Avatar of Darkmoon Angel


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Current Not dead… But I feel like it. Health problems are fuuuun…
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After an extended hiatus, I'm back :)
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Slowly but surely recovering from the hospital :)
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Just got a new phone. Sorry for the absence.
6 yrs ago
Taking up card design, anyone interested?


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<Snipped quote by Darkmoon Angel>

Noire was not there. He should have been. The bartender hailed Ivan down.
"Are you Ivan Stormwall? Your friend left a note for you."

Hey Ivan,
Some bad guys caught up with me, so I gotta run. They're orcs, big ones. I don't know what they want with me, bu don't worry about me, I'll be fine. Go out there and make me proud, okay?
~Sir N.

Ivan was worried for his friend. Orcs? And what did they want with Noire? It bothered him to have to get this news, but Ivan was sure Noire could handle a few lumbering brutes.

After gathering his things and some extra supplies, Ivan made his way to the west gate. Everyone seemed to be accounted for, so the journey can finally commence. Ivan walked over to Zenovia. Sorry... Had to take care of a few things.. Time to get started I guess huh?
With a defeated sigh, Ivan let Vert go her own way. He himself needed to prepare for the journey ahead. He turned to Zenovia and smiled. Come on, lets go get some supplies... As they left the meeting area, Ivan was having second thoughts about bringing Noire along. What with the buisness with the Warlock, and Vert joining them on the journey, it was becoming much too dangerous.

Hang on a sec Zenovia... I gotta take care of something real quick. Ivan headed for the inn, surely Noire would still be hanging around there.
Ok, i'll do that later today
Things just kept getting more hectic. It seemed that this battle wasn't going to stop until everyone was dead. Eclisse stood by with the rest of the group, Roane was able to get her wyvern going with the vulnerary she gave her which was good, but she wanted to stay behind and help Taka with finding some people who could still be alive in this mess.

*sigh*... Never leave a man or woman behind... Eclisse muttered under her breath. I'll... Help out too... If there's a chance that whoever your looking for is still alive in this mess... I'll take it... The rest of you can run if you want... She sounded cold on that last statement, but they had wounded and needed to get to safety. Hell, if Eclisse made it out of this with everyone else alive... She would call it a job well done for being a mercenary.
I'm so sorry... A post will come in a few minutes... I've been so busy lately
Mercy huh? Ivan was glad to here that, though Tiberius seemed very ticked at the decision. Ivan wanted to say a few words to him but he left before even a syllable could keave Ivan's mouth. He let out a deep sigh and turned to Zenovia. Why don't we... Greet our new found friend? He wasn't sure if Zenovia would even follow him on that, but this wasn't the time to be fearful. Though they have their differences, they were allies now as far as Ivan saw it.

He approached Vert slowly as to not seem threatening and offered her a hand up. Hey... Don't mind Tiberius... He just cares for the safety of everyone here... My name's Ivan... And I believe you two had already met... He said gesturing towards Zenovia.
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