Avatar of Darkmoon Angel


Recent Statuses

12 mos ago
Current Not dead… But I feel like it. Health problems are fuuuun…
3 yrs ago
After an extended hiatus, I'm back :)
5 yrs ago
Slowly but surely recovering from the hospital :)
6 yrs ago
Just got a new phone. Sorry for the absence.
6 yrs ago
Taking up card design, anyone interested?


User has no bio, yet

Most Recent Posts

Color me intrigued
I miss this show so much, I even had the game on playstation. I'm very much interested.

Just call me Angel
I am 18, gonna turn 19 in a month actually.
I will gladly be a high schooler turned virtual warrior

As of late, I have been a bit busy, but things are slowing down to a point that I can become more active.
US Central
And a favorite animal? Have to go with the adorable fox, more specifically, a fennec fox.
My life has been going topsy turvy lately so I haven't been able to respond to anything. At this point I'm lost in terms of what's happened and what I've done...
Right... I guess four characters will do for now... Maybe people will show interest later. I'll see about getting the IC going in the next day or so. In the meantime, @Jerkchicken go ahead and put your character in the character section, you're accepted.
This is always accepting... Gonna need a character from you, first things first.
That's what I'm wondering... :(
Wait... This isn't happening?
Still in it. I'll probably have something by today or tomorrow.
Oooo... Can I join? I'm a sci-fi fan and love how over the top metal gear is at points.
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