First few days here was a blur of boringness. He didn’t talk much to anyone as he spent time exploring the place and unpacking. Amai had said that it would take getting used to everything. For one, it was much colder in America in general and the air more dry. For two, the food always seemed much saltier or sweeter than back at home, which wasn’t always a bad thing. So far, his favorite thing since coming to this Young Justice place was....well, it was a tie.
The kitchen lounge room was cool with the giant screen. He wasn’t sure he’d ever seen a TV so big, even when he was with Iwisa and the King Lion. Then again, there were many things he had seen since being back with Amai that he had not seen when away. King Lion did not allow him to do a lot, even though Ja did everything he asked. Iwisa sometimes let him do fun stuff secretly...He missed Iwisa...Why did it get so sad all of a sudden?! Sheeesh.
Regardless of that, his second favorite thing was whenever he got to see Zach the magic man do his tricks. It was weird, the words he spoke before something happened though. He was familiar with the different languages of his homelands and with American English, but not this strange dialect. It was probably explained to him at some point, but he didn’t focus much. It was more of an amazing sight to see things fly around the room or disappear and pop up out of nowhere.
Apparently, he was one of those that would stay on his team from now on according to Red Robot. He wasn’t sure why all of his bosses outside of Amai wore red. Maybe red was a boss color; Ja wanted to wear red one day. For now though, he was good with the green headphones that played music in his ears currently. His attire was simple, a white graphic t-shirt with various cartoon characters in it, black sweatpants, with similarly green and white hightop sneakers on.
Step bop-bop slide
Step bop-bop slide
Step bop-bop slide
Step bop-bop slide
Was his rhythm whie he danced down the hall as he neared the room. The piano tones in combination with the drums in his ears kept a smile on his face. He had made it a goal, in order to make better friends with his new teammates to bother one of them every day. With Red Robot telling him that new people were coming today, he thought it would be cool to go meet them. It was as he was just upon the doorway that the bobbing of his head bush slowed and his eyes peered forward.
Exiting from the teleporter room was a girl with brown hair and cream-colored skin. Ja couldn’t help but stare as she seemed to radiate something he was drawn to. Though, it wasn’t the same as when he interacted with animals it felt different. No, he knew The Red, it was a part of him as he was growing up and would continue to be for as long as he lived. His instincts were prompted from that side of him, and they seemed to be trying to tell him something about this girl.
Ja’s lips pursed for just a second before