Avatar of Darkmoon Angel


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Current Not dead… But I feel like it. Health problems are fuuuun…
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After an extended hiatus, I'm back :)
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Slowly but surely recovering from the hospital :)
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Just got a new phone. Sorry for the absence.
6 yrs ago
Taking up card design, anyone interested?


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This may be a dumb question, but is being a bad guy an option?
So, will our characters be on their own separate journeys, or will we have the chance to travel with others?
Hey you never know, something may happen to her in the rp. XD
@Darkmoon Angel alright, so I've gotten around to reading her and so far I haven't seen anything that seems so bad. The backstory is ok as far as I concerned and she seems a bit too normal from what I'm looking at... like amongst her other soon to be cast members ranging from the trio listed above to a mercenary wolfgirl who loves blowing things up to a guy who learned how to fight through beating up Walruses...

Regardless, nothing really wrong with her appearing that way, makes her stand out a lot more when you compare em' to the others, but I digress.

Fighting style makes a lot of sense based on how she learned it while she grew up, and nothing really bothers me a lot, save for one of the moves. While there isn't really nothing wrong with this one, I question why she actually has the move [Repulse]. She's a close range fighter, but she's knocking them away from her. Just something I noticed that doesn't make any sense to me, at least for the moment. If you could, would you explain the reasoning behind why if you have any?

In other news, she looks solid to me; get your approval from @KaiserElectric and @redbaron1234 and you'll be good to go!

[Repulse] is a defensive move like [Full Guard], but it can also be used offensively. Like, say if the opponent is pressuring her, [Repulse] can be used to knock the opponent off balance, allowing Karliah to turn the tables. I meant to make Karliah "normal" in terms of this rp. I feel it gives her kind of an underdog appearance.
I will be accepting around 3-4 people

Welcome to The Gray Garden, a world of beautiful meadows and forests, where angels and demons live peacefully with one another. However, it was not always as peaceful as it is now, in fact it was horrible. Hundreds of years ago, angels and demons fought against each other in a bloody war, with both sides receiving heavy casualties. This war lasted for many years, until the god, Etihw, and the devil, Kcalb, ended it all peacefully. A peace treaty was made and the war had ended, angels and demons had been at peace ever since.

Now it is time for the Gray Festival, a celebration made to commemorate the many years of peace The Gray Garden has seen. This celebration is also open to more than the denizens of The Gray Garden, Kcalb and Etihw have sent invitations to other worlds too, making the Gray Festival quite the event. However, this celebration may soon be ruined, for a name has begun to float through the air, a long forgotten name, a name that Kcalb had hoped to never hear uttered again.

I would be interested in this.

@Darkmoon Angel I actually wanted to be a Majin as well, but I think that might be good. A good way to nerf that particular race could be to say that something split them in two, creating a "clone," and drastically lowering the power of both.

That actually sounds like it could work. We could even make one good and one evil, though that's up to @Demon Shinobi
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