Avatar of Darkmoon Angel


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12 mos ago
Current Not dead… But I feel like it. Health problems are fuuuun…
3 yrs ago
After an extended hiatus, I'm back :)
5 yrs ago
Slowly but surely recovering from the hospital :)
6 yrs ago
Just got a new phone. Sorry for the absence.
6 yrs ago
Taking up card design, anyone interested?


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Most Recent Posts

Hey, long time no see ^_^
It would help if you guys would at least say you'll be busy, then I wouldn't worry so much
We getting posts?

The Cybernetic Terrorism Prevention Agency, a group within the US military kept secret from the public, responsible with keeping the world at peace and safe from extremist groups and terrorists. The agency was founded after the fall of Desperado as a means to counter any further terrorist attacks from rocking the world's governments. CTPA is only ever sent in when the situation demands it, in which case a special task force is sent in, armed and equipped with the best cybernetic enhancements and weapons money can buy. You are a part of this task force, you know your comrades and superiors and on the battlefield they, and your instincts, are all you can trust.

So yeah... This is a thing. I'm very obviously basing this around the popular Metal Gear series, specifically from the mindset of the cyborg soldiers of the series like Raiden and Grey Fox. Its a fun and simple base for an rp and I hope to see some interest for it. Looking for a CoGM to help me with the some of the details. I will also be working on the rp some more, as of right now I have a ton of freetime.
Your good
Anyone else?
Luna D. Dharc

Luna giggled at the little Jangmo-o, she must've thought she was born to battle or something to that effect. "I'm Cici, and... well, I guess I've introduced Kymbalon," she chuckled. "My Hoothoot is Tactus, and my Litleo is Breig." Cici was obviously a more skilled trainer than Luna, she had three pokemon as far as Luna knew, one more (technically two more) than Luna.

"Eclipse? A Deino, right?" Cici seemed to be fascinated by Eclipse, just like how Luna was fascinated by Kymbalon. Eclipse happily smiled at Cici and jumped out of Luna's arms. He wandered up to Kymbalon and offered a friendly smile.

"So, what brings you here?" Luna tilted her head at Cici's question and thought for a moment. "Well... I wanted to experience more of the world... To become a great trainer and a great breeder..."

This is a message to any Brave Frontier players here on the forums, I have recently started a guild and I am looking for active players to join. Active players are hard to come by, but I hope that with your help we can create a great guild. Guild info will be shown once I get some interest.
Luna D. Dharc

Luna was giggling with delight having caught her first pokemon in this new region when a little pokemon had wandered up and was glaring at Eclipse. "A... A Jangmo-o..." Luna's eyes were sparkling like stars, she had only seen pictures of this unique dragon type back at her home region but to see one up close made her day even better. The little dragon wasn't alone though, a trainer was right beside it, darn it... She really wanted to befriend it, but the sign of a trainer and the lack of spare pokeballs made that impossible.

"Sorry about Kymbalon here. Anything she thinks is an opportunity for a fight, she'll take it." The little dragon certainly had its eyes on Eclipse, feisty little pokemon. "It's ok... Eclipse is a little banged up... So I couldn't battle if I wanted to..." Luna said in a quiet tone. "I'm Luna... I just arrived here from Unova..." She said holding a hand out for a handshake and using her other hand to hold onto Eclipse.

Everyone busy?
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