Valery Shimamoto
The dry scratching of a pen against paper and the lapping waves were the only sounds inside of the Marine captain’s quarters. The room was spartan, containing only a bed, a desk, a dresser, and a single bookshelf. A white coat with the word “Justice” emblazoned on the back hung from a hook on a wall. Sunlight streamed in through the windows, illuminating the captain as filled out a report on the operational costs for his ship. His long, black hair was tied back and he wore a black suit with a matching tie and a crimson dress shirt underneath. While his position was only a masquerade, he still treated it as seriously as anyone else would.
There was a knock on the door and the man with two names, “Maxwell Rakham” and “Sol Luminos,” set his pen down. Leaning back in his seat, he rubbed his eyes, sore from focusing on his papers for so long, as he said,
”Enter.”The door opened and his blonde-haired lieutenant, Rachel Nelson, stepped in. She grinned at her captain as she saluted him. “Sir,” she said, “we’ve received a call via transponder snail that there’s a ship bearing provisions on approach.”
”Good,” he said as he rose to his feet,
“it’s about time. We’ve been anchored here for the last couple of hours, waiting for them. Tell the men to prepare to receive them.”Rachel nodded and left the room as Sol pulled his coat down from the wall. He slipped it over his shoulders, then looked over at the dresser. Sitting on top of it, carefully perched on its stand, was a katana. The guard was metallic gold and in the shape of an octofoil, a shape that repeated five times down the length of the white and gold scabbard, and the color scheme was repeated on the hilt. The sword was light and well-balanced, definitely a mastercraft, but Sol never felt right using it. Every time he wielded the blade, it almost felt like it was constantly reminding him that he wasn’t meant to use it, a sentiment that he couldn’t help but agree with as he thought back to how the sword came into his possession in the first place.
After a brief hesitation, Sol removed the sword from its stand and placed it on his left side. He turned and, shutting the door quietly behind him, left his quarters.
As Valery walked down the dock passing ships parked at their respective gangplanks, he had noticed a crew loading supplies and prepping to set sail shortly. Hitching a ride wouldn’t be an easy task but he had a shot right here. The ship's crew seemed a bit restless yet efficient as they worked with haste. Stationed near the platform was a man shouting out orders and directing the crew every which way, Valery took it that this was likely the captain or first mate at least.
“Hey, are you the captain of this fine ship? She sure is a beauty!” Valery said, his tone slightly raised in order to grab the mana attention. Upon closer examination he could see the rough appearance of this man. He had little hair upon the top of his head and his face and skin seemed weathered, as though he’s been at sea for many years. He wasn’t very tall nor a physical specimen yet he held a large and somewhat intimidating presence.
“Get lost, we're busy!” He shouted as he turned back to his crew. Now grabbing crates as well and helping them load the ship as well. Upon closer examination of the crew there were about 3 in total. One person organized the boxes on the ship while 2 ran to and from the dock alongside the captain. Valery was a bit impressed, he could respect a leader willing to get down and dirty with his crew. The guy seemed stronger than he looked as well as he managed to pick up a crate twice his size with ease. Still it seemed like they could use an extra hand.
“It looks like you guys need an extra hand, I’ll offer my assistance if you’ll allow me to hitch a ride to the next island you stop at.” The man grumbled as he stopped on his tracks and craned his next to the side. He was clearly annoyed as he sized Valery up. “Listen kid, why should I let you board my ship. Last thing I need is some unreliable brat distracting me and my men”
Valery just smirked as he placed his blade to the side and rolling up his sleeves.
“Don’t be stubborn, you guys seem to be lacking in man power.” The silver haired boy scoffed, stretching his limbs out.
“You seem like a man of his word, if i help out will you give me a ride?” Valery said as he picked up a stack of crates twice his size.
“Fine, just get all this shit on the ship or we’ll be late to meet up with our client.” He scoffed, slightly impressed. “Names Randal Rockaportl by the way.” the man smirked as he led the way for Valery. With the combined help they were able to load the ship and prepare to set sail into the ocean.
“RAISE THE ANCHORS AND LOWER THE SAILS! WE’RE SETTING SAIL AT ONCE” Valery looked around frantically before finding his target, he stretched his hands out before grabbing ahold on the anchor alongside one of the other crewmates. A brunette fellow with short yet curly hair along with some good size. They both pulled the anchor up, freeing the ship from its stationary position. Simultaneously the sails for the ship were released and in a matter of moments they were into North blue.
