@Carantathraiel And I hope the same for you, my good friend :)
Anywho, what've you been up to? Anything fun?
Anywho, what've you been up to? Anything fun?
@Delta44@Narcotic Dollie@MyCatGinger@Rekaigan@Cirrus
From one love RP to another? yall dont want to do something badass like race cars or fly warplanes? I@BlueAjah@Haeo@Daxam@Saarebas@Bozo Ive got 3 RPs that I'd love to reboot with some of you.
Let me know!
First the Dystopian Racing RP, think F-Zero meets Death Race mixed in with a little Wacky Races.
There's a lot we could do with the setting. I only began to peice together the plot.
Racing RP
Second is my Warplanes RP, very close to my heart, this is easily the most passionate ive ever been about a project, ever since I first played Starfox, I wanted to do a Warplanes Fantasy. This is Lylat Wars Meets Fire Shark Meets Fallout.
Warplanes RP
And Lastly my Mini-Robo Highschool/Academy RP, this was one of my very earliest ideas so its the least polished but It has some real potential and plus a great system which I've based future RPs off of. This is technically closest to your slice of life Idea, Custom Robo meets Beyblade meets Rival Schools.
Custom Robo RP
Let me know which one(s) take your fancy....(if any)
<Snipped quote by Daxam>
where are you now?
Awww! Sadness abounds! This was a great team of players. Would anyone like to get together and maybe start up something different? I wouldn't mind GMing something if some of you would still like to play together.
So the elephant in the room is now making too much noise to ignore.
We have lost too many members, me and the GMs are going to close this season of shine city.
Just like the last time we are extremely grateful to everyone who took part and contributed to my brainchild Shine City and grown it into something 10x what it was when I first had the idea.
We thank you all for joining us, and we may see you somewhere down the road.
I'll be GMing other smaller RPs and I'll be in the Arena taking on combat challenges so message me if you are interested.
Until next time
Sayonara xx