Avatar of Dark Light


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It's a Chuck Palahniuk quotes kinda night.
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... Something new
9 yrs ago
I'm so Fuckin' broken...


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@The Museoooh, are you still taking ppl.

I started a character when this first opened but was too busy at the time to join. Would love to slip in now if you will still have me.

I used a concept tied to one of the other characters at the time but they seem to be gone now.

Subscribing to follow this
Lucky grimaced at the passing brutality of the soldiers. Vaskandar's farewell and the following conversation never found his ears for by then the halfling was already gone, having slipped off into the crowd to assist those that suffered most from the guards passing.

He hadn't much more to offer than a kind word and helping hand but he would see what he could do.
After that then he would make his way to three tails.
I like Chrono Trigger so the idea appeals to me just not sure on the freeform sandbox approach.
How do you envision that working. What keeps the players together and dictates the enemies actions?
Lucky had a habit of looking back when his attention was drawn forward. He knew more than one thieves trick that would start exactly this way. Despite his ever vigilance, he threw on a wide cheerful smile as he haughtily stepped forward between the others to greet the unknown Samaritan.

"Vaskandar." He begins, already pulling on the local dialect and tasting it as he talks. Mimicking what he had already heard. "Pleasure." He says with a small thankful bow.

"Aye, we are new. Is it that obvious?" His wide green eyes make a show of studying the local fashion like he hadn't already taken it all in and planned his next outfit. 'Blending in was not essential but standing out should always be optional' was just one of his many thieving mottos.

"Consider ya'self a local, I'd love to hear the latest gossip on the streets. To get acquainted with the happenings." He pauses in thought for a moment. "Are there any strange laws we should know about?"

After a chuckle at thoughts unsaid he carries on.

"So say we do go to this Three Tails, what sort of establishment will we find ourselves walking into and on who's property would we stand?" He asks.

With Julian's earlier taunt now forgotten, Clay opens his fist letting the wizards silver coin fall to the floor with a 'clang' as it bounced and rolled about before settling.
With a shake of his burnt hand he simply adds. "He's a manipulative ass, and that's all you need to know."

He then turns his back on Julian as he goes to rinse his hand.

The barmaid kindly fills in the parts the werewolf left out.
"He is, as far as anyone can tell, the proprietor of this establishment. He has been here longer than anyone else and is more familiar with the tavern than anyone." She leans in to softly add. "Honestly, I don't know if the tavern shares his will or he the taverns."
As she stood back up her eyes quickly glance to Clayton to see if he heard or reacted, his focus remained on his hand.

"Anyway, so..." She looked over the young bird boy. "I would offer you a drink but I guess all I can get you know is milk or water."
She gave a soft playful smile.
Outside description is up in the hider
Clayton & the Barnaid
Behind the bar Clayton, still squeezing the silver coin as it hisses in his hand, reactivating to and burning his flesh, steps protectively in front of the barmaid.

"Do you think they will wake Dorian?"
She asks as she watches on with concern and worry.

"I think this is happening because he is awake." Clay growls with a focused reply.


The bar is self repairing but going outside is also fine, however the outside will not be the outside anyone was expecting, nor the same one anyone entered from.
Tavern floor

Only hours ago the young woman was bored, idly cleaning the counter. Now, she could hardly keep up with the orders and requests. The small bird became a boy... or bird-boy at least. There was new patrons entering and she hadn't yet the chance to greet them.

Quickly scanning the room with her emerald green eyes she threw out a wave of generalised nods, pleasantries and greetings as she made her way behind the bar.
Then she got to work.
With a soft smile and deft hands she flowed effortlessly around the shelves collecting mugs or glasses and filling them with the requested liquids. The bottles almost fell into her hands as she near preempted the patrons orders.

She was quick, and everyone would soon get their requested drink.

[If you order a drink, you can presume the barmaid drops it off shortly after.
For specific interaction with the barmaid just tag me.
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