Valery looked back at Oceansong island, watching it slowly and slowly get smaller. As he looked forward in the distance he could see the light from a ship shining in the vast emptiness of the ocean.
“I take it this is your client?” Randal had been steering the ship towards its destination, he gave Valery a stern nod. “Make sure ya don’t embarrass me. Should be a quick exchange of goods before heading off.” Valery nodded as he shrugged, whatever they were trading wasn’t his business. As long as he was able to get to the next island was all that mattered to him.
Sol slowly walked around the deck of his ship as his crew busied themselves with their tasks, preparing to receive a merchant vessel bearing provisions. He didn’t let his annoyance show, but he couldn’t help but feel a bit irritated that they had to wait so long. He had hoped it would’ve taken half an hour or an hour, tops, and they’d be on their way. Instead, they had wasted two hours doing nothing while they waited for this ship to appear.
“There’s a ship approaching from behind, starboard side!” one of the Marines shouted.
Sol walked over to the starboard side and looked back. As the Marine said, there was a small ship approaching and he found his irritation abating, although only slightly. If there were only a few people crewing the ship, then he figured they couldn’t be completely at fault for being late.
As the smaller ship pulled alongside the much larger Marine ship, Sol approached the gunwale and called down,
”Randal Rockaport, I presume? You’ve kept us waiting. I trust everything is alright?”Randal sighed audibly, “Indeed, I had a man bail on me last minute. Good riddance either way. Hope all is well with you Captain Maxwell Rakham. Let’s exchange without a moment's haste, I’m sure you and your crew have somewhere to be.”
Valery had been standing to the side, rather still as he watched the captains exchange greetings. Prior to the ships approaching one another he was a bit intrigued by the fact that Randal’s client was the navy. He was pretty interested in this fact as he saw it as the perfect opportunity to gather some intel.
Randals crew connected both ships with a gangplank and began the transfer of goods. Valery assisted as well as he took a large crate and carried it over, his balance was on display as it wasn’t very easy keeping steady on the shifting seas.
Upon placing the first box down he took a better look at this Rakham fellow, his eyes widening at what he saw attached to the man's belt. Immediately he dropped the boxes and placed his hand on the hilt of his own sword.
“I’m only going to ask once…where did you get that sword?” Valery said as he strained the words out of his mouth with a violent hiss.
Sol had been looking over the manifest that Randal had given him when he heard Valery’s question. He slowly turned his head as he fixed his dark eyes on Valery’s. He held his gaze for a moment before he looked down at the young man’s hand on his sword, then met his eyes once again. He handed the manifest to Lieutenant Nelson as he quietly said,
”I don’t see the need to answer that question. Now, I suggest you remove your hand from your weapon and return to your ship or else I’ll have to arrest you for threatening a Marine officer.”Valery’s gaze didn’t waver in the slightest at Rakham’s threat. He had already steeled his nerves for this moment over the past year. A mixture of emotions filled the boys head, at first it was shock but as he recalled all the moments that happened since he last saw his father, he was overcome by rage. All he needed was confirmation, whether he spoke or not.
“HAVE YOU LOST YOUR MIND? WHAT THE HELL ARE YOU DOING?” Randal yelled at the top of his lungs. He was beyond pissed at the situation.
Valery ignored Randal’s comment as he unsheathed his blade.
“That sword doesn’t belong to the navy and definitely not on your side. I’ll take it back by force if needed” Val gripped his blade with two hands tightly as he lunged at Rackham.
“Crescent Moon slash!” Valery chanted as he swung the blade underhanded across Rackhams chest with great force.
The attack would never hit its mark. As unhurriedly as if he were simply stepping aside to let someone pass, Sol sidestepped Valery’s attack, his eyes following the blade as it arced past him. “How dare you?!” Lieutenant Nelson shouted at Valery as she reached to unwrap the blade of her glaive.
“At ease, lieutenant,” Sol calmly replied, stopping his second-in-command from joining the fight.
“I will handle this matter, myself.” He turned to the soldier he was now standing beside and held his hand out.
“Ensign, may I borrow your weapon? Sheathed, please.”The soldier glanced at the sword at Sol’s side, as if wondering why he wouldn’t simply use that one, but was quick to obey the order as he slid the sword from his belt and handed it to his captain. Sol took the weapon and then moved a couple of paces toward Valery, his body language relaxed and the borrowed sword at his side.
As he regarded the younger swordsman, Sol had an inkling of why Valery was so angry, so desperate to retrieve the sword that hung at his side. That didn’t matter to him, though. The way he saw it, he needed the sword more than this stranger did, at least for now.
