Avatar of DarkwolfX37


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1 yr ago
Current "I've spent a lot of time thinking about my past... My mistakes... And I've come to the conclusion that I was right about everything."
1 yr ago
"What you know will kill you but you will die laughing."
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2 yrs ago
Hey, you know what's annoying? Being self-centered. Getting mad at people for doing something instead of something else when they're just having fun sucks. Gotta love self-loathing, too.
2 yrs ago
"You were last seen the day you disappeared."
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2 yrs ago
"There will always be shitheads. That's why they'll always try to out-shit them." - yourMoonstone | Reminder that all fanart is illegal. |
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<Snipped quote by DarkwolfX37>

*Another Gyroball arrives and we are allowed in; I bow my head and motion for you and Aron to do so and then I enter; inside is a translucent red platform with a carpet hall between rows of seats in pairs of two; I sit on one and gesture for you to sit next to me*

*Bows slightly and sits next to you*
"Digital World? As in, a world made of data!?" The implications of such a thing nearly made Violet faint. If that were the case, what miracles could she achieve with a little bit of coding? But... what language could an entire world possibly be written in? Even trinary wouldn't cut it, and how much hardware would there have to be supporting all of it? She plopped down onto the ground with her legs crossed, taking out her laptop and phone as Dorumon continued talking. She'd lost all interest in what he was saying, booting her devices instead, until she heard him mention "Digivice" and "stored data."

"Digivice? As in, digital device? Or as in 'a vice that is digital?' Why does everything have to start with 'digi,' isn't it implied just by being in a place called the 'Digital World?'" Nonetheless, the devices caught her eye. She wanted to take all of them for herself to tinker with, but she decided that she probably wouldn't get much peace from the others if she took what was apparently being given to them. She particularly liked the white one with blue buttons that she picked up for herself. She was supposed to get one anyway, right? Now, where was the connection port? Was it wireless? She quickly ran through the basic options for new devices with no luck. ... I must be an idiot. Violet realized that she needed to turn the "digivice" ON if she was going to use it. How does one do that? She glanced over at one of the others as he put the device on his wrist and with a flash of light a small purple... thing, appeared. Ignoring the shell-shock she felt in her excitement, she quickly strapped her own blue and white version to her left wrist.

A flash of light passed as a small creature of her own appeared on her laptop.


Neither spoke for a moment as they stared at each other. Finally, the staring contest was broken as Violet closed her eyes and hugged tight to herself. There it was again, that feeling of dread that was always in the back of her mind when she cared for her virtual pets. Unlike with Dorumon, this time she could all but recognize the thing; it looked exactly like a real, 3d version of the 2d sprite she came to know from a few of her Vpets' infant stages, exactly like her dreams, her nightmares. She didn't open her eyes until she heard it speak, a soft and childlike voice that sounded moderately female, if such a creature even had a binary sex system in its biology.

"Hello? What's wrong?" it asked. Its voice snapped Violet out of her stupor.

"O-oh. Nothing." She shook her head to clear it. "I'm Violet. What's your name?"

"... Yukimibotamon. Are you sure you're okay?"

"Yeah. I'm fine." She smiled and picked up the creature off of her keyboard, setting it on the ground next to her, and began the process of connecting her phone and laptop to the digivice to start cracking open its coding.
"Eep!" Makoto slowed time and quickly reached for a small pouch she carried tied to her tail. "Can't believe I have to do this..." She considered healing her wounds with her artifact, but decided against it considering what she was planning to do. In the pouch lay several dozen coins of various types, most notably magical coins, and several acorns. She began drawing mana from Causality's Mana Font and triggered her signature spell, targeting the moment the fight began with her magic. As she did, she put two of the acorns, which were glowing, into her cheeks.

She kept a tight hold on the knife as she was run down.

Sonia scoffed as she glanced at the two before they disappeared, and her eyes then moved down to squint at Makoto, who shimmered slightly as if emanating a heat haze.

"Vandals are to be punished with death. Iron Maiden!"

She threw a knife with a red gem at the hilt of it. The gem glowed once Sonia finished her incantation, and suddenly knives replicated at an alarming rate from the original knife. They formed a complete sphere around Makoto, their bladed ends pointed right at her as they stayed still in the air for just a millisecond before they launched, leaving her no room to dodge.

