Eastern gate
He was a guard, a Royal Guard. One tasked with personally protecting the princess at that. Now she was missing, and the the blightborn was still out there somewhere. He had failed. Royally.
Had he his memories in tact he might of known where she would go but as it was he had no clue. It was perhaps a race against time of who could find her first. Not that he could do much without his weapons.
With heavy breaths coalescing in the cold air and the crunching of snow and ice beneath his long stride, Aliseth jog to his destination, all the whilst his eyes and ears focused on every dark shadow as he remain alert and on the lookout for signs of commotion. It took him a while to reach the eastern gate but he was nothing if not fit. Determination driving him on and his pace remaining steady the whole way.
The tall wooden structure loomed over him blocking out stars, brightly illuminated by torches. There were the obvious signs of people going about their business and from inside the town he could see the backs of watchmen looking out over the gate. Peering through the open portal he saw what had their attention as it stole his too. There on the path a disheveled woman, who looked like she had been sleeping in ditches, approached with her hands out in front of her. However none of that took his focus like the large figures shadowing her back. It took him a moment to realise what they were. Wings.
With the combination of those and the horns protruding from her head she looked like a monster from the tales told before there were actual monsters. A demon some would say.
She had spoken but the words were lost to him as he stare intently at her, not realising that his feet had continued to carry him forward putting him between her and the large wooden gate. It was not his job, not his duty nor his responsibility but some unrecognised swirl of emotions drew him forth. One hand still marred with the stains of blood hovered near an empty scabbard. His hazel eyes held a fierce gaze but despite his own personal opinions on the blightborn, Dawnhaven was a place they were welcome.
He fought to unclench his teeth and hide his emotions from his face as he steadily raise a hand. "Halt traveller! You have reached Dawnhaven. Declare your name and intentions." He bellow in a firm commanding voice. Torchlight glimmering on his worn Lunarian armor as he stood tall before her, a gentle breeze picking up from nowhere and running past him through the gates, rustling his disheveled dark hair as it pass.
Eastern gate
He was a guard, a Royal Guard. One tasked with personally protecting the princess at that. Now she was missing, and the the blightborn was still out there somewhere. He had failed. Royally.
Had he his memories in tact he might of known where she would go but as it was he had no clue. It was perhaps a race against time of who could find her first. Not that he could do much without his weapons.
With heavy breaths coalescing in the cold air and the crunching of snow and ice beneath his long stride, Aliseth jog to his destination, all the whilst his eyes and ears focused on every dark shadow as he remain alert and on the lookout for signs of commotion. It took him a while to reach the eastern gate but he was nothing if not fit. Determination driving him on and his pace remaining steady the whole way.
The tall wooden structure loomed over him blocking out stars, brightly illuminated by torches. There were the obvious signs of people going about their business and from inside the town he could see the backs of watchmen looking out over the gate. Peering through the open portal he saw what had their attention as it stole his too. There on the path a disheveled woman, who looked like she had been sleeping in ditches, approached with her hands out in front of her. However none of that took his focus like the large figures shadowing her back. It took him a moment to realise what they were. Wings.
With the combination of those and the horns protruding from her head she looked like a monster from the tales told before there were actual monsters. A demon some would say.
She had spoken but the words were lost to him as he stare intently at her, not realising that his feet had continued to carry him forward putting him between her and the large wooden gate. It was not his job, not his duty nor his responsibility but some unrecognised swirl of emotions drew him forth. One hand still marred with the stains of blood hovered near an empty scabbard. His hazel eyes held a fierce gaze but despite his own personal opinions on the blightborn, Dawnhaven was a place they were welcome.
He fought to unclench his teeth and hide his emotions from his face as he steadily raise a hand. "Halt traveller! You have reached Dawnhaven. Declare your name and intentions." He bellow in a firm commanding voice. Torchlight glimmering on his worn Lunarian armor as he stood tall before her, a gentle breeze picking up from nowhere and running past him through the gates, rustling his disheveled dark hair as it pass.