Avatar of Darkmoon Angel


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Current Not dead… But I feel like it. Health problems are fuuuun…
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After an extended hiatus, I'm back :)
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Slowly but surely recovering from the hospital :)
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Just got a new phone. Sorry for the absence.
6 yrs ago
Taking up card design, anyone interested?


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Ivan looked as this horror of a creature took everyone's hits like they were nothing, this... Thing, was on an entirely different level than anyone here. He looked for Vert to see if she was alright and saw that Xen had her, thank god one less problem. Then Ivan turned to see that this creature was singling out someone, wait... No! "No! Zenovia!" With his second wind thanks to the ring, Ivan made a mad dash towards the creature, sparks flying from his straight sword. "Leave her alone you monster!!"

Decades have passed since the Great War of the Fallen Gods, the legendary heroes have long since departed this world and their legacies live on in the kingdoms they gave their lives to protect. Humans, Elves, Dragons, Beasts, and even Machines live throughout the kingdoms in peace and harmony, helping eachother in their daily lives. The kingdoms flourished under the rule of their new rulers and Grand Gaia remained a peaceful land, until now.

A darkness has slowly begun to loom over Grand Gaia, an ancient evil reincarnated to carry out the will of its Fallen Gods. First it was subtle in its actions, but now this darkness seeks to claim all the kingdoms under its power and to wipe this world of anyone who would dare oppose it. The kingdoms are slowly crumbling from the inside, it is only a matter of time before everything falls into chaos and anarchy, but their is still hope. The God of Light, Lucius, has heard the kingdoms cries for aid and salvation from this darkness and has now called upon the aid of a new generation of heroes to save Grand Gaia. These heroes will carve a path through the dark, they will carve out their own legacies, and save this world from destruction.

I've been working on this for a good while now and it is finally time to put everything into action. Should this receive enough interest I shall begin work on the world and the character sheet info.

Please no resignation, plus I could handle this better if posting was a bit more controlled.
Ivan couldn't believe this creature's strength, with one swing of its zweihander, Ivan was bashed to the side like he was nothing. He was knocked to the same level as Vert and a big dent was shown on his shield, anymore force and it would've been shattered. "Gah! What is this thing!? Alright buddy, you asked for.... It?" Before Ivan could bring his blade up he had already noticed the sparks vanish from his weapon, in fact his whole body felt heavy, almost as if his own energy had been drained by this being, and by the looks of things, it was effecting everyone.

"Tch... No way we'll fall in line to some... Creature of darkness..." But what could they do? They were all but weakened by the initial wargs and now their magic was all but drained. If they didn't do something quick... "Wait a minute... But will they even... Agh... It's worth a shot... Eru... Erudessa or whoever you may be... We need help... And we need it badly." Ivan spoke to ring on his finger, if there wasn't a response or a sign that they could be saved, then it was game over for them.
Ivan is trying really hard to keep Vert safe and sound, hopely this doesn't come back to bite him in the rear.
Ivan rushed to Vert's side as she was crawling away. He raised his shield up and started generating electricity through his sword. "I don't know who you are but if you don't back off with your large stick of a sword I'm gonna teach ya a thing or two!" In the back of his mind, Ivan was afraid of what this dark being might do, but the safety of his allies was more important than his own. He kept Vert behind him and raised his shield for any incoming attack, it was hard to say if he could even block a sword that huge, let alone the strength of the arm behind the swing.
Probably the shortest post I'll ever make here but I am kinda tired right now, sorry for the absence, school has me literally sweating over finals.
Eclisse gave a nod towards Taka, she would've prefer to be called by her name but her name can wait till later. Right now she needed to do some covering, she brandished Blackfang and proceeded to attack any who would try to interfere with Taka's plan.
These wargs are relentless, as soon as the first one was cut down more started attacking each of the group members. Ivan found himself getting tag teamed by two. Luckily he blocked ones assualt with shield and drove his sword into the other one, frying it on the inside. He then pummeled the other with his shield before delivering an electrical shock with sword to finish it. Thanks to his skills, he was able to use his shield as an electrical bludgeon as well as a means of blocking.

Soon however, the hairs on Ivan's neck stood on end when the fire went out, a cold darkness enveloped the group and a unnatural being emerged from the shadows, the leader of these wargs no doubt. Before Ivan could react, Vert was already launching an attack on the being with her bare hands. "Gah... Vert wait! You don't know what that thing is capable of!" He began a mad dash towards Vert and the dark being with his sword sparking with the electricity from his shield, he had to help Vert out.
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