Avatar of Darkmoon Angel


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Current Not dead… But I feel like it. Health problems are fuuuun…
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After an extended hiatus, I'm back :)
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Slowly but surely recovering from the hospital :)
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Just got a new phone. Sorry for the absence.
6 yrs ago
Taking up card design, anyone interested?


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Luna walked with Rin as he explained the plan to her, either a trip to Ordon or a swim through the town sewers, guess which one sounded less disgusting to her.

Much to her annoyance they stopped by the arena, Rin started chatting with two Rito women, one of which was extremely flustered by Rin and Luna's appearance. Looking between herself and Rin, Luna could only guess that the Rito was mistaking them for nobles. Well she was half right, Luna could vouch for being a noble but Rin... She didn't have a clue what hierarchy was for Sheikah people.

A thought struck her in the back of the head, she could use this Rito's thinking to her advantage. 'No... Why am I even thinking that? I'm not like one of those manipulative noblemen back at the domain...' She thought, slipping the idea back into the depths of her mind.

"There's no reason to get so flustered... We're just here to... Ugh... Watch the fights..." If it weren't for sticking by Rin, Luna would've hauled her scaly tail out of that arena. At least she wouldn't have to be the one to fight, she was a spectator.
@Mangrale@Norschtalen@Lucius Cypher@Ryougu@cloudystar

Michele's eyes flared at the sight of Viranti's apparent challenge. "Oh you think your tough, lizard boy? I could cut you into a million, burning pieces..." She said grabbing the hilts of her axes, she had a really short fuse and Viranti just lit it. She wasn't listening to what the others had to say, as far as she knew this was a group of assassins bent on killing her queen. "That's quite enough Michele, there Oracle sent word to me ahead of time. I have plenty of time to hear them out." A regal looking young woman with eyes as red as her dress walked into the room, escort by a large, menacing robot.

"My... My apologies, my queen..." Michele backed off, bowing her head low. "I apologize for my bodyguard's aggressiveness, as she said I've been rather busy. Assassination attempts,
monsters attacking the walls, and an overall discomfort throughout the city."
She led the group to a large room, a meeting room to be exact. The queen sat down on a royal looking chair and motioned for the others to sit. The robot seemed to be scanning Malkai. "SCANS SHOW MASSIVE AMOUNTS OF GREED... PREPARING LOOTING PREVENTION SYSTEMS..." Michele shook her head. "Don't mind Crabby, he's very protective of the queen and her palace... But if you even move the wrong way he won't hesitate to pump you full of bullets..." She stated.

"Its an... Honor to speak with you Queen Salene. We wish for info on the whereabouts of the Fire Hero Stone..." Khristina said in a rather nervous tone. "That is what you seek... Well, I would like to hear your reasons for coming on this quest. Oracle, I know your intent very well, but the rest of you... Why did you answer lord Lucius's call?"

@Lady Athena@Skepic

Loralei let out a deep sigh when the cloaked man turned out to be quite the gentleman. "Thank you... I apologize for the bumping into you... I'm in a bit of a rush to meet back up with my mistress Khristina, her work as oracle requires aid." She said adjusting her glasses.

When Nephele appeared holding her weapon at the stranger, Loralei got between them. "Nephele its ok, this man isn't going to hurt me. He's actually quite nice."
Ok sorry, got a bit busy
Luna let out a deep huff when the apparent captain and his two guards came inside. The captain left with Rin, leaving Luna behind to be watched by the guards. 'I can't believe this... I should've left the town when I had the chance... Ah well... A little curiosity has its perks and penalties...' Luna thought to herself.

Leaning on the wall, Luna was just about to ask the guards if they would just let her go. The sound of something hitting the ground behind her caught her attention, the sound was the captain himself and he had a grim air to him. "The Sheikah told us all about the terrible things you did to him. Really, a Zora noble should be more dignified. You're under arrest." What!?!

