Avatar of Darkmoon Angel


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Current Not dead… But I feel like it. Health problems are fuuuun…
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After an extended hiatus, I'm back :)
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Slowly but surely recovering from the hospital :)
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Just got a new phone. Sorry for the absence.
6 yrs ago
Taking up card design, anyone interested?


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Is this even a thing anymore?
Vert looked up at Ivan as he helped her up. "Try telling that to the others that look at me with scorn. They want nothing more than to see me dead." Vert said while standing up and after giving a glance to the others.

Later that evening Vert turned her head when she had heard the sound of warg. "Wargs!" Vert yelled to the others hoping they would be ready in time. In the mean time she saw one rushing at the others. They were powerful creatures for sure, a common human couldn't stop such creature. But Vert was not a common human.

As a warg came ahead of the others it seemed to be aiming right at Tiberius. Vert without a second thought jumped in the way about 16 feet in front of Tiberius with the maw coming out of her chest. The maw chomped down on the warg. Vert had stopped it in it's tracks. Vert had chomped down around it's front. However the maw had been big enough to go around the creatures head and onto the neck. Allowing the mouth to bite down on Vert's tounge. She was in pain but she had stopped the first warg.

And this evening was going rather peacefully too. Ivan stood up at the sound of the howling and immediately got his sword and shield ready. The first warg was easily dispatched by Vert and the Storyteller, but didn't ease Ivan's worries. "Clever... Sending a scout just to see what they're dealing with... Very clever beasts indeed..." Sparks of electricity began coursing through Ivan's blade and shield. "Alright, keep together people! Kill anything on four legs that has razor sharp teeth!
@Cuccoruler"Agreed... It would be best for us to make camp... Can't stop a caravan of supplies without rest and a plan right?" Ivan said towards Xen. Nobody had to worry about Ivan, he knew a thing or two about strategy, this caravan will be a breeze. He was about to continue on with his thoughts when he heard the thump of a tree and Vert falling on her back. With what has happened so far in terms of her, she must've had a lot on her mind.

Ivan walked over to her and helped her up. "You ok? You don't want to fall behind do you?" He had a friendly smile on him, Ivan was never a fan of people in pain or people who were stressed or sad. He had to cheer her up somehow. "Look... Some people may be a little cautious around you... But i know things are going to get better for you... He patted her back and continued walking with the group.

As they moved passed the trees, Zenovia could feel the gaze of other wood elves upon her. She knew that they wouldn't hurt her, considering she was one of their kin. Also, the spirits didn't seem agitated by their presence. Perhaps they looked upon the band with curiosity. In the background she had heard The Storyteller talking to Vert, however she decided not to listen, as it had nothing to do with her.

The wood elf responded to Ivan's funny expression with a small smile, "History likes to repeat itself in interesting ways." She replied with a slight chuckle. She decided it might be a good time to start to get to know the people she was going to be travelling with, especially since this journey wasn't about the end anytime soon. "If you don't mind me asking, what did you do before being brought into this.. quest?" She inquired.

Ivan thought on Zenovia's question for a minute before answering. "I was... A traveling knight along with my friend Noire... We were part of a large house until it... Was destroyed and scattered... Even if he was simplifying it, Ivan didn't like talking about his past. House Stormwall, betrayed and destroyed by a rival house, it was something that was burned into his mind.

"Call us what you like... Men for hire... Sellswords... Mercenaries... But we are still knights... And we will protect and help those in need... It's our duty..." He smiled a little at the end of his statement. "And what about you? What were doing before all this?" He asked her.
I'm obviously still here
I was going to put in a post today to continue chatting with Zenovia but i got busy, dont worry though, im free tomorrow and im still interested in this

"I know I know, I'm just staying behind to get you guys a better chance to escape. I'll definitely follow behind quickly, I can move fast...just whoever stays behind with me, he or she better be able to catch up...otherwise I won't be able to help as much if I end up dying too hehe."

Taka notions to others to follow him for those who were staying behind for a moment as he readies his bow once more. He was still waiting for the order from the prince to head out. His own instincts were telling him to run but he wanted to at least guarantee the others a good escape route in case it would lead to faults. That and who knows would join them if he held off the wave for a moment? The bandit was very confident that he could get out of this quickly...as long as no one slowed him down nor he got caught in a close ranged fight. Can never know on the battlefield after all...

"Only one of you is fine, but be quick though. This brief moment of piece isn't going to last long!"

@Fubsy@Darkmoon Angel@ToadRopes

"I stay and help Taka... We'll have a better chance at surviving with speed on our side... Besides Roane, this isn't exactly the best battle for your wyvern... We don't need any stray arrows or fireballs knocking you out of the sky..." Eclisse wasn't looking for approval, she didn't want to see any fellow comrades fall in this battle. "What are you waiting for!? Go, me and Taka have this!
The slow journey to the caravan paths was uneventful at best, though the story of the first Champions of Hope that the Storyteller told did interest Ivan a bit. Ivan turned to Zenovia with an interested look. Its funny really, the first Champions were formed to fight a warlord while we were formed to fight a warlock... Only difference here is that we're up against an orc army rather than a human one... I guess that makes things interesting wouldn't you say?
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