Avatar of Darkmoon Angel


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12 mos ago
Current Not dead… But I feel like it. Health problems are fuuuun…
3 yrs ago
After an extended hiatus, I'm back :)
5 yrs ago
Slowly but surely recovering from the hospital :)
6 yrs ago
Just got a new phone. Sorry for the absence.
6 yrs ago
Taking up card design, anyone interested?


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Will get to work on a cs soon
Sounds good
So in terms of nerfing, would a severe nerf to the regen factor and candy beam be enough? Like, make the regeneration slow and without the ability to regen from almost nothing left of the body. And as for the candy beam, how about to turn a full living thing to candy it requires a large amount of focus and energy, something like a last ditch effort to end a fight. And of course, a standard issue nerf to power. How's that sound?
@Demon Shinobi What's your opinion on majins and their candy beam attack?
Did someone say Fire Emblem? Color me intrigued.
Hey, sorry for the absence. My power had been knocked out from the weather so I hadn't been able to go online for a while
Luna D. Dharc

"Sure, no problem." Nick then turned to his Litleo. Litleo bounded across Nick's body so that he could stand right between the two humans. The flame on his head wasn't exactly indoor heating, but it would have to do for now. "...and my name is Nick. That is Inari."

We've been out here all night looking for a lost necklace. It was supposed to be a simple C-Class mission. But with all this snow, we've gotten our butts kicked. Isn't that right Inari!?" Nick was trying to keep a positive attitude, despite their miserable situation.

"T-thank you..." Luna edged a bit closer to the litleo just so she could feel the fire type's warmth. So these two trainers were looking for a necklace, in this kind of weather? How could anyone stand this kind of cold?

"Yeah, for sure. We've had absolutely no luck. I've lived here for a while and the conditions aren't usually THIS bad. Still, things can only get better at this point." Inari said as she brushed herself off. "I think we can still find it, we just need to try harder." she stated as she started to jog on the spot.

"A... Mission? F-for who?" Luna asked curiously, if these two were hear on a mission it would make sense, but in her opinion, walking around in the cold looking for a necklace that could be buried deep in the snow didn't sound inviting to Luna. "I was... Looking for the ski resort... Know where it is?" she asked as she breathed on her hands to try and warm up. She kicked the ground a little bit out of boredom before she had kicked something out of the snow. Luna thought it was just a rock, but the object made a slight jingle sound as it fell to the ground, she picked it up and surely enough it wasn't a rock, but a necklace of some kind.

"Uh... Is this... What you're looking for?" she asked, showing both Nick and Inari the piece of jewelry.

Luna D. Dharc

It had gotten colder as Luna continued along the mountain path, so cold that it proved unbearable to her Deino, even while snuggled in Luna's coat. So the poor little dragon had to be returned into his pokeball. Luna shivered a bit as she continued on, flashlight in hand. "W-where... Is that... S-ski r-resort?" she mumbled to herself as she adjust her earmuffs.

It seemed like that she would have to take shelter from the cold and get moving again tomorrow, until she spotted a small flame ahead, a campfire maybe?

She hesitated a bit as she didn't want to be a bother to anyone, but if she didn't get any warmth soon she would be a human popsicle. Breathing a cold sigh, she trudged through the snow towards the light of the fire. Coming up to the source of the light, Luna was surprised to see that it was a Litleo,
accompanied by two trainers and a munchlax. Catching their attention, Luna was a shivering mess as she tried to introduce herself. "H-hello... M-my name is... Luna... D-do y-you mind if I... Warm myself up?" she asked in a polite, freezing tone.

@Artymis @Balthazar007
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