After weeks and weeks on the great northern sea, having endured harrowing storms, freezing winds, maddening doldrums and the odd bout of sea sickness and scurvy, the call finally came down from the birds nest earlier this morning: Land! Land in sight! And there it was - the towering peaks of mountains, the deep greens of woods, and the sprawling brown blob of a city known as Kari-Mar. As the boat slowly made its way towards the wharf, more and more details became discernable. It was a big city, no doubt, but chaotic too. A myriad of buildings with differing styles and materials were squeezed together, competing for space. Most seemed poor or dirty, more shacks than houses, with islands of wealthy quarters spread somewhat evenly about. The palaces of the merchant princes stood out like sore thumbs - giant, extravagant behemoths of luxury and opulence. The wharf swam with a throng of people, from sailors and traders to thieves and courtesans. The noise was deafening compared to the stillness of the sea, a constant din and jangle in a hundred different tongues.
As the gangway is laid down, the captain gives you all a final nod off goodbye before returning to overseeing the ship. As you step ashore, a man dressed in an arming jacket and a helmet approaches you - a city guard, probably. "Welcome to Kari-Mar" he drones in a slightly disinterested voice, "Please make your way over to the harbormastery and declare your business in the city. You can find the secretaries over yonder."
He points to a series of stalls where a mob of people shove and push trying to get ahead in loosely organized queues. At the head of each queue is a table where a bored, frustrated or suspicious notary sits stationed, scribbling away as the people in front of them blabbers. Having done his duty, the guard promptly moves along to inform other arrivals of the procedure.
The city of Kari-Mar, with all of its dangers and promises, lies spread out in front of you.