Avatar of Darkmoon Angel


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12 mos ago
Current Not dead… But I feel like it. Health problems are fuuuun…
3 yrs ago
After an extended hiatus, I'm back :)
5 yrs ago
Slowly but surely recovering from the hospital :)
6 yrs ago
Just got a new phone. Sorry for the absence.
6 yrs ago
Taking up card design, anyone interested?


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Most Recent Posts

Sweet, I can't wait to start Luna's journey in this rp. Just a few minor questions: I get TP and CP everytime I catch a pokemon and win a battle? How do battles play out? And am I allowed to catch any pokemon of the types in the village (minus any really tough pokemon)?

Edit: Also, does this region have a name?
@Dusksong here's my app :)
Jaque the Ripper? First time Luna has even heard that name, but from the sound of it he was a really dangerous character. "Thanks for the help, by the way. Duty calls." Rin headed off to speak with the captain about this murder, listening in on the conversation, Rin was a much more serious character than Luna first thought. Here she was escorting a lost and confused Sheikah and now the man was acting like a serious and cunning detective, quite the act.

This Jaque person though, what could come out of murdering innocent civilians? A personal vendetta? A grudge? Or just an overall thirst for violence and blood? She wasn't a detective so Luna wasn't the one to know, but this case has certainly peaked her interest. Once Rin had slipped into the house, Luna would sneak past the guard and enter the house herself. What good is there in traveling if you don't have some fun every so often?
@Lady Athena That may be possible, Jenn is kind but she does have a short fuse, as one would expect of a descendant of the fire hero
@Mangrale oh woops, we made a summary at the same time XD

Edit: btw, this is Michele
@Norschtalen @Lucius Cypher Good to see you two

@Ryougu Just do what you need to do, you can always ask me if there is an issue

Story so far: Everyone met up at Edivid Village, after a quick rest for the journey the group went through the Agni Gate. The group arrived in Agni and soon made it to the city, meanwhile Heinrich arrived in the city via airship. Everyone is at the palace being held up by Michele, a bodyguard to the queen, and Loralei, Heinrich, and Nephele have bumped into eachother.

Also, Falma and Grafl, two hired mercs, are planning an ambush on the group, an ambush that should happen in the next host post or two.

So yeah, for those who haven't posted react accordingly to Michele but don't just immediately start a fight with her, we're trying to meet the queen after all.
@Lady Athena @Ryougu

Thanks you two, glad to see your still on board with this. Should I wait on @Lucius Cypher or move on?
@Dusksong Any specifics I need to know about the locations?
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