Avatar of Darkmoon Angel


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12 mos ago
Current Not dead… But I feel like it. Health problems are fuuuun…
3 yrs ago
After an extended hiatus, I'm back :)
5 yrs ago
Slowly but surely recovering from the hospital :)
6 yrs ago
Just got a new phone. Sorry for the absence.
6 yrs ago
Taking up card design, anyone interested?


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Most Recent Posts

I've got a good feeling about her.


A ruse? So she faked her death... But why? There were so many questions Ivan wanted to ask but he still didn't have a clue if this was really Erudessa. But it seemed that she was willing to show her face, at the sound of the release, Ivan watched as she removed the metal mask, his eyes widened. It was her... Besides the black scar on her left eye, it was her, it was Erudessa. He recognized the face, the expression, even tough this was the second or third time he's seen her, this was the real Erudessa.

"It's an honor to finally meet you, Stormwall!" Ivan could only look in awe, it wasn't an illusion or anything, it was really her. After a moment of silence, Ivan finally spoke up. "Why... Why with this secrecy? Why did you fake your death I don't understand... Out of everyone else... Why do you show yourself to me?"
Hi :)
@Darkmoon Angel
Alright. So, this dark blue person seems nice.

Oh just wait XD
"Oh dear, Nephele you ok? You look like you didn't get a single bit of sleep last night..." Loralei said kneeling beside Nephele. While Loralei was attending to Nephele, Khristina nodded happily as the group met up one by one at the gate. She was disappointed to see that a few members of the group were nowhere to be seen, hopefully they would meet again in the future, but right now, Khristina had to pay attention to the present.

"Right... I guess that's everyone, I'm glad to see that you are all ready for this." She bowed at the group as she spoke and turned to the gate. "Beautiful, isn't it? Lord Lucius's power manifested into a single entity, this my friends... Is what is commonly referred to a Gate. You could call it the best way to travel in Grand Gaia. You've probably noticed gates such as this around the village, some active and brimming with energy, some long gone or inactive for many years. We will be using these to travel between the many kingdoms, and our first stop as you know, is the mighty kingdom of fire, Agni. You know, Agni was named after a great and courageous knight who fought against the Fallen Gods hundreds of years ago. They say that his very spirit became the Fire Mecha God that we are seeking.

Oh silly me, I'm getting off topic, we should get going now."
Khristina said with a giggle. Loralei helped Nephele up as she watched Khristina enter the red portal behind the gate. "If any of you have any questions about any kingdoms we are visiting, do not be afraid to ask." She said to the group as she followed after Khristina.

One by one as the group entered the portal, a hooded figure looked on, unnoticed, from a distance. "So Oracle... Agni is your first destination... I'll be sure that someone will be there to greet you upon your arrival..." With a dark laugh, the hooded figure vanished in a dark haze, the grass where the figure stood was dried and dead as if the life was sucked right out of them.

@Eklispe@Lucius Cypher@Mangrale@cloudystar@Solaris@Lady Athena@Ryougu@Norschtalen
Due to a personal issues in my life involving death in the family, robbery, attempted murder, successful murder, and other drama, I'll be missing over the course of a week. I'll try to keep up to date and connected via cellphone but otherwise don't expect big posts from me.

It's ok, take as much time as you need to recover
I'll move us along later today
You ok? Haven't heard from ya.
ok, we're just missing flan
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