Avatar of Darkmoon Angel


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12 mos ago
Current Not dead… But I feel like it. Health problems are fuuuun…
3 yrs ago
After an extended hiatus, I'm back :)
5 yrs ago
Slowly but surely recovering from the hospital :)
6 yrs ago
Just got a new phone. Sorry for the absence.
6 yrs ago
Taking up card design, anyone interested?


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Interested, Brute is my choice
I really hope this is a thing, I've been wanting to do a yugioh rp.
I like what I'm seeing. I guess since he's mostly covered you don't have to mention any physical changes as he evolves so there's that. Plus this powder magic is a really unique ability, most unique use of gunpowder I've seen anyway XD. I like where this is going, PM me and we'll discuss when and where to add Heinrich into the rp.
Always accepting, go ahead and get an app going :)
As the group of heroes ventured through the portal they were met with a large swirling red tunnel of light. The trip lasted for what seemed like a minute before the portal dropped the group onto a large open plain. Once everyone exited the portal, the gate closed behind them and faded away. Khristina took a huge breath of air and breathed out. "Ahhh... The kingdom of Agni... It may be know as the kingdom of fire but it really has such lovely scenery."

True to what she said, the large plain stretched far, with red and white flowers covering the hills. A large, crystal clear, blue lake could be seen further ahead and across it, the towers of a large city could be seen in the distance. "Okay everyone, the city is just a short distance away, let's get a move on!" Khristina cheered as she lead the way, Loralei stayed by Nephele's side after leaving the portal. "You need any help walking?" She asked with a caring smile.

The skies above Agni were as clear as could be, with a few fluffy, white clouds dotting the pretty morning sky. In the distance, a large airship was in sight. It didn't appear to be heading in the group's direction, more like it was heading towards their same destination, the city. However, off the side of the ship, a telescope pointed in the group's direction was spying on there every move. "Grafl! You have eyes on that group?" A man in black armor called to the man with the telescope. "Calm down Falma, yeah I got them in my sights, and they're heading to the city just as that guy told us." Grafl responded back. "Good, we can get the jump on them there." "Remind me again why a pair of thieves are working to steal back some artifacts for someone." "Because the guy who gave us this task would pay us a fortune, quit your complaining and get your gun ready!"

Deadline this saturday everyone.
Oh cool, yugioh rp
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