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Current "I've spent a lot of time thinking about my past... My mistakes... And I've come to the conclusion that I was right about everything."
1 yr ago
"What you know will kill you but you will die laughing."
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2 yrs ago
Hey, you know what's annoying? Being self-centered. Getting mad at people for doing something instead of something else when they're just having fun sucks. Gotta love self-loathing, too.
2 yrs ago
"You were last seen the day you disappeared."
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2 yrs ago
"There will always be shitheads. That's why they'll always try to out-shit them." - yourMoonstone | Reminder that all fanart is illegal. |
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<Snipped quote by whizzball1>

only thing I can think of on my front is that mine is highly likely to cus, but I can probably reduce the words to heck, dang, crap, and hell if that would work?

You really don't need to worry about that -_-
<Snipped quote by DarkwolfX37>

Oh no, why?

Everything looks weird now.
I don’t know if anyone else here watches it, but I just added My Hero Academia to my very short list of watched anime. The first 2 seasons at least.

<Snipped quote by Inimical>

My brother loves it and it's on my mental list and maybe on my digital one. It seems like something you'd enjoy.

The manga is amazing and I've heard that the anime is pretty faithful with only one anime-only episode.
<Snipped quote by DarkwolfX37>

Right here! *Turns around to look at a big, rectangular building with colourful paint and a sign saying "Hospes' Bakery" Hospes' Bakery, just like it says. *The smell of warm bread and sweet pastries wafts from the building while the roof emits small puffs of smoke* Those puffs of smoke are fake, just so you know. We'd never be so inefficient here.

*Seems dizzy* That smoke looks weird now.
<Snipped quote by DarkwolfX37>

I don't think any did. But you're right; that would totally be a problem. I'm sure they'd be able to work it out, though.

*Looks around more as I follow you* Where are we going again?
<Snipped quote by DarkwolfX37>

*Several people turn their heads and then kee on walking* Shhhhhhh. You're supposed to voice your concerns politely. Besides, I think it's cute.

But is is dumb. What if another three sector wanted to be called that?
<Snipped quote by DarkwolfX37>

All the sectors have little pet names for themselves. This one calls itself Threezie.

... That's dumb.
Collab: @DarkwolfX37 & @Landaus Five-One

Violet swore as a handful of small rocks pelted her. “Damnit, ow, that hurts!” Deciding that discretion was the better part of valor, she grabbed Moonmon tighter and ran further into the forest. She figured that if the others needed to find her, they’d be smart enough to look in the little town of houses they’d started in. Hopefully she’d have some time alone now to focus on figuring out her digivice, once she was out of danger.

Katheryn couldn’t help but bite her lower lip since she came close to having her face beaten into via normal sized rock. “Oh shit… seriously? Never thought this world is super dangerous like this.” She held her Bukamon tighter and ran as fast as she could, since she was terrified of what would happen next. She couldn’t stop thinking about what happened that caused her from being saved, Tristan, even though she was still afraid of his puppets. She ran in a direction away from there to somewhere else, anywhere else but there.

Violet rounded a tree several dozen meters away and nearly ran into Katheryn in the process. “Hey, watch it!” She was already flustered from the attack, she really didn’t need to interact with anyone right now. “We should probably find a place to hide. Separately.”

Katheryn stopped in her tracks when she saw Violet. “Sorry… about that. I just couldn’t stop running from what happened.” She was continued to cry about what she saw, she felt like her ex was right about her, being a damsel in distress that for people to save. “Tristan, protected me when I couldn’t protect myself. He died protecting me. He didn’t make a great first impression.” She couldn’t stop thinking about the creepy puppets, he had since those put her on edge more than anything. “I feel like my ex is right about me… I am a useless girl who needs things handed to her.” She did want to hide while carrying Bukamon in her arms. “I’m in an agreement about that we should hide.” She couldn’t really wipe her tears right now since, she’s holding Bukamon in her arms.

