Avatar of Darkmoon Angel


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12 mos ago
Current Not dead… But I feel like it. Health problems are fuuuun…
3 yrs ago
After an extended hiatus, I'm back :)
5 yrs ago
Slowly but surely recovering from the hospital :)
6 yrs ago
Just got a new phone. Sorry for the absence.
6 yrs ago
Taking up card design, anyone interested?


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I'm kinda waiting for a few others to post so I'll have more to work with
Sry for not posting for a bit, i promise ill have one tomorrow
Well, i think Slime Vert should be at least humanoid shaped.
Ivan chuckled at Zenovia's need to apologize. It's ok, it's my own fault for surprising you like that, Sir Ivan Stormwall, the group's 2nd brawler at your service. Ivan did a similar bow that Zenovia did. But we're all friends here, please just call me Ivan he added with a smile.

Again, I'm very sorry I couldn't have been there to help the encounter with that Devourer, that girl. If you don't mind me asking... What even happened yesterday? Ivan did want to know what he was getting himself into, he had already made up his mind to grant mercy to the girl, but he needed to know what she was capable of at least.
Ivan had to call it quits tonight, it was to late to go searching for Zenovia. So he went back to the inn with Noire, he was still a bit suspicious about Noire and that mysterious figure, but he shook it from his mind, right now he needed to rest for tomorrow.

The next morning was a confusing one to say the least. Maybe Ivan should've followed after Tiberius because apparently he missed all the action, Darn it all! This girl in front of the group, this Devourer, Ivan couldn't say he ever saw something like this and it being some kind of curse, he shook at the thought of it. White for mercy, Black for death huh? Hmm... In the corner of Ivan's eye he could see Zenovia make her choice, she seemed very fearful of this creature before her, so it would make sense if she chose death. Although... Zenovia seemed better than that and whatever happened yesterday night she didn't seem to want to hold any hate towards the Devourer.

When she sat back down after making her choice Ivan put a hand on her shoulder. Hey... I'm sorry I couldn't help ya yesterday. I was... Kinda doing my own thing... Just... Don't be afraid right now, this Devourer is of no threat to you anymore. Ivan tried his best to cheer her up and then went to make his choice. Life... Or death... He could remember his family making decisions like this with fugitives, criminals, and the like.

This Devourer... This girl... Seemed willing to turn her back on the Warlock and join the group's cause, plus no one wants to live with a curse like hers. Ivan dropped a white stone in the bowl, call him crazy if you like, he knew who to trust and who not to trust.
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