Unfortunately for Sonia, a millisecond is all Makoto needed as an experienced Time mage. She was already speeding herself up with her magic, and thanks to her Awareness it didn't take much to let her respond. She let herself spend the little extra magic needed to take things slowly and at to her what was a normal pace, but to the rest of the world was nigh-instantaneous, she carefully plucked the original knife out of the air and with it in hand turned all of the other knives to face Sonia, biting into an acorn, breaking it to release the mana it was full of.

"Let's see what your power is all about..." Her words were lost to the minute slice of time they existed in as Makoto realigned with the normal flow of time and created a gravity well just behind Sonia's head, strong enough to pull in the floating knives.

She'd decide from there what the best course of action was.

Sonia was not prepared for her spell being used against her, and shrieked as the knives were shot at her, covering her front with her arms; two knives embedded themselves on her left arm, one on her shoulder, and one on each of her legs before she teleported away. However, Makoto was not left unscathed; three knives behind her were unaffected by being turned towards Sonia, and struck into her body; one above her tail, one on her shoulder, and one between her shoulder blades. Makoto saw her reappear much farther away, about 500 meters in distance.

"Both gravity and time? You indecent vermin!"

She spat out as she magically ejected the knives out, and held her bloody arm with a vicious glare.

"My knives are useless, it seems..." She spoke, but then grinned with uncharacteristic glee.
"I did not imagine I would need to use my ultimate attack, but it seems nothing less will be enough for such a festering infestation."
With those bitter words, she held her arms before her with open palms, and a massive magic circle appeared.

"High-Impact Hell!"

She triggered another spell. Then, Makoto saw it; a bullet train came charging at her at full speed from the circle, filling the corridor entirely.


Makoto's corpse hit the ground with a thud. Sonia likely didn't notice the slight shimmer around Makoto's body, or how her mana seemed to be depleted twice as much as it should be, before a voice resounded through the air.

"A true hero will never fall to evil!"

Makoto's corpse flipped its legs into the air, using them to swing forward and jump into a crouching position. As it stood back up, Sonia would probably notice that it was in the exact same state it had been in at the very start of the battle.

Makoto bit into the other acorn, replenishing her mana to near full. Biting through the acorns, which she'd poured mana into for years in case of situations like this, had refilled her mana and a large chunk of her patron's mana font as well.

"Roar!" Makoto seemed to split into three, one at ground level spinning like a top towards Sonia while the second and third flew through the air, jumping the length between Makoto and Sonia to reach her, the second slightly above her head and the third several feet higher than the second. As it turned out, it was the middle one that was solid, the others being an afterimage from her magic-enhanced speed, and its fist crashed into Sonia's forehead as it landed. "My mighty fist!"

Makoto quickly threw several more punches at Sonia, Impact striking at her target with each successful hit. "And now, special move! PLANET-" Using her absurd speed she struck several dozen times nearly simultaniously, each hit boosted by her redirected magic and her gravity magic causing a strong pull between Impact and Sonia. "CRUSHER!" With all of her strength, boosted by the maximum force she could create with her gravity magic, she struck Sonia with an uppercut, counteracting the effect of gravity on Sonia as she did, sending her through the ceiling with her Killing Blow.

"I call that spell 'Savestate,' bitch."
<Snipped quote by DarkwolfX37>

It doesn't gyrate. Maybe they should call the tube the Gyration, the ball the Gyro, and the station the Gyroscope? I dunno.

Me either.

"I'm Shion. I remembered that you were hurt around the same place I saw a boy carrying this thing, so I figured you might know about it. Do you mind if I follow you around for a while? I get the feeling that I'll run into some interesting things if I do." Of course, "interesting" could include the boy being attacked again, but she kept that to herself. "What's your name, anyway?"

<Snipped quote by DarkwolfX37>

It looks fine. If you want something that looks and acts the exact same as Chrome, it sounds like your're just used to Chrome.

It looks bad. And the whole "open tabs when you hover over them" is *really* annoying.
Whiz if you're here can you go back a page and proofread my post for that other rp?
It fucking killed my playlist again mid-video. :/
Brave has also just randomly logged me out of this and youtube and blocked my fucking playlist as if it were a virus. :/
<Snipped quote by DarkwolfX37>

Maybe just a gyro station?

A gyration?
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