Avatar of DarkwolfX37


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1 yr ago
Current "I've spent a lot of time thinking about my past... My mistakes... And I've come to the conclusion that I was right about everything."
1 yr ago
"What you know will kill you but you will die laughing."
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2 yrs ago
Hey, you know what's annoying? Being self-centered. Getting mad at people for doing something instead of something else when they're just having fun sucks. Gotta love self-loathing, too.
2 yrs ago
"You were last seen the day you disappeared."
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2 yrs ago
"There will always be shitheads. That's why they'll always try to out-shit them." - yourMoonstone | Reminder that all fanart is illegal. |
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Summer looked over at the Keijo arena as a massive tower of water appeared over it from the sky.

"... Meh."

"Bad ideas."

Shion fired off several bursts of calculated magnetic fields around herself, originating from her skin. While harmless, these fields were manipulated using her knowledge of biochemistry to temper the fields into those that would do various things. The first was to blind the crows, overloading their Cry4 cryptochromes, and damaging their eyes to the point of light-blindness as well. The second wave was meant to throw off the crows sense of direction by magnetizing them positively, followed by the third field to rush outward in a dome with a negative charge, pulling the crows with its walls. The fourth and final field was used to once again overload their cryptochromes, this time to throw off their circadian clocks and make them believe it was time to sleep. As she sent these field domes, she also separated Fielder into its two halves, revealing a similarly metallic black two-sided rapier with a simple cross-guard facing the opposite direction of the bat, the blade's point ending where the hilt of the two halves were.

Meanwhile, Ko reached into her bag once again and brought out three small vials filled with what appeared to be a non-moving black substance, so tightly packed that it didn't move within the vial when they were moved. She gripped one with each of her front paws and one with her left ear, ready to use them should the need arise. By the time she was finished, the fourth magnetic field had pulsed outwards from Shion and she reconnected the two halves of Fielder, separately from the now revealed sword, holding the bat in her left hand and sword in her right.

"Not only was it a bad idea to use birds, birdbrain, but if it's coin you're after, I recently sent mine elsewhere. Too bad, so sad." She then muttered under her breath. "Honestly, fighting with birds, who does that?"

Shion glanced at her phone to see even more of her clones go dark. She was about to say something to Ko about the owls when suddenly a few dozen crows appeared. "Just great. The thing survived and they brought friends." Ko said.

Despite this, someone managed to sneak up on the two in the commotion of caws and wings flapping, though these sounds were left to the wayside by the person's footsteps.

Shion felt herself grow a wicked grin as she turned her head over her shoulder to look at this "Vermin Slayer." "Is that so?" There was a near palpable raging bloodlust coming from her the moment he mentioned her copies. "I imagine that you're called that because you kill people with vermin, not because you kill small creatures... Ko?" She turned back and gave a slight salute to her puchuu.

Kousai held her hammerspace bag and reached in with one small paw, quickly pulling out and throwing to Shion in one smooth motion her weapon, Fielder. As she did, Shion magnetized herself and the ground to the same polarity, jumping and spinning through the air to catch it. She landed behind Vermin Killer and quickly turned and attempted to slam the baseball bat-looking weapon into the side of his head.
Ko suddenly arched her back and hissed like a cat, facing to the right of Shion as they slowly began their way back to base. Shion looked over towards the commotion to see several owls sitting there, staring at her. Creepy. she thought. She kept walking until suddenly one of them flew at her, not seemingly with malicious intent, but rather as if the action where completely normal and within its control. She was just about to use her magic when suddenly Ko jumped off her shoulder, her brown body moving at incredible speed as she flew through the air, smacking the owl down with her prehensile right ear, hard enough for the owl to bounce off the ground.

"Uh... you got something to tell me, Ko?"

"Don't like owls. Was bullied by a puchuu who looked like one a lot. Bad memories, not really in the mood to talk about them. Too many owls around."

"I didn't know you had that kind of strength, either."

"No offense, and I know it's mostly my own fault, but there's a lot that you don't know about puchuu."

... Fuck. Two of the phones of Shion's copies suddenly disappeared on her messenger, a bad sign even at the best of times. "*" had even been mid-message when she went dark. The most likely thing was that someone had killed them. She forwarded all the information she and her clones had gathered so far as well as the news of her copies being lost to Christine, feeling that doing so would be part of her job. She arrived at the location of "Endsinger" about the same time as three other girls who appeared out of nowhere. Shion quickly stopped moving several roofs away, behind where the three were starting from. She watched as the third turned into what could only be described as a mechanical angel.

"Any ideas who these scrubs are? Based on appearances I'd have to guess Beacon." Shion asked her Puchuu.

"They don't seem like normal Beacon, but I don't know who else uses teleports to get where they want to be."

Shion sighed as a motorbike-riding magical girl came to the scene as well. She just didn't have any luck, did she? "Well, looks like there's enough man-power here to handle this without me. Waste of my bloody time coming out here."

"No problem. I get why it happened so there's no issue, really."

Shion chuckled. "Yeah, I can understand that. I'll definitely keep you in mind if any other good opportunities come up." With that she took the gems and placed them all in a large container behind her. As soon as Suzette left, something happened. Shion closed the lid to the container and, a few seconds later, opened it to find it empty save for a small note that simply read "Good job." Shion cringed slightly, still upset that she was no longer trusted with keeping some of the resources she gathered, but understanding of it as well.

