Avatar of Daxam


Recent Statuses

1 mo ago
Current Just saw Sonic 3. Looking forward to the next one, already lol
1 mo ago
I found out that Peter Cullen, the voice of Eeyore and Optimus Prime, himself, also provided the vocalizations for the Predator in the first movie. What can't that man do?
1 mo ago
I'm more excited for six days off of work than I am for the birthday I have that week
2 mos ago
Chime just told me my balance has seen better days. Yeah, I get it, I'm poor
3 mos ago
Just finished the last three episodes of Arcane. It was a good finale, but I think I'll need to sleep on it to really figure out how I feel about it


Welcome to Hell (AKA, the mind of an idiot)

Most Recent Posts

Question: As far as weapons go, what are we allowed to have? Do they have to fit within a certain time period?
Awesome. I'm gonna be busy today, but I'll get my CS written up later this evening when I have some free time ^^
Hey, still looking?
I'll throw my hat in! Been looking for a good Apocalypse RP for awhile, now :D

Sorry: Forgot I was supposed to PM you XD
I'm interested, as well
I'll try to get a CS made up today, though I'm gonna be rather busy trying to get this place into shape
Sorry for the delay! ^^;
Name: Zacary Yoxall

Age: 25

Gender: Male

Appearance: Zac is a rather tall fellow, standing at 6'4". In most circumstances, his height could make him rather intimidating, but one main thing just so happens to be working against him in that department: the ever-present, friendly grin on his face, as well as the matching glint in his eyes. Being a member of a SWAT team back home, Zac has a well-built frame, a necessity for busting down doors to take down suspects.

Inventory: Out of equal parts force of habit and foresight, Zac always carries his badge on him, around his neck on a chain, just in case he ever had to show it. In addition to that, he has his phone, wallet, and a small notepad, though it was used for origami, a hobby he took up while in the hospital awhile back. Although, his folding skills only extend to cranes and paper airplanes.


-Strong nerves

-Capable in a fight


-Capable cook (Not sure if this will play in at all, but thought I'd add it in case)
I'm all for season 3! (He said, apparently joining the party rather late) :D
@Dynamo Frokane@WindsOfFate@PetiteAmbivert@Daxam Are you four still interested in this RP?

Yeah, just been busy. I'll get my character made ASAP :)
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