“Grr… I can’t figure this out. It looks like trinary but it’s got to be in some sort of cipher or something, because it’s definitely not working.”“What’s ‘trinary’?”
Moonmon asked.
“It’s a type of base coding lang- um. What happened to you?”“I digivolved. Since I was the last of the group to hatch, I was still an infant Yukimibotamon. I’m Moonmon now.”
“Sure, whatever you say, I guess. Still, spontaneous metamorphism, fascinating.” Violet turned to Dorumon.
“Do all digimon do that? Do digimon have puberty? What causes the metamorphosis? How do digimon fit into classification? If Moonmon was a Yukimibotamon, does that mean you’re named after your species? What about your genus, class, and phylum? I imagine you’re all in the same kingdom, right?”Dorumon tails twitches from side to side for a moment. One of the Digidestined named Violet began to ask him questions. He wondered why her name was Violet when she wasn’t violet colored. Human names were so strange and weird.
“All Digimon level up so to speak,” Dorumon replies, “The Digivices will help your Digimon become big and strong.” Dorumon thinks for a second, “Digimon evolve when they have enough data or information given to them, but that requires a lot of data. They can also level up based on their emotions, more specifically your emotional states.”
Dorumon gives Violet a confused look.
“Species? Genus?” Dorumon asked, “All Digimon are different and serve a different purpose. Each Digimon is classified based that purpose.”
“So that’s what these are for…” Violet said, looking at her digivice.
“Do you know what emotions we need to feel? Like… if we get really angry is that going to help them ‘level up’?”She thought for a moment, how best to explain what she wanted to ask?
“Well, a species would be like… humans. Humans are a type of species. But they’re part of a larger group of several species, and so forth in larger groups of classification. Do digimon have anything like that?”Dorumon looks a bit lost. Humans have a larger group? There are different types of human. The only thing he could imagine were ones with actual tails. Do they have scaly skin? Dorumon shook his head in order to clear it up. He was never really meant for these long winded explanations, but looked at Violet with peppy enthusiasm, “You level up through positive emotions, of friendship, happiness, and love. Leveling up a Digimon based on anger is bad and can sever your connection with your partner if you force them to level up against their will. It’s more like they want to, you want to, and you share the same mind. At least I think that’s how it works.”
Dorumon takes a second to ponder the next question. He doesn’t necessarily have answer to that. Dorumon’s ears droop sadly and then he picks his head back up. But they asked him and he’s the only one who could give them the answers.
“Digimon are Digimon. We are mainly data, while some Digimon serve a purpose and their program is specific. Not all Digimon are that specific, one in-training Digimon could become lots and lots of things depending on their given data,” Dorumon hopes that answers the question. He doesn’t quite get the species conversation. He hopes that’s what Violet is looking for.
“That might be what I’m looking for, actually. Can you tell me what separates an ‘in-training’ digimon from a not ‘in-training’ one? And if digimon are made of data, does that mean there are some that would be classified as viruses?”Dorumon looks at Violet again at first he looks excited this is something that he can answer, than the last questions stumps him and his head droops from a cheery smile to a slightly thinking position. How does he answer that? If he were a smarter Digimon he’d be able to give them more precise answers. Maybe they could go to Gigimon or someone with a bit more information.
“In-training Digimon are weaker than the much bigger Digimon. Digimon level up, so they get bigger and bigger. That’s what separates them from each other,” Dorumon looks happy and nods surely she understand now, “Maybe, but I don’t know about that much. I had a very important job as a Digimon, but I lost it.” he looks at his current form, then his ears twitch before he looks at them, “Now you have a very important job. Your Digimon will grow bigger and stronger and that is how you defeat Lucemon.”
Dorumon frowns and puts his hand under his chin.
“But you need your crest first,” Dorumon adds.
Violet pats Dorumon on the head gently.
“That’s very helpful, thank you.” She smiled at him.
“What is this ‘crest’? And if you don’t mind me asking, could you tell me what your job was? You’re a very interesting creature. Person? Do Digimon get called people like humans do? Sorry, that’s off topic.”“The Crest are embodiments of the Digidestin, they are you, they are the inner part of you that makes you strong. And in the long run they are the embodiments of you that encourage each other and make your Digimon strong,” Dorumon looks sad, “The Crest are currently lost and I couldn’t find them before I brought you here. So you’ll have to go look for them. We may not even have enough time to do so.” Dorumon tail drops to a C and he looks sadly at the floor. Thinking of all the things Lucemon C could be doing at this moment. The world he knew was slowly dying. Dorumon took a second before shaking his head, ears perking right back up and tail too.
“Person? Digimon are Digimon we’re called Digimon,” Dorumon nods excitedly, “Dorumon’s job is that of a protector of this world. Yggdrasil is the Life Tree of this world, he provided law and order. And Lucemon killed him.” Dorumon looks sad saying so, “Lucemon is the embodiment of chaos and disorder and he won’t stop at killing Yggdrasil he’ll turn this whole entire world into something dark and scary.” Dorumon nods, “And I don’t want to lose any more friends. So that’s why the Digidestin have to protect the Digital world. So that way they can protect their own. It is very sad to lose your friends and family.”
Violet could feel the sincere emotion in Dorumon as he talked. Fighting her own reluctance to touch things, she knelt down and gave Dorumon a hug.
“I know it’s sad. Don’t worry, I’ll do my best to help make sure you don’t lose any more.” Moonmon spoke, “I can add a bit to what Dorumon said. You saw me ‘level up’ just a moment ago, but we digimon do that a few times as we get older, or with help from human partners like you. All of us here ,except Dorumon, are in-training level, right now.”
“That’s also helpful. Thanks, Yuki-sorry, Moonmon.” Violet let go of Dorumon and smiled at him.
“Thank you very much, Dorumon. You were very helpful.”Dorumon excitedly looks at Violet and nuzzles her with his muzzle. Now that all the Digidestined were here. There was not a single shadow of doubt in his mind that these eight were the destined ones. He believed they were truly the Digidestined that could save this world.
“Hopefully we all become friends in the long run,” Dorumon adds happily.
“I’m sure we will. We’re friends already, aren’t we?” Violet’s smile grew as she spoke.