Violet stopped. What was this nonsense? Someone just died and this girl was going on about relationship troubles? Turning away from Katheryn to look around, she began speaking.“Look, unless you felt the guy’s pulse I’m not gonna buy that he’s dead from those things. Second, even if he is dead, crying about it isn’t going to do anything. Dorumon told us we’re here to save the world and that kind of shit doesn’t come without risk. If you’re scared this early on then just go home and cry about your boy troubles there where you’ll be out of the way. Third, what kind of inane crap is that about? Being attacked by alien monsters makes you think about your love life? What the hell?” Her mind was racing at the news of a death so easily. And if she wasn’t mistaken, that was the name of the cool ventriloquist, too. Damnit, nothing was going right.

“...” Moonmon stared at Violet as she spoke, the only one to see the somewhat pained expression on her face as she did. She knew that she wasn’t being genuine, but even as her partner she didn’t know what to say to help. She simply gave Bukamon a sympathetic look over Violet’s shoulder before turning around to help scan for any pursuers.

Katheryn listened very carefully to what Violet had to say. “I guess… you are right on that I didn’t check his pulse. But he didn’t move at all after he was hit, in the back of the head. I am sorry but that’s all I really can do, is cry about what’s going on it is too much for me, since we learned we were teleported to this world. I have a feeling asking to be ported back isn’t going to work.” She slowly stops crying since Violet definitely is right about crying won’t bring anyone back to life or help against anything. “I am definitely sorry for bringing up that up, Violet.” She tried to smile but couldn’t with how everything was going, a person she met awhile ago, died in front of her.

Bukamon couldn’t help but sigh at what hand he was dealt. “This is quite sad really, a death of a person she just met because he saved her life. Caused her to breakdown in tears. Or I could’ve been looking for my digimon friends but no. I’m stuck with the emotional Katheryn who can’t stop thinking about a boy who hurt her.” Bukamon smiled a bit when he spoke since he was trying to be the backbone in this partnership. He saw Moonmon’s sympathetic look and smiled a bit. “I definitely needed that thanks.” He moved one of his fins to his forehead to face palm again because Katheryn is trying his patience of dealing with an emotional girl with baggage.

“It sounded like going back would just get our world in trouble too. Might as well save them both.” She looked back at Katheryn. “Maybe you should just go back to where we met Dorumon. Maybe it’ll turn out that we can do whatever we need to without you, or at least we’ll know where to find you if we need you.”

Moonmon turned to give her partner a look, though what was conveyed by it was hidden from view with Violet’s back in the way. Violet sighed as she saw Moonmon. Maybe she was being too hard on the poor girl. It wasn’t Katheryn’s fault that she was a normal girl and didn’t practically image train for this exact kind of scenario like she did, back in their own world. “Look, it’s probably safest to stick together, but try to stay quiet, okay? I’m going to find a good spot to sit down and figure this ‘digivice’ thing out, but that’s going to take a while. Do you mind being on lookout for the others, in case they pass by?”

Katheryn heard Violet’s words really carefully. “That feels like the best option, in terms of saving them both.” She looked at Violet when she turned to look back at her. “Uuh… I don’t really want to go back to that place, since it’ll remind me of missing my parents.” She looked down to Bukamon and noticed him face palming.

Bukamon looked up and laughed slightly and put his fin back in its place. “Why are you doing that Bukamon?” She knew that Bukamon’s criticism of her is harsh. She blinked a bit when she heard Violet’s voice and it was a bit more sincere. “Oh okay. I will keep quiet. I will keep a lookout for the others too.” She held Bukamon slightly a bit loosely but she didn’t want to drop him.

“Thanks.” With that, Violet instantly went over to a larger-than-average tree and sat down at its base, putting Moonmon on the ground and pulling out her laptop once again.
<Snipped quote by DarkwolfX37>

*The Gyroball slows to a stop and a bunch of people file out and file in* See how quick that was? Less than a minute to travel an eighth of the mountain! Sometimes it feels like the longest part is getting people in and out. Two more sectors. *The Gyroball starts going again, stopping at another sector, and then it goes and comes to a stop; our seatbelts beep and let us out* Sector 3-e-zeta. Hospes' Bakery, here we come! *Steps out of the Gyroball out of the station and comes out to another busy street surrounded by shops*

*Follows you* Isn't that sort of naming system too big?
<Snipped quote by DarkwolfX37>

He probably also only has that record because of ragequits.

I mean, it's hard to get 600 wins at all. But yellow rank is above-average so who knows.
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