“Come at me, then,” Sol said as he aimed the sheathed sword at Valery with his right hand.
“If you can so much as land a single blow on me or take the sword from my belt, I’ll let you leave with it.”Valery watched as his sword sailed through the air with no sign of success. The boy halted his momentum by digging his boots hard into the wooden floorboards of the navy ship, kicking up dust before coming to a stop. With haste he returned to a neutral posture, his sword upright as he held it with both hands. His eyes shifted from person to person, as he waited for the other marines to react. He turned his attention first to a blonde haired woman who was the first out of Maxwell's unit to react as she reached for her blade. Before Valery could prepare to counter, Maxwell intervened, referring to the blonde woman as lieutenant.
The captain was taking matters into his own hand as he asked politely to use one of his soldiers' blades. Valery was a bit confused as to why he preferred to use a comparatively inferior weapon in this battle. A myriad of thoughts raced through the boy's head, perhaps he was gauging his strength or even underestimating him based on that first attack. Even more so, Maxwell seemed rather relaxed and confident as he approached Valery. His wager was proof of the man underestimating Valery’s skill as he offered to give back the sword if he was able to land a hit.
“Oh? You’re that confident I can’t land a hit on you?” Valery said in an annoyed tone. His confusion vanished as his expression returned to a fit of rage.
“Alright” Valery said as he lunged forward, once in range he planted his right foot firmly.
“Moonlight Style: Endless Waltz!” He exclaimed before delivering an onslaught of slashes upon his foe without break. The strikes came from all directions and were strung together with notable skill. To the untrained eye, it seemed as though the strikes Valery was executing were nothing more than a fury of brutal swings. Though with someone who possesses experience with a sword or even a well seasoned fighter, a faint tune could be heard as Valery's sword sliced the air. As though he was playing a melody and it’s each swing of a sword a note was being played.
Sol arched an eyebrow as he noticed the quiet tune resounding from Valery’s sword with each swing, surprised he used a form similar to his own. He sidestepped, ducked, and wove between each slice, his eyes darting from Valery’s weapon to his shoulders, and even his feet, taking careful note of the positions of each part of his opponent’s body as he anticipated each strike. Finally, having seen enough, Sol flipped his borrowed weapon in his hand, now holding it in a reverse grip, and blocked an overhead strike.
”Your form’s pretty decent,” he said.
”You’ve had a good teacher. I wouldn’t be surprised if you were the star pupil. However, you’re still much too early to try your hand against someone like me.”With that, he angled his sword slightly and let Val’s slide down the length of the sheathed blade to get him off balance before he lashed out with his knee, intending to drive it into his chest. His left hand behind his back, he flipped his weapon again and stood at the ready.
”I’m starting to run low on time to entertain you,” he warned.
”I’ll give you two more chances. Come at me.”A look of shock came over Val’s face as Maxwell evaded each and every attack. He even had enough time to respond and spark a bit of banter.
“Oh y-“was the only thing he could say before his opponent made their move and counter-attacked. As Valery felt himself become off balance and leaned forward for a perfectly placed knee.
“Ghhaah!” He exhaled as he felt the wind get knocked out of his body before flying into one of the cargo crates bought aboard. Val nearly dropped his sword from the blow, barely being able to hold on. Maxwell had his full interest now as he mocked him. “Entertain huh…” Valery muttered under his breath, his legs a bit shaky as he got to his feet, resting his sword on his shoulder as he stepped forward once more.
Maxwell was still holding back clearly, and he’s yet to even take a crack at him with weapon in hand. Valery was annoyed by the fact that he was toying with him.
He shifted his blade once more to face his opponent, extending the tip of the sword.
“I’ll make sure to wrap this up quick then” Valery said as he took a step forward, with a deep inhale he took a low stance as he held his sword to the right side of his body. He then leapt forward with his right one foot with immense speed. His muscles twitched as he brought his sword forward, revealing an attack from the right.
“Moonlight Style: Umbra Revolution!” he shouted, before pivoting with his left foot effectively feinting his attack. Valery spun on the ball of his left foot as he swiped at Maxwell's body from the right.
Sol raised an eyebrow at the feint, but didn’t fall for it. His eyes remained fixed on the point of Valery’s sword as it came at him from the other side and his body moved automatically as he ducked underneath the attack. He felt the wind generated by Valery’s blade ruffle his hair as he let his opponent sail past him.
