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Eastern gate

He was a guard, a Royal Guard. One tasked with personally protecting the princess at that. Now she was missing, and the the blightborn was still out there somewhere. He had failed. Royally.
Had he his memories in tact he might of known where she would go but as it was he had no clue. It was perhaps a race against time of who could find her first. Not that he could do much without his weapons.

With heavy breaths coalescing in the cold air and the crunching of snow and ice beneath his long stride, Aliseth jog to his destination, all the whilst his eyes and ears focused on every dark shadow as he remain alert and on the lookout for signs of commotion. It took him a while to reach the eastern gate but he was nothing if not fit. Determination driving him on and his pace remaining steady the whole way.

The tall wooden structure loomed over him blocking out stars, brightly illuminated by torches. There were the obvious signs of people going about their business and from inside the town he could see the backs of watchmen looking out over the gate. Peering through the open portal he saw what had their attention as it stole his too. There on the path a disheveled woman, who looked like she had been sleeping in ditches, approached with her hands out in front of her. However none of that took his focus like the large figures shadowing her back. It took him a moment to realise what they were. Wings.
With the combination of those and the horns protruding from her head she looked like a monster from the tales told before there were actual monsters. A demon some would say.

She had spoken but the words were lost to him as he stare intently at her, not realising that his feet had continued to carry him forward putting him between her and the large wooden gate. It was not his job, not his duty nor his responsibility but some unrecognised swirl of emotions drew him forth. One hand still marred with the stains of blood hovered near an empty scabbard. His hazel eyes held a fierce gaze but despite his own personal opinions on the blightborn, Dawnhaven was a place they were welcome.

He fought to unclench his teeth and hide his emotions from his face as he steadily raise a hand. "Halt traveller! You have reached Dawnhaven. Declare your name and intentions." He bellow in a firm commanding voice. Torchlight glimmering on his worn Lunarian armor as he stood tall before her, a gentle breeze picking up from nowhere and running past him through the gates, rustling his disheveled dark hair as it pass.
@The Muse



Murder scene

Aliseth's mind was still muddy and he was slow to react to what was happening around him as he contemplated heavily on the recent events. Weighed down by indecision he did nothing as he watched Lord Coswain disappear from sight before slowly turning his gaze back to the priestess. His eyes were pulled down back to the headless corpse once again. He couldn't help but feel a sense of guilt and responsibility as he look over his former friend, if only he had done things differently, or been quicker.
He couldn't allow himself to dwell on such things. It easily could have been him lying there on the floor without a head. Who was he to question the cruel machinations of fate.
He had little option but to get up and get on with it.

Taking a deep breath he lift his head and found the priestesses eyes. Looking into them, seeing them in a way he never used to be able to. Almost looking through them. He spoke softly.
"You're going to be ok. I, I have to keep going." He spoke with heavy assurance and confidence but his words seemed to be more for his own benefit than hers.
With that said the guard chose his direction and head off alone into the endless night, pulling out a rag or strip of clothing and attempting to clean his hands as he walked, following a line of torchlight.
And then the inevitable came to be. A loud 'thwack' rung through the air suddenly creating a pregnant pause of commotion as a stunned silence took the room. Time seemed to have frozen until interrupted by a subsequent crash, and just like that the bubble was burst, stillness and silence gone as all manner of chaos and violence ensued. The tavern erupting into brawling ground.

Shouting and tussling ensued, tables and chairs upturned and broken, cutlery and plates scattering about. The room was filled with ruckus every which way. Opponent and ally loose and interchangeable terms. An empty mug clang against the wall uncomfortably close to Galen's golden hair. Wide eyed he shot up from his seat cursing and belittling all before him, much to old Al's worried disapproval.

For most Gallens outburst was ignored or lost amongst all other noises but it did get the attention of three mischievous scraggy looking lurkers circling the outer fray of the commotion like hyenas waiting for easy pickings. Spotting the table of women, old men and a haughty noble, they found it. If they could just avoid the smith. The first man flashed them all a crooked smile as he crack his knuckles and glance at his friends behind him.

The second man, a bald stocky man nodded to the first as if silently agreeing to an unsaid plan, showing familiarity between these scoundrels, as he step to the side and pick up a stool. The third man looked to be the youngest but also tallest. A lanky kid with a crooked nose. His hands already raised fists.
They said nothing as they approach menacingly.


Murder scene

Aliseth stared at the priestess before him as her reply lead him to wonder what manners of torment she had endured. Her findings did not surprise him although they offered little answers to the situation.
He let out a sigh of relief as the nobleman left without things turning to violence. Still, he seemed intent on causing chaos. Aliseth wondered if that would come back to haunt them later. While he didn't admire the man at all, he could however understand his disdain for the blightborn. They were monsters after all.

Returning his focus back to the task and the remaining people standing beside one another, he listen to Coswain's words. The whispers between the two were unsettling but he acted like he hadn't noticed. Of course they considered him a suspect. All he could do to convince them otherwise was agree and go along.

"I don't wish to disagree with you, but, I believe it is imperative that the scene remain secured.
We don't want bystanders to come by and panic or cause a commotion."
His eyes moved to the direction Ayel had left in. "Any more anyway." He added.

