it?

Both ways are fine, totally up to you!
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