"What!?! W-what do you mean under arrest, I didn't say anything or have anything to do with this!" Luna was about to plead for her life but when the captain lifted his chin up, it turned out to be Rin with some kind of mask. "Your sentence is to help me solve a murder." That was the second time this stupid Sheikah has nearly given her a heart attack, if her scales could change color they would be a seething red. "You have some nerve!!"

"Ugh... I guess I'll come along... It'll give me time to get back at you for those scares..." She said, mumbling the last words under her breath so Rin didn't hear.
I had completely forgot about this and I'm sorry. Then again nobody didn't even PM about it
"Yup. And I gotta say, you have the filthiest mind I've seen."

"I beg your pardon!?" Filthy!? Who does this guy think he is? Filthy!? Luna was just gritting her teeth, she wasn't a killer but there was going to be blood on the walls if Rin was gonna keep up with this.

"You sure have morbid tastes. Do you want to see a body that much?" Was it wrong to be curious, to seek answers? Really, the fact on how this murder even occured was food for thought. "Well... I'm not one for murder mysteries... But I am curious as to how and why someone would go about murdering... I'm curious that's all... Being stuck in domain of bickering nobles for most of your life isn't exactly a good life experience..."


Luna almost jumped when Rin spoke to her as soon as she got in the house, it was like he was waiting for her, like he knew she was going to head into the house. "Hm. You know, they say that they always return to the scene of the crime. And you seemed pretty familiar with where this house was. There can only be one explanation."

"You must be Jaque the Ripper! You're under arrest!"
What!?! Did this guy really think that Luna was the murderer, that's just down right ridiculous. "Now hang on a second!"

"On the other hand, you don't really look like a Jaque, and you're nowhere near stealthy enough. You're free to go." Luna's heart felt like it skipped a beat, the moron was joking with her. "Not funny... Not funny at all." She said with a grim expression, she had been traveling for a long time now but she had never been accused of murder. That was the second scariest moment of her life.

"How did you even know I was gonna sneak in here, you a psychic or something?"
Luna D. Dharc

After what seemed like a long journey, the train to Tefan Village had finally arrived at its destination. A young trainer jumped out with a cheerful smile on her face and right behind her, a Deino followed her out the train.

"Deino!!" The little dragon type nuzzled up to the girl as they stopped to check out the sight of the village. "So pretty..." Luna, a young Unovan girl, had arrived at the place that would be the start of her journey. Eclipse, her Deino, was hopping around her legs, he wanted to get on the road. "Ok Eclipse... Let's go." With only one pokeball and a standard pokedex to her name, Luna headed out with her partner.

Checking along the brush near the village, Luna was trying to look for a pokemon to start her journey along with Deino. She couldn't find much of any pokemon that she wanted so she looked a bit further in the grass. Soon she came upon a pretty little bed of flowers, petals of many different colors could be seen, it was really beautiful. One flower stood out though, a little red flower was rustling in the leaves, a second later it floated up into the air and it had a little fairy clinging to it, a Flabebe.

"So cute..." Luna knew she had found her pokemon. "Eclipse, go!" Eclipse jumped out and engaged the little fairy in a battle. The Flabebe was surprised but was obviously quicker than Eclipse and launched a gust of Fairy Wind at him. Eclipse couldn't dodge it in time and took the hit sending him flying. "Eclipse!" The little Deino stood up on shaky legs, fighting a fairy was not good for a dark dragon, but Eclipse had something over the little Flabee, strength and endurance. "Eclipse, use Headbutt!" Eclipse took Luna's instruction and ran literally head first into the Flabebe, sending it into a tree.

"Ok... Go pokeball!" Luna tossed her pokeball with all her might. Flabebe went into the pokeball in a bright, red light and after what seemed like an eternity, the pokeball shook three times and clicked. "We did it, Eclipse... We caught our first pokemon!" Luna cheered a cuddled up to her partner. This was the first step in her journey and she and her partner have hit the ground running.
@Lucius Cypher@Norschtalen@cloudystar
We gonna get posts? Because I'll be moving things along soon, probably sunday night. If real life is kicking your butts I understand but I really don't want this dying
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