Avatar of Darkmoon Angel


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Current Not dead… But I feel like it. Health problems are fuuuun…
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After an extended hiatus, I'm back :)
5 yrs ago
Slowly but surely recovering from the hospital :)
6 yrs ago
Just got a new phone. Sorry for the absence.
6 yrs ago
Taking up card design, anyone interested?


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Nephele nods with agreement to Loralei "Im sure Lady Khistina shall do great. After all it is our job to trust and believe in our mi-" She would stop as Khristina started to speak. Followed by Loralei "Why do I have to choose?!" She was sweating and panicking. She looked to the ground all flustered and sighs "Can't we just do normal things?"

Khristina giggled a bit. "You always were a nervous wreck Nephele. Alright, I guess we'll head back to the inn then, it has been a long day." Khristina said smiling as she walked back to the inn to turn in for the night. "You'll be joining us, right? Or do have somewhere to be after we leave town?" Loralei asked Nephele curiously. After she got answer, Loralei would head to Khristina's room to check and see if she needed anything and then headed to her own room to rest for the following day. Khristina lied in bed reading a bit of her tome before turning off the lights. "We will save Gaia... I promise, Lucius..."

After a bit of preperation, Khristina was out the door of the inn, with an apple in her mouth and Loralei close behind. She waited on the edge of town where a gate leading to Agni was open and ready to transport the group, the red glow of the elegant gate seemed as fiery as the kingdom it lead to. "I hope they are as willing to help as they said they are... Would be a shame if we were to go on this journey with only a few allies by our side..." "Don't worry Lady Khristina... I'm sure they will all arrive." Loralei reassured her. Khristina sat on a rock beside the gate and waited patiently for the others to arrive.

I might post how Viranti would end the day, but it isn't terribly important. Although I'd love to read about these separate interactions between everyone, it may be best to move things along. I would suggest a definite real-life date in which a "ready or not, it's time to move it along to the next stage" occurs. If not, perhaps anyone who's in the middle of an interaction could say when they'll be ready to post something. Besides that, I got nothing. I'm not ready to start mentioning and requesting people to post.

You know, that's just what I was thinking about. Okay everyone, deadline time! I will be moving things along come this Saturday, post what you want to post and get those posts in for those of you who haven't yet. I want to at least get out of town and on this journey and I'm sure I'm not alone.
Who we missing?
And after a long delay I have finally posted, sorry for the absence but IRL has been rough lately

"There we go... All cleaned and ready for the fire..." Ivan finished up cleaning the carcass and cut some chunks of it for later. He called to the others to let them know that the meat was ready to be cooked and eaten for the night. It was only moments later when Zenovia woke up, almost like from a bad dream, that Ivan's attention was taken. She didn't seem out of the ordinary, more likely she was just resting than under a spell of some sort, she appeared to be stuffing a book or two into her satchel, strange... Did she bring that many books? In any case, Ivan let out a sigh of relief and walked over to her. "Glad your okay... Hope you don't mind deer meat tonight..." He tried his best to keep the conversation going.

"Ahem... Anyways... Just thought I'd check on you... I was about to head out to scout the area a bit before turning in... Hope your night is a bit more restful..." He patted her shoulder gently before grabbing his shield and the little hilt with a hunk of steel on it that was once his blade and headed into the woods. The forest was restless, though not as eerie as before. Still, he had to keep his guard up, no telling if that creature still had some wargs prowling nearby.
@Thinslayer Sorry, like i said things have been busy for me lately. Plus I'm not sure what to do with Ivan. I would appreciate it if someone at least talked with him.
Sorry, caught up in some personal business
Ok im back
I may be gone for a few days maybe a week, just a heads up

Nephele tucked her head down and backed away as she prepared for Khristina to instruct everyone to stop acting like barbarians and accept the fact that they were chosen by Lucius for a reason. This went on for several moments before Khristina transitioned into the first objective of the quest. "Now... If that is all the questions you have, then I suggest we all rest here in Edivid, tomorrow we head out for Agni" Was the last thing Khristina said before dismissing the group with one last tap of her staff. Both Loralei and Khristina start to leave and Nephele gulps before following close behind.

Nephele kept her head down as she looked at the ground and followed Khristina and walked beside Loralei. She leaned over to Loralei and whispers "Am I the only one that feels that Lady Khristina was nearing her limit of... tolerance?"

"Your not the only one... I really hope that Khristina is ready for such a responsibility... Of course, she was chosen by Lucius for a reason, just like how everyone in this group was chosen..." Loralei had her doubts about this whole thing, but if everyone here was destined for something greater, who was she to judge.

"What are you two talking about back there? Come on, we have the whole day to ourselves, what do you two want to do?" Khristina asked with a caring smile. "I'm fine Miss Khristina..." "Nephele... What about you? Any ideas on how we should spend our evening?"
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