Avatar of Darkmoon Angel


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12 mos ago
Current Not dead… But I feel like it. Health problems are fuuuun…
3 yrs ago
After an extended hiatus, I'm back :)
5 yrs ago
Slowly but surely recovering from the hospital :)
6 yrs ago
Just got a new phone. Sorry for the absence.
6 yrs ago
Taking up card design, anyone interested?


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Oh ok gotcha
@PaulHaynek Hey i just wanted to know, did you forget that Eclisse's sword is poisonous or were the varjans somehow immune to it?
Sorry for the late post, school had me busy
This wasn't good, with nyx in a vulnerable position and the varjan and dwarven forces closing in, it was coming to the point Eclisse had to start swing blackfang around. The Tarvos that was summoned was keeping the attackers back a bit, but some were sure to slip on by, and their sights were set right at the groups back row. "I don't think so!" Using her speed advantage over the Varjan's, Eclisse rushed in against the attackers and brandished her blade. Varjan soldiers were known for their strength so she wasn't expecting to cut them down immediately, she was more focused on chipping them away with a combination of blackfang's poisoned blade and her swift strikes. After she had dealt her blow against the Varjan's, Eclisse doubled back to keep the group's back line safe.
I'm so ready for this

@Leos KlienChanges have been made for my CS
@OtomostheCrazy Oh my god, that guy is hilarious
@OtomostheCrazyI honestly didn't realize we were using the exact same weapons, falchion is to common for pyro builds it seems
@Leos Klien ill get on fixing up my CS in a bit.
And finished
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