He stood tall. "The body should be covered and guarded or at least brought with us." He said firmly, looking between the man and the woman, trying to gage their reaction. Searching for support. He wasn't sure if it was a sense of duty that forced him to hold tight to that cause, or a sense of guilt and respect for the dead. Either way, his eyes shone with determination and his stance was firm as his ideals. He could only imagine what would happen if more people stumbled across this scene.

"What ever your choice, it should be made in haste. And I assure you, I am here to help how ever I can."
While his words were for both, his dark hazel eyes were on the priestess.
@PrinceAlexusAyel @SpicyMeatball Kat & @PrinceAlexus Adonis


Murder scene

Before the man's reply, a woman approached the gruesome sight, not with horror or disgust but with caution and curiosity. Aliseth watched, frozen in disbelief as she knelt down near him and seemed to, with interest in her brown eyes, examine the dead man.

He studied her features intently, trying to determine if he was supposed to know her. As her prayer fades away he carries on. Words soft, barely above a whisper.
"Does this not bother you? What sort of priest are you?" Were his next questions as he sought some level of understanding. Understanding was something Aliseth was greatly lacking in right now.

His attention goes back to the man clad in similar fashioned armour. At mention of his own bloody hands he looked down at them as if only now just noticing. Closing his hands into fists as resolution filled his eyes, he stood up tall.

"I'm sorry. I will aid how ever I can. But... I do not remember what happened here... and I do not deliberately withhold my name. I, I just can't remember it."

He let Lord Coswain address a seemingly confused nobleman as he once again retreated into his mind, wading through the mud.
"It was a blightborn attack!" He suddenly blurts our. "Myself and." He looks to the headless body. "this man." The ache of not knowing his name evident in his voice. "we were.... I think we were on duty. We were protecting someone." he says as he slowly pieces things together.

His eyes run over the scene, searching for more clues, for more memories. Then realisation struck his face. "By the divine moon, the princess!" He suddenly exclaims. "We have to find the princess and make sure she is ok!" Urgency flood his voice, his deep seeded sense of duty calling him to action. Instantly he was wound up and ready to go. But, he didn't know where to direct this focus or where she had ran off to, only that he had to find her and make sure she was safe. His job and duty was the only identity he had and he cling tightly to it. Fearing he had already failed her once he was desperate to find her well, hoping she would be able to tell him more about what happened and who he was.

In no time he found the freshest tracks in the snow leaving the circle of ice and began to follow. "This way! After we secure her highness then I shall go to the captain."

Looks like the first job could be collecting horses
"Oh, no no no! They aven't been sold. Just don't use em much any more. Not since Betty passed. Well, was taken."
Sorrow, anger and a tinge of guilt stain the old man's voice as he reply to the smith, sitting back in his seat and sinking into himself as he does.

Gallen leans forward once again, ignoring the old man and addressing the group.
"Do you really think there are some unclaimed horses out there?"


Murder scene

He barely heard the newcomers firm words as they punctured the silence. His mind trapped elsewhere faraway in muddled thoughts and hazy memories. Eventually the words did reach him after the second time. Startled he twist to see the dark figure of the guard approaching, sword drawn, steel glinting in the faint starlight. Aliseth drop the bloody faceless head and scrambled back defensively.

"No. It, it... it wasn't me. I wouldn't do something like this." He blurt out, holding his empty, cold, bloody hands out before himself. Not sounding too sure of himself. He noted the man's armor and relax just a little. Visibly still on edge and extremely cautious, Aliseth called out from a distance. "Who are you? What happened here?" He demanded.

Murder scene

Trudging through the snow in the dark, a young man in town guard uniform was cold, tired and confused. He stumble about following fresh tracks laid out before him. He could only just make them out under the starlight. He didn't know why he was following them or where he was going, but all he knew was that he couldn't stay still out here, for that would mean certain death. His movements had a hint of frantic urgency and he felt a fear that he couldn't quite explain.

His hands and feet were both already numb and he was shivering badly by the time the tracks lead him to a road, and while he didn't know what to expect, it certainly wasn't this.
In a wide radius the snow was gone and had been replaced by a thin sheen of ice instead. In the centre of this strange circle stood a tall monument to the carnage that had recently transpired here. Twisted shards of ice reach up to the sky standing taller than a man and as sharp as swords.

A feeling of utter dread sat heavily in his stomach as he look at it. This place, this ice triggered something in his subconscious, but no matter how much he try focus on it, it was simply buried too deep for him to see. So he did the only thing he could. He slowly, nervously, circle the jagged ice sculpture.Blood was splattered all over the other side. Dark crimson rivulets running down to the floor. On the ground a headless body lay. A few feet further away, a faceless head. The confused guard quickly turn away as he expel the contents of his stomach. The vile acids burning his throat as he cough and spit. He, he knew that person.

Dropping down beside the corpse, tears started to run from his eyes. They came slow at first as he fought them off with clenched teeth, but once they started he could not stop them. They were silent tears. Tears of anger and frustration. He felt that he cared about this person but he also didn't know who he was.
He grabbed the head and put it to the body, but it offered no clues. Only blood. WHY COULDN'T HE REMEMBER!?He let out an aimless loud shout. A roar of sadness and frustration. Slamming his fists into the ice. He didn't know what was worse, the bloody scene before him or the fact he didn't know this headless man, or even himself.

For a spell he just sat there with the corpse, his clouded mind battling with itself. Searching for answers, searching for meaning. Trying to understand what happened here, who was he, what went so wrong. What was he to do next.

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