Avatar of Darkmoon Angel


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12 mos ago
Current Not dead… But I feel like it. Health problems are fuuuun…
3 yrs ago
After an extended hiatus, I'm back :)
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Slowly but surely recovering from the hospital :)
6 yrs ago
Just got a new phone. Sorry for the absence.
6 yrs ago
Taking up card design, anyone interested?


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A Grave Festival

The world around him was hazy, dark, unfamiliar, Kcalb couldn't make heads or tails of what was going on around him. "... You used to be so much more..." A familiar, eerie voice echoed around him, a voice that has haunted him for years now. "... You were the Devil that everyone feared... Evil, sadistic, terrifying... And now look at you... A mere shell of what you once were..." The voice's laughter seemed to echo in Kcalb's head. "You don't know me... My past... My past is none of your business!"

"Your past... Is history... And history can be learned... Especially through another's own thoughts..." Sweat dripped from Kcalb's forehead. "W-wha... What are you talking about?" Kcalb flinched as he felt something grab his throat. "In do time... Old friend..." The voice laughed maniacally.

"I always wondered... She is the only thing keeping you sane at this point... What would happen... If she were to vanish, would you lose yourself in your madness? Beg for an end to your suffering, an end that won't. Ever. Come!?!" Images flashed in Kcalb's mind, images of blood, destruction, death. Those he cared for laid at his feet, murdered in cold blood. His arms held the one he cared for the most, dead eyes staring at the monster that murdered her.


Kcalb woke up in a panic, sweat dripped from his face as he tried to get a sense of his surroundings. He was in his bed, sun shined through the window, lighting up the greyed out room. "Was it... Was it just a... A nightmare?" Still shaken from the terrifying dream, Kcalb got out from his bed and looked out through the window of his room. The village below was small, but it was clear that it was full of activity. Kcalb sighed and went to get ready, for the Grey Festival was today.

Grey Village buzzed with activity, angels and demons hurried around, setting up stalls and fixing up decorations for the festival tonight. Some stalls were already set up and had assortments of items, treats, and trinkets on display for passers-by. The sweet aroma of apples wafted through the air, the smell originated from a nice little stall in the center of the village. A young demon girl in a maid's outfit was cleaning the counter of the stall as a little angel in a blue robe carried a basket of apples over to her. "Thank you, Chelan... That should be enough apples for tonight." The girl said as she looked back at the dozen more baskets behind the stall, Chelan hummed happily as she set the last basket down.

On the western side of the village, two young looking demons were attending to what appeared to be a large, black portal. "Say, Ater... How many people do you think will attend the festival?" The black-haired one spoke. "I don't know, Arbus... We sent invitations to just about every world including ours, it's hard to say." The white-haired one spoke. "Well, you know what they say... The more the merrier!" They said at the same time.

To the east of the village, a stage overlooking a large field of flowers was being set up. A young angel in a green sweater was busy carrying things around and seemed to be in distress. "Oooohhh... I wish Rawberry was here to help... Or anybody really..." She set some tools down and went back to building up a part of the stage.
@PaulHaynek Dorma is gonna be fun xD

Here's my character, that makes four (five if we count Zeal). I'll get to work on the IC right away.
Oooook... I seemed to of hit a nerve... I'm just gonna vanish back to the hole I crawled out of... Just pretend I never existed in this forum.
Been busy with other things, I'd still like to be a part of this but everything seems dead now. Also, @Burning Kitty, you can't really say that when you haven't even posted either
@Darkmoon Angel Thanks! I'm glad you like her. :D Out of curiosity, when do you think that we'll be starting this?

Well, when I'm done with my character and @PaulHaynek is done with their second character, that would be a good time to start. I was wanting at least four characters in this, and an rp with only three participants sounds easier to manage, right?
Okay, here's what I've got. I will warn you that until recently, I am not super familiar with the setting, so I took a number of liberties in my character sheet (almost entirely in the background). If you need me to change them, just let me know. :D

Looks ok to me. It honestly makes sense that there would be a school to train healers and the like, since there is actually a normal school in the village. Your bio is good and Aurelia is a neat character as far as I'm concerned :)
Sorry for disappearing for the past few days. I was going through finals. I'll have a character up sometime this evening for you to look over. :3

I know that feeling, take your time :)
Here's my first character. Let me know what you think so far.

He seems pretty cool, I like the little hint you have in his bio
Sorry, canon characters won't be too focused on in this.
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