Ko spoke up. "Hey, if you want to get some more coins, I just sensed some straight up garbage going down outside. There seems to be about three lich running around, and you could get about a gold each for beating them."

Shion paused. "Sounds good. Lemme just check in with the others first."

//Report in on three lich. Actually, just report in everything.

//Found the boy> Engage?>

//Heard music* Found what appears to be a lich* Sending video feed now*

//Massive moron in flying car^ Appears to be a lich^ Sending video feed^

These reports came in almost simultaneously, and suddenly Shion had a front-row seat to the carnage of Billy's fight and Emily's plight. Looking at Billy's battle with several magical girls, she responded to Ko. "Seems like a 'too many cooks' deal with one of them. Doubt I could do enough to make a difference with how outnumbered that guy is."

//At the Museum of natural history- What appears to be a lich just showed up- Sending feed-

"... Same situation with another lich. Too many magical girls there already, no point in heading out when they'll have dealt with it by the time I could get there."

Ko looked at Shion with slight disappointment, but she understood her charge's point. She might only get in the way if she went there now.

//Boy left the shop> Interacting with 'Lily' from the beach after following other girls from the shop> Following>

Shion made her decision as she watched Mariette summon shadow creatures to help her fight. She would go after the lich with the least opposition, the one playing a guitar with a mosh-pit of spirits around her. Ko hopped on her shoulder and the two took off towards the area.

With her coins now out of her control, having been spirited away for safekeeping, Shion sat alone. The way she saw it, she had three options. Either go out and fight some of the monsters that were around, or use her network of duplicates to find out what was going on on the streets. She had a basic understanding of the new situation thanks to Makoto's, fittingly, squirrelly nature when it came to her home timeline, but there was still so much grey area. The third option was to simply stay put, but that was never really an option for her, at least not completely. So as usual, after sending the last of the files she'd compiled at the beach resort to her higher-ups in the P.I., she created her duplicates and sent them out, some via the streets, some via rooftop, even two via sewer, all to gather as much information as she possibly could. Perhaps it was time to finally get to know these other magical girls? The only one she'd had any contact with, though, was the boy she'd slammed her chest into during Keijo. Still, she had a better rapport with him than any of the others... So she made sure that her clones knew to keep an eye out for him as they traveled.

She decided to wait at the location where she and Mariette had met to finally get her share of the gems. According to the news, it seemed to have been months since they met for the second time and the gems were put in Suzette's possession. Already, reports were coming in. It seemed the old haunts of certain magical entities that Shion had kept track of had been abandoned as even extensive investigations of them revealed that nobody who went missing returned to them after the "vacation." She marked them off on her list. Still, there was good information coming in on the current status, information the P.I. may deem fit to fill her in on notwithstanding. She continued sitting around, assuming that since Mariette had been at the beach, it would take some time for her to reorganize and inform Suzette that they had both returned. As she waited though, the door opened slightly and tiny footsteps could be heard. Ko had arrived.


"What!? That's great news! Also stop yelling you'll give away our location!" Shion yelled back.

Ko jumped up onto Shion's shoulders and quieted down, whispering. "Oh, yeah, sorry. I'm just so excited, I ran here as fast as I could!" She rummaged around in one of the two bags she had on her back. "Where is it...? C'mon where are you?"

A moment passed. Then another. The rustling sound Shion heard just behind her head grew more frantic. "Um... Lemme just..." Ko jumped onto the ground and took the bag off, dumping the contents onto the floor. There was a flat-head screwdriver with half the head missing, a power drill battery, a map of another universe's Scotland, a thermos of lighter-fluid, a bottle of ten-times purified water, and a audio-tape recorder, but there was no sign of a platinum coin, or any coins for that matter.

"Wha-...? Where'd it go!?" As Ko began to hyperventilate, Shion picked up the bag, a simple child's backpack, and examined it.

"... There's a hole."


"There's a hole in the bag." Shion held it out for Ko to look at.

"... So there is." Ko replied, still breathing heavily.

Shion shrugged. "Oh well, no worries."


Shion covered her ears. "Stop yelling! Yes, it would be fantastic to have that coin, but I've been working hard to get enough magic without having the coin you were going to give me. I wasn't factoring it in, so while it would be a great surprise and bonus, it's not necessary." She explained. "I do greatly appreciate it, though." She added sincerely.

"Well then. I guess I'll just... stay here for a while. Maybe I can use my new knowledge to help out!"

Summer was laid out on a beach chair, enjoying the endless summertime, listening to fitting summertime music when an idea struck. What if she...? And so she did. And then again. And again. And again. She began the process of learning this new movement. It took several hours. But finally, finally.

She had finally learned how to swim.

You'll have to let me know if my redistribution of wealth is acceptable, since I don't plan to spend any coins on anything for potentially the entire season.
Summer stepped out from behind Dan. "Aww, the beach episode is over and I didn't get any screen-time!" She patted Dan on the head in a gesture of condolence. "I wouldn't mind staying for a while longer, if that's okay?" She glanced at Violet and Sakura with pleading eyes. Whether or not her request was granted, she'd stick with it. She had made some great sketches of Binky from the shadows the island and the events, so she was happy, even if she had to return to Penrose.

"..." Shion stood in silence as the others debated. She didn't really care about the vacation or it ending, but... "What's going to happen to all the magic in this place? What about all the coins that the dolphin has?" If she could just get her hands on that dolphin, maybe it'd be enough in one fell swoop... Though given that he was apparently a Lesser Spirit, perhaps he didn't have as many as she hoped.
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