Avatar of Daxam


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2 mos ago
Current Just saw Sonic 3. Looking forward to the next one, already lol
2 mos ago
I found out that Peter Cullen, the voice of Eeyore and Optimus Prime, himself, also provided the vocalizations for the Predator in the first movie. What can't that man do?
2 mos ago
I'm more excited for six days off of work than I am for the birthday I have that week
3 mos ago
Chime just told me my balance has seen better days. Yeah, I get it, I'm poor
3 mos ago
Just finished the last three episodes of Arcane. It was a good finale, but I think I'll need to sleep on it to really figure out how I feel about it


Welcome to Hell (AKA, the mind of an idiot)

Most Recent Posts

Zac wasn't sure how much time had passed. Twenty minutes? Half an hour? An hour? Two? It seemed like forever since Sabine went up into the VIP lounge, and yet he was still sitting there, waiting. However, he was debating on whether or not he should leave and catch Sabine at Mochavine the next morning, assuming he woke up in time. After all, he was getting rather tired, the rhythm of the pounding bass having a bit of a hypnotic effect on him.

Just as he was about to stand, he heard a voice. "Hey, you're that guy that Sabine ran off onto the dance floor with earlier right? Mind if the two of us sit here?" Looking up, Zac sees the guy who was with Sabine earlier, as well as the poor DJ, who had some sort of liquid thrown at her, both holding drinks. Smiling, he says, "Nah, go ahead. I was getting pretty bored, anyway. It'd be nice to have someone to talk to, at least for a little while."

"Things were a little...crazy earlier so I know we never were properly introduced, I'm Kyle and this is Nori," the guy says. His trademarked friendly grin on his face, Zac responds, "I'm Zac. It's nice to meet you both." Turning to the DJ, he adds, "Sorry about what happened with that guy, earlier. Least you had your friend there to loan you his shirt."

It was then Kyle asked where Sabine ran off to. Zac sighs and looks back to the VIP staircase, where the same guard from before was standing. "She went up there," he answers. "I'm not sure how long it's been. I was actually getting ready to go home when you two--"

His voice cuts off as he watches a young woman descend from the stairs before turning off into the bathroom. Without a doubt, he knew it was Sabine, but what had cut him off guard was that he knew he had glimpsed blood on her face before she disappeared. "Sorry," Zac mutters, already rising to his feet, his eyes trained on the bathroom door, "but I think she might need help." Without another word, he heads off toward the bathroom. As he walks, he sees Sabine exit the washroom before walking away, as if she didn't notice him approach, which wouldn't surprise him given the amount of people milling about.

Closing the distance between himself and Sabine, he gently rests a hand on her shoulder and asks above the blare of the music, "Hey, everything okay?"

@BeastofDestiny@Verdaux@Narcotic Dollie
2 SP00KY 4 M3 M8

You know, that'd make for a really interesting dating sim/anime/VN. It starts out all happy and normal and stuff, and then BAM! Sinister plots!

inb4 someone tells me of an existing VN/anime with the same premise...

Um, it's not exactly slice-of-life, but Madoka Magicka was like that. Starts off happy and sweet, normal girls become magical girls...

...Then one of the girls gets her head bitten off :|

Huh. Odd. Either I did get a notification and didn't notice when or the system glitched
I'm still working on editing Zac to fit with your CS ^^
Nope. Did you edit it in? That might be why
Odd. I didn't get a notification for Beast's post :T

Zacary Yoxall




(Only difference: his eyes are your typical, Al Bhed green)


Al Bhed

Weapon of choice:

A simple handgun


Works with his mother at her autobody shop, but spends most of his free time tinkering with various other projects, whether it be repairs for friends or one of the many side projects he has going on-


Despite any misgivings anyone would have due to his or his mother's race, Zac tries to treat everyone as kindly as he would like to be treated, even if they were a very devout Yevonist. He enjoys making new friends and will gladly put his life on the line to protect them without any hesitation.

Character flaws:

He isn't all that good at his magic and can only cast Haste on himself two or three times. And, if left alone, he will get lost, even if it's a short walk to the grocery store (he carries a map of his town everywhere he goes).

Special Ability:

Zac knows one white magic spell, Haste, which he had taught himself so he could hurry up and finish whatever work he was doing in record time before moving onto something else. He can also make different elemental types of ammunition.


- Several pistol clips, all loaded with various ammunition
- Portable machining gear
- Potions and ethers
- One or two Phoenix Downs
- Snacks


120 years have passed since High Summoner Yuna and her allies defeated Sin for the last time and, since then, mankind has flourished. The small beach villages of Yuna's time were fewer and more far between. In their place stood large cities, as if testaments to the kind of place Zanarkand once was before it became the pile of rubble it remains, even to this day. However, even though an Al Bhed helped Lady Yuna, who was part Al Bhed, herself, there was still plenty of prejudice against the race. And it was this prejudice that Zacary Yoxall, an Al Bhed Machinist, had learned to live with.

Zac was born to a human father and Al Bhed mother (which would explain his dark hair, atypical to the blonde hair all pure-blooded Al Bhed share). When he was a child, his father had disappeared, leaving his mother to raise him on his own. Over the years, his mother, who worked in an automotive shop, let Zac watch her work, which inspired his love of working on machines. After turning 18, Zac moved out of his mother's home and into a loft apartment, having desired enough room to continue his tinkering, but he continued to work with his mom in her shop.


Zac is what could be best described as a care-free individual. In general, it takes a lot to get him down, even when talking to someone who doesn't really care for his people. He tends to be at his best when working on machines, something even his mother had admitted he was better at than her. However, even considering how happy he was working on machines, he still catches himself hoping something exciting would happen from time to time.

(I'll edit more when I have time ^^)
I'll go ahead and do that, myself ^^

Oh, if you're in need of a co-GM, I'm available :3
Now I'm curious :3

Think I'll wait for Beast to post before I get one up ^^
I could make it easier on everyone (at least for now) and make a side character just for getting killed off :3

I could probably make them close to Zac (a sibling or something) and I can have Zac change his plans to join the police so he can get revenge :3
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