Avatar of Darkmoon Angel


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12 mos ago
Current Not dead… But I feel like it. Health problems are fuuuun…
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After an extended hiatus, I'm back :)
5 yrs ago
Slowly but surely recovering from the hospital :)
6 yrs ago
Just got a new phone. Sorry for the absence.
6 yrs ago
Taking up card design, anyone interested?


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"Heh... About that... The meeting was... Bittersweet..." Ivan started off slow but soon got to explaining what happened during the meeting. "... And we don't know if Erudessa is dead or not... But for the most part it is true that this Warlock defeated her... The meeting was meant to gather me and a group of others together to stop this Warlock... It would be an understatement to call this guy bad... We humans and the elves are the only ones who have a chance at stopping him." He hoped that all this information didn't fly over Noire's head, it was a lot to take in.

"By the way... Who was that cloaked person you were just speaking to?" Ivan couldn't help but ask, it felt rather suspicious to him.
With everyone taking the time to rest after the meeting before heading out on their quest, Ivan decided to head to the inn that his friend Noire was staying at. The streets were bare for the most part, save for one alleyway that was crowded with people and guards alike. Something must've happened as Ivan could make out Tiberius running out of the crowd. With a warrior like Tiberius checking it out, Ivan felt like he would get in the way a bit so he continued to the inn.

Upon arriving at the inn, Ivan called for his fellow knight. "Noire? You here?" He waited for a response, he had so many things that he had to tell his friend about the meeting.
The Varjans had been brought to a slow pace from the damage they had taken, giving Eclisse even more time to dodge their attacks. One of the varjans even started to feel the effects of Blackfangs poison and was finished off by a quick arrow to the neck. "Nice shot... Now to finish off the other... What the..." Eclisse looked up in time to see a dark red fireball flying over, it hit its target too, Myno. "Crap! Myno hang in the... Agh!" Eclisse wasn't watching her flank and paid for it as one of the Varjans tackled her onto the ground and was about to plunge his sword into her.

Luckily, Myno, in a blind rampage trying to get to safety after getting hit by that fireball from earlier, knocked the Varjan over onto the ground. Eclisse quickly scrambled to grab her sword and plunge it into the chest of the knocked over Varjan. While she did so, the other Varjan was being kept busy by Roane and her wyvern, the Varjan looked like he was in his last battle. "Are you alright?" Eclisse got up and dusted herself off before answering Roane.

"I'm fine now... But you need to get that wyvern of yours some help... Here!" Eclisse had taken the vulnerary from her coat pocket and tossed it to Roane. "Its not much... But we can't have your wyvern kicking the bucket!" Eclisse then took her blade and charged at the remaining Varjan to deal the final blow.
Ok, this roleplay is going a bit too quick for me... I uh... I need some help here...
Man i need to catch up, post will come tomorrow
@Leos Klien ds2 felt a bit to slow to me compared to the other games, I'm not saying i hate it, I just find that fromsoft could've done better, I liked Sir Alonne though, he was my favorite boss
Wishing rings? That sounded too good to be true, though the sudden appearance of this angelic being after Tiberius had made his wish peaked Ivan's curiousity. Sadron and Arandur had taken their leave and pretty much said for the group to head out.

"Time to go? Well... A wish before we hit the road can't hurt... Eru..." Ivan whispered his wish. "I wish... I wish I could bring honor back to my fallen house..." After he had said his wish, he placed the ring in his pack. He was hoping that it would at least do something. "Now then... Whats this angel looking person want with us?"
@Leos KlienFun, fromsoft definitely fixed their mistakes from ds2, but to be honest, bloodborne will always be my favorite
@Leos Klien First of all, smart girl, second of all, my fighting options are limited because I'm doing a cosplay build, and third, this is my first playthrough of ds3, i got it like a week ago
Just wanted to come in for a quick chat, i recently defeated yhorm on ds3, have to be honest, hes a bit of a push over if you and onion bro are both using storm ruler
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