”Not bad,” he said,
”but even when feinting, you want to commit as if you were going to follow through, or else a more experienced swordsman will see through it, like so.”He turned to face Valery once more and said,
”One more chance. Don’t waste it.”Valery jumped back, creating a bit of distance between the two of them. Sheathing his sword and holding it at his side as he faced Maxwell once again. Annoyed by his baits, now he was trying to school him.
“Aye aye Captain” he said, taking a deep breath in. Once more he sat on the balls of his feet. He ever so slightly leaned forward as he gathered energy into his feet and muscles. His left hand rested on the hilt of his sword as he stared, his eyes locked on his opponent. Valery held his position for a couple seconds creating tension in the air as the waves crashed into both ships and the smell of the sea permeated the air.
“Moonlight style Iai: New moon”As the last word left his lips, Valery had lunged from his location in a flash of white. He reappeared in front of Maxwell, pulling his blade from its sheath . His shoulders were parallel with his foe, along with his feet pointed forward showing his intent to strike down his foe. Valery committed all his might into his final attack as he converted his kinetic energy into his swing. His mark was set on a crossbody slash. With a mighty swing he went through with his attack ending up on the opposite side of Maxwell. The residual force speeding among the members aboard the navy ship in the form of a gust of wind.
Sol didn’t move from his spot as Valery quickly closed the distance between the two of them. Valery’s speed seemed to have taken everyone by surprise, if their shocked faces were anything to go by. Nelson called out to Sol, as if she thought he wouldn’t react fast enough as the streak of white closed in on him.
In truth, to Sol, it was as if everything was moving in slow motion. Despite Valery’s admittedly impressive speed, Sol was able to keep track of him, his eyes never leaving the less-experienced swordsman’s. He watched as Valery’s sword arced toward him, glinting in the sunlight as it closed in. Only at the last possible second did Sol react.
”Symphonic Blade: Sforzando.”Even faster than Valery had been moving, Sol drew his borrowed sword and parried the iai strike. To the Marines and merchants watching, it would appear as if Sol hadn’t moved at all, yet his sword was suddenly drawn.
”You’re skilled, there’s no doubt about that,” he admitted.
”But you’re still too early. You overestimated yourself, let yourself believe you were capable of more than you currently are. I’m sure you were the best at your dojo, but I’m afraid that doesn’t amount to much out here.”The sword in Valery’s hand suddenly shattered, shards of steel glinting in the sunlight as they fell to the deck. Sol slowly turned toward Valery as their spectators grew quiet. Holding onto his sword with both hands, he brought it to his shoulders and aimed the tip toward Valery, parallel with the deck.
”You have two choices,” Sol quietly said.
”So long as you hold onto that, even broken as it is, I will consider you armed and I will end this fight. You can either drop your weapon, sacrifice your pride as a swordsman, and be taken into custody or turn around so I may end this properly. I won’t shame myself by striking you from behind.”In a flash it was all over, as Valery stood behind Rackham, he had a small smirk on his face as a bead of sweat dripped down the side of his face. He knew that he had lost and that he would have to pay the toll.
His blade began to crumble in multiple areas before shattering into a multitude of pieces upon the ship's deck. Impressed by the swordsmanship of Rackham. Valery was having difficulty even recalling the moment that his foe reacted. All he remembers is everything moving as though he was in slow motion and Rackham was the only one moving regularly. He could have ended his life there if he really wanted, yet he chose to simply disarm him. In hindsight it's clear that he was way in over his head. If this was the man who took his masters head then anyone could have told him this was a fight he surely wouldn’t win. That’s not even taking into consideration the group backing Rackham.
He watched silently with a glare on his face as he stared back at Rackham. His eyes laser focused as he watched the man point his blade out towards him giving him two choices. Be imprisoned and rot away in a cell or to be struck down where he stands. Valery did not even have to think about the options as it was very clear in his mind what his choice was.
He turned around to face Rackham, his back against the railing of the ship. He firmly wrapped his fingers around the broken blade as he spread his arms out exposing his chest. Out of the corner of his eye he could see the expressions on Rockaports face as he watched everything unfold. He was pissed but there was a hint of concern. With a devilish grin, Valery held his head high.
“See you in hell.” Valery rebutted as he awaited judgment.
Sol watched as Valery turned to face him and spread his arms, seemingly accepting of his fate. He couldn’t help but respect the way the less experienced swordsman accepted the difference in their strength, that he had lost. Sol gave Valery a ghost of a smile and said,
”Very well. Out of respect for the way you fought and how you still face me without any fear, I’ll finish this with a showing of my true ability.”He had been standing with his left side facing Valery, but now changed sides and let his right side take the lead. His right foot pointed toward the less experienced swordsman as Sol lowered his stance slightly. He lowered his sword arm, the blade aimed horizontally behind him as his left hand rested on top of his right wrist, his eyes locked on Valery’s as he pictured the strike he had practiced a thousand times before.
”Symphonic Blade - First Measure…”He suddenly shot forward, the deck cracking under his feet. To the onlookers, it would appear that he had suddenly disappeared, but Sol made sure he was moving
just slow enough for Valery to see what he was doing. Sol closed the distance halfway, then spun, adding momentum to his strike. As the blade arced through the air, leaving a gleaming trail behind it, something akin to a flute could be heard, gradually increasing in volume, the notes somehow coming together to form a cohesive melody that would make one think of the first rays of sunrise.
”...Dawn’s Crescendo.”The blade came down, slicing diagonally through the air and across Valery’s torso as Sol came to crouch in front of his opponent.
Valery stood there with a borderline demonic grin in his final moments as all he had to take with him into the next life was the pride of a swordsman. Rackham didn’t spare him either as he showcased the gap between the two of them. The young swordsman took note as his pupils widened.
Rackhams stance was firm and strong, lacking any weak points. Within a blink in an eye, he had bridged the gap. It was nearly too fast for Valery but he just barely managed to keep up thanks to his adrenaline. He watched as the sword arced, towards his torso with a gleam of light. The sound of a flute could be heard, the sound transforming into a melody. It was as though he was being welcomed into the afterlife. The tune that Rackham produced was comparatively, much clearer and more precise than the one that Valery created earlier.
The slash made its mark, as the sword sank its blade it Valerys body creating a nasty wound across the boy's body. Rockaports winced and looked away, stifling their breath as the heard Rackhams sword make contact. Rockaport himself didn’t flinch an inch, his expression was stern and cold. Quickly things got rather messy as blood began to spurt out from the boy's chest and his knees began to buckle. Valery dropped to the floor as his life essence began to leak onto the deck.
Before Valery could land, however, Sol reached out and stopped him, catching him in his arm. Looking down at his wounded opponent, Sol realized he had long come to a decision of what to do with him. He could feel Valery’s blood soak into his sleeve as he turned to Rockaport.
”The wound isn’t life-threatening,” he said,
”but he’ll still need medical attention as soon as possible. I trust you have emergency aid supplies on your ship?”Before Rockaport could reply, Lieutenant Nelson stepped forward. “You can’t be serious!” she said. “He just tried to kill you! If he doesn’t die, he needs to be taken into custody for attacking a Marine officer!”
The gaze Sol fixed on Nelson was enough to make whatever other protest she had die in her throat. The look in his eyes had once more convinced her that his position was no fluke. It was the gaze that brokered no argument.
”Last I checked, I was the captain of this ship, was I not?” he quietly asked. Without waiting for an answer, he carried Valery over to Rockaport and continued,
”Ultimately, whatever decisions are made on this ship are mine to make and I’ll gladly bear the consequences should I decide incorrectly. He may have attacked me. He may have tried to kill me, but as you can see, I am unharmed. Besides that, I feel that he has been punished enough for his mistake.”He laid Valery on the deck in front of Rockaport and his men as he said,
”There’s an island a few hours from here, to the northeast. Do what you can to care for him until you get there, then find a doctor to tend for him from there. I’ll see to it that you’re well compensated for the trouble.”Rockaport sighed, then nodded to a couple of his men. As they busied themselves with carrying Valery to their ship, the captain turned to Sol as he pulled his bloodstained coat off and carefully folded it. “Don’t you think you’re being too lenient, sir?” he asked.
”Maybe,” Sol replied as he handed his coat to a crewmember for washing.
”Or maybe I just don’t see the sense in a needless death.” After a moment, he then said,
”If I might trouble you for one more favor, Captain, I would like you to give him a message when he wakes up.”Rockaport sighed and crossed his arms. “I suppose if it’s just a message, it shouldn’t be a problem. What would you like to say?”
Sol rested his hand on the white-hilted sword on his hip and he could hear the words of a dying man echo through his mind, words that asked him to return the sword to his son.
”Tell him that I’m sorry I couldn’t give this sword to him, but I have need of it, for now,” he quietly said after a long moment. He met Rockaport’s eyes and added,
”Unless he feels that he can wait for me to return it, he’s more than welcome to come find me and attempt to reclaim it once more. Should he choose to do so, however, I won’t hold back.”