Avatar of Darkmoon Angel


Recent Statuses

12 mos ago
Current Not dead… But I feel like it. Health problems are fuuuun…
3 yrs ago
After an extended hiatus, I'm back :)
5 yrs ago
Slowly but surely recovering from the hospital :)
6 yrs ago
Just got a new phone. Sorry for the absence.
6 yrs ago
Taking up card design, anyone interested?


User has no bio, yet

Most Recent Posts

I'm done with Lunaria
@Arya10108909 I fell asleep before I could finish, I'll finish it later today
I at least want a minimum of six characters
@cloudystar So what.... Keep it around in the hopes that someone will show interest one of these days?
Just wondering, but will you put limits on us if we go with time?

Sounds interesting
I had this planned and everything... Oh well...
Eclisse knelt down beside the dying Cylus, her face was one of regret and sadness. "No, we're not leaving here without you! I got some vulnerary that should.... No..." She had hoped to use her vulnerary to try and hold Cylus over, but she realized by her empty coat pocket that she had given it to Roane and her wyvern. Eclisse's eyes turned back to Cylus, he was already gone.

Eclisse's face darkened as she closed Cylus's eyes, this whole plan to stay behind and try to find survivors was a wasted trip. She stood up and immediately realized her and Taka's situation. Varjan soldiers had surrounded them and were slowly closing in. "Taka... Get out of here... I'm gonna clear a path for you to run... One of us has to make it out of here at least..." Eclisse stood ready with her sword.
I am of course still here
I was... Honestly expecting more feedback...
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