Avatar of Darkmoon Angel


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12 mos ago
Current Not dead… But I feel like it. Health problems are fuuuun…
3 yrs ago
After an extended hiatus, I'm back :)
5 yrs ago
Slowly but surely recovering from the hospital :)
6 yrs ago
Just got a new phone. Sorry for the absence.
6 yrs ago
Taking up card design, anyone interested?


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Most Recent Posts

Hmm... I'm not getting as much interest as I had hoped...

Welcome to The Gray Garden, a world of beautiful meadows and forests, where angels and demons live peacefully with one another. However, it was not always as peaceful as it is now, in fact it was horrible. Hundreds of years ago, angels and demons fought against each other in a bloody war, with both sides receiving heavy casualties. This war lasted for many years, until the god, Etihw, and the devil, Kcalb, ended it all peacefully. A peace treaty was made and the war had ended, angels and demons had been at peace ever since.

Now it is time for the Gray Festival, a celebration made to commemorate the many years of peace The Gray Garden has seen. This celebration is also open to more than the denizens of The Gray Garden, Kcalb and Etihw have sent invitations to other worlds too, making the Gray Festival quite the event. However, this celebration may soon be ruined, for a name has begun to float through the air, a long forgotten name, a name that Kcalb had hoped to never hear uttered again.

So yeah... This is a thing. As I am back in relative control of my life, I have decided to start this little rp. I have been a fan of this series for a while, credit to Deep Sea Prisoner for making this and many other games. The Gray Garden is a fun game and I hope to make this a good rp based on it.

Just a note, a few things in The Gray Garden's lore are up to interpretation. So if you ask me any questions about the lore or anything else about The Gray Garden, I may or may not have answers for you, but I'll try to answer anything as best as I can. Also, Deep Sea Prisoner has a habit of slipping some... Let's just say gross humor... Into his games, so just be prepared for anything.

With that out of the way, I hope to see some interest in this rp, and for those who are interested, again, welcome to The Gray Garden.
Sorry for not posting anything... Been busy packing and getting things ready.
Ugh... Moving is so annoying... And tiring...
So do we post as if our characters are starting over or continue where we left off?
Edited and put into the characters tab :)

Way ahead of ya.

Is this still good for the current set up?
Better than last time, things were hectic in my life for a while. But I'm back and ready to give things here a go again.
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