Avatar of Darkmoon Angel


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Current Not dead… But I feel like it. Health problems are fuuuun…
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After an extended hiatus, I'm back :)
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Slowly but surely recovering from the hospital :)
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Just got a new phone. Sorry for the absence.
6 yrs ago
Taking up card design, anyone interested?


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Luna D. Dharc


Luna giggled at the apparent excitement of the little Igglybuff, looks like they both had their hands full with a baby pokemon. "I'm sure everyone will get along nicely..." she said smiling at her little Deino.

Cici's partner came into the pokemon center looking for her, Cici called back her pokemon except for a few. "Well, we're going to have to keep looking into this, Hopefully we'll actually get somewhere this time." Cici turned around to leave. Luna looked down at Eclipse, the little dragon wasn't happy to see his new friends go and was nudging his head on Luna's leg. She picked up the little dragon and followed after Cici.

"Hey... Wait!" she called, stopping Cici and her partner. "From the sounds of things, your gonna need all the help you can get... So... Would it be a bother if I... Came along?" she asked nervously. This could be a major learning experience for her in terms of being a breeder but if Cici thought it was too dangerous than she wouldn't force it.

Luna D. Dharc

Were it not for the looks on Cici's pokemon, Luna wouldn't have wondered if anything was wrong. "Are you ok? You seem a little off..." She asked looking at each one of Cici's pokemon, she had quite the number of pokemon as far as Luna could see. Eclipse was already happily bounding towards them wanting to play. "Eclipse is still a baby,
so he has more energy than normal... Even for a Deino..."
She said giggling.

Luna D. Dharc

Luna nodded her head at Cici's question. "Yep... And Fairy types... But Dragon types will alwatlys have a place in my heart..." she said smiling at how Eclipse was getting along with Kym. But suddenly, an earthquake started to shake the area. Eclipse let out a panicked cry and jumped into Luna's arms, she held onto the baby dragon tightly trying to comfort him. The earthquake ended but Luna kept her little Deino in her arms.

"We'd better head inside," Luna nodded and headed to the Pokemon Center with Cici, with Eclipse still shaking in her arms. "My friend and I have been looking into unusual happenings around here, I'm going to have to talk with him about this. It could have something to do with..." Luna listened as Cici tried to think of what to say. "Ok. You've heard the story of Entei, right? Have you heard the rumours about the one around here? Well, as I found out firsthand a few days ago, they're true. And I'd better warn you, he's not exactly happy. Something's really rubbing him the wrong way, and I'm working with someone to find out what it is." Luna couldn't believe what she was hearing, Cici wasn't a normal trainer at all, she was actually investigating the activities of legendary pokemon. That really was something special, if this was an indication of Cici's skills as a trainer then Luna wouldn't stand a chance against her in a battle.

It was around sunset when they arrived at the Pokemon Center. Luna immediately went to go get Eclipse and her new Flabebe healed up and ready to go.

After she had her two partners healed, Luna walked around the Pokemon Center for a bit, with Eclipse trotting along beside her. It seemed like everyone was a bit shaken by the earthquake, was that really the result of two legendaries clashing? Luna shivered at the thought of what else could happen. Looking around she found Cici staring at a report on the TV, she walked over to her. "Did you find your friend?"

It's simple but it works
Should I just move on without them?
As everyone had done the whole introduction and settled down, Luna had sat down and was reading her book. She wasn't about to watch the tournament, she really wasn't one for something so brutish and barbaric. To be honest, she may have spaced out, if anyone said anything to Luna she would be too into her book to listen. A good shake might bring her back to reality, but she may not like it.
You two gonna post at all?
@Darkmoon Angel
Gonna be joining us? :D

Yep, got a kobold ranger in progress rn
I've been good, stormed knocked my wifi out but other than that I'm good
Host post will be a bit delayed, wifi got knocked out a storm.
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