Avatar of Darkmoon Angel


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12 mos ago
Current Not dead… But I feel like it. Health problems are fuuuun…
3 yrs ago
After an extended hiatus, I'm back :)
5 yrs ago
Slowly but surely recovering from the hospital :)
6 yrs ago
Just got a new phone. Sorry for the absence.
6 yrs ago
Taking up card design, anyone interested?


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@Lexicon Congrats :)
Was my post ok? Im always nervous about my first few posts in an rp.
Ivan gladly accepted the letter from the messenger. "Thank you good sir." He sent the messenger on his way and read the letter. "High Council Hill... Eight in the morning... Bring your best equipment... Huh, wonder what old Sadron wants with me." As he read the letter, Ivan felt a pair of eyes peering over his shoulder. He turned to find that it was Sir Noire, a good friend and knight though he did have a habit of eavesdropping.

"What's that? Can I come?" Ivan put the letter away and gave his friend a friendly smile. "Well my friend, it seems that it's your lucky day. It seems that our dear high elf, Sadron, has need of me for whatever reason and he has allowed me to bring some company." Ivan brought Noire with him to the armory to suit up for the trek to High Council Hill.

They stopped by the market to get supplies and returned to the barracks to set everything up. "Ok... Map, check... Food and camping supplies, check... Alright that's everything." Ivan didn't mention his family sword and shield, as he kept these items on his person at all times. "One of these days.." he thought. "One of these days..."

"Ok, we should be ready to go... Anything else before we set out Noire?" Once they were done with what Sir Noire suggested, they set out to High Council Hill.
Character shall be done tomorrow
Okie dokie
Could i possibly make a humanoid slime character, just curious...
Eclisse was able to hold her own surprisingly well, though the same couldn't be said for the tarvos as it was cut down with no problem. The varjans would've got her too if not for angelise sending waves of wind magic to help her. She backed off to get a position by angelise. "Thanks... I would've been missing my head if you hadn't done that." Eclisse had to show her appreciation after the battle but first things first, those varjans may be tough enough to resist the poison, but it was only a matter of time before it starts effecting them badly.

"Hey, can you get the manakete to my horse, Myrmidon? I'm going to return to my post and attack them from range again, but first this girl needs to be carried to safety." Angelise had a point, Nyx needed to get to safety in her current situation. Eclisse quickly lifted up the manakete while giving a reassuring look to the apothecary. "I doubt herbs will help with a panic attack... Just stick behind us and fire any shots you can!"

Eclisse placed Nyx on angelise's horse, but the varjans were far from done. They had recovered from the wind magic but were weakened enough to where they could be dealt with. "Ok... Cover me, i'm going in!" she told angelise as she went in to cut the varjans up again.
I was just about to post
Interested, though id rather not have my character die or go bad
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