... Shit. That wasn't how this was supposed to go. Shion's breath caught in her throat as she was hit by Banshee's killing blow. Still, she struggled through it, though to little effect. Unfortunately the metal grain wasn't able to stop pure magic. Before she died, however, she was saved. She hated that. She hated that. She refused to be in someone's debt like that, so she threw this "Jimmy" a strange artifact that had been given to her while she was out of town by her allies in other places. It appeared to be a simple silver disk about the size of a silver dollar.
In reality, this was a ruse. The shell of metal was a simple bit of magic that could be used to restore a decent bit of mana in a one-time use. It was the inner contents that was the gift. One of three blue coins in her possession, a trick by another universe's Beacon that didn't have access to White Coins, capable of reducing a magi's magic to zero until used again to restore it. As it could not be activated on someone against their will, it was perfect for hiding or as it was intended to work, make someone more susceptible to purification magic by preventing their natural magic from fighting it. Luckily, its use didn't make the coin disappear like other magical coins, but even so, a magi could only use it twice ever. Once to reduce their magic, and once to restore it. Makoto had tasked Shion with testing its viability in this dimension, certain that even if it failed to work here it would make for interesting discoveries should it be in the right hands. Whether or not it would do as intended would be up to the whims of fate, Shion supposed, but she considered her debt to this "Jimmy" payed in full.
"We're even." she said to Jimmy as loudly as she could after the attack she took. With that, she sat down to heal up from her near-death experience and collect the metal dust back into a new vial, as well as to recover and wipe off the two bullets she'd used and re-store them in her pistol.