Avatar of Darkmoon Angel


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Current Not dead… But I feel like it. Health problems are fuuuun…
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After an extended hiatus, I'm back :)
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Slowly but surely recovering from the hospital :)
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Just got a new phone. Sorry for the absence.
6 yrs ago
Taking up card design, anyone interested?


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To quote my character; "Appearances can be decieving..." I'm just imagining them being these normal looking silver rings, don't know about everyone elses opinion
Sadron had pointed out the chests in the corner of the meeting area, each one filled with standard survival items for each of the group members. Ivan opened up a chest for himself to find the usual traveling necessities, rations, rope, knives, a lantern and canteen, and some iodine. The elves went all out despite these items being easily replaceable, though one thing caught Ivan's eye, something that caught everyone's eye apparently. A ring, in each chest, with trhee letters inscribed on it, eru.

"What do you suppose these rings mean?" Ivan turned his head to Laina's question on these rings. He looked his over, it seemed like a normal ring but... "Hmm... Well, they don't look special... Though appearances can be decieving, besides I'm quite curious as to how they got here if Sadron didn't know about them." Ivan was well aware that Laina's question was to Tiberius, but he couldn't help but answer, he was quick to start a conversation with someone, plus these rings seemed a bit suspicious.
Ill get another post soon
Hope the post is ok, i just woke up
Ivan couldn't believe what he had just heard, Erudessa, the high elf council for the humans, killed.... Gone for good. Ivan had only ever seen her once or twice, never in person mind you, but she seemed like a very kind and intelligent council member. And some Warlock comes along and kills her, Ivan's friendly expression he had before the meeting was gone, replaced by an expression of anger and confusion.

The Warlock had an army of orcs and now dwarves apparently, and was slowly conquering the lands around him. The humans and high elves are the only ones that have a chance at stopping him. Ivan now understood what this meeting was about and his blood was boiling as a result. Upon being appointed as the group's brawler along with Kaitra, sparks flew as Ivan pounded the table with his fist. He rose from his seat. "Sadron, you can count on me and my blade. We will bring justice to this Warlock and his armies!"

Was he being too direct? Maybe, maybe not, but this Warlock wasn't going to get away with all that he has done. Though it begs the question... How is a rag tag group of humans and elves supposed to stop a large, everexpanding army?
So we've already lost an npc, one we never had the pleasure to meet, thats rough. Ill get a post out when i wake up later in the day.
Im a bit busy so ill post in a bit. In the meantime, someone could start a chat with ivan if they want
"Welp, here we are. I gotta drop off from here, or Sarge will have me bee-hind. I'll see you around, man."

"Heh, alright. I'll see you later my friend." Ivan waved a goodbye to his fellow knight before turning to the guard at the gate. "Sir Ivan Stormwall, I believe I have been invited to this little meeting?"

Upon being let in by the guard, Ivan had gotten himself a jug of water. Can't go into a meeting with the high elves with a dry throat, for any meeting for that matter. As he approached the apparent meeting area, Ivan took one last drink from his jug and looked around the table, he might've been a little late to the party seeing as how a good few people were already sitting around chatting. "Good day my friends, sorry if I have kept you all waiting, and if I haven't, well then don't mind me. Ivan Stormwall, it's a pleasure to meet all of you. He said with a smile before sitting down.
Ill post tomorrow, i am tired right now
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