Avatar of Darkmoon Angel


Recent Statuses

12 mos ago
Current Not dead… But I feel like it. Health problems are fuuuun…
3 yrs ago
After an extended hiatus, I'm back :)
5 yrs ago
Slowly but surely recovering from the hospital :)
6 yrs ago
Just got a new phone. Sorry for the absence.
6 yrs ago
Taking up card design, anyone interested?


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Most Recent Posts

I may need to put a PG-16 rating on this...
For those who haven't posted yet, I'll be moving things along come Wednesday, at least by Thursday
Any other posts?

"I still remember the wish you gave to me before you left High Council Hill. House Stormwall will rise again."

Ivan could hardly believe it. "E-Erudessa?! But... But your supposed to be... H-how are you even... Alive?" Could it be true? Was this really Erudessa? And if so, how was she alive, did she truly possess this kind of power? "If you're... Who I think you are... Then you will remove that mask... I'm not one for secrecy..." It was a simple request, though if she would rather not reveal herself then it was all the same to him.
@TheWindel Bye I guess, sorry to see you go. Any reason your leaving?
@Nytefall Cool, I'll get to work on one
you still accepting?
Slowly but surely the soldiers were slain, Eclisse served as quite a distraction for the group, but she didn't come out of the fight without injury. One of the soldiers must of got her in the middle of the fight, because there was a slash across her abdomen, the blood had all but stained Eclisse's white coat. "Ugh... Starting to regret giving Roane my only Vulnerary... Heh, ah well... Its just a flesh wound..."

Eclisse made her way back to the group, apparently there were some new faces. "Well... Not as hectic as it was at the camp... But I actually took a hit back there... Anyone got a sec... Bleeding over here..." Eclisse tried to make a joke out of it, try to dumb down the seriousness.
The forest was... Eerily silent, to say the least. Whatever that thing was that attacked the group, it's very presence has warped the woods around the camp. Ivan was sure that something was still lurking in these woods and it was his job to inform the group immediately if something was drawing near. "Brr... Never thought a bloody forest would give me the creeps... That creature must still have this area in it's grasp... Hopefully we can all get out of here... Wait..."

Something caught his attention, but it wasn't an enemy. A calming, friendly aura seemed to fall upon the forest, it almost felt peaceful before an arrow found it's way straight into a tree beside Ivan. "What the... An arrow? How in the..." The ring around his finger gave off a warm light, revealing a scrap of parchment on the arrow, the script was clearly elvish in origin and the writing was neat, elegant even. "Dance with me? Huh?" The sounds of rustling leaves and twigs snapping could be heard a few feet away. Ivan followed the sound cautiously, it could be a trap... Though, Ivan felt a sense of... Peace.

@cloudystar RIP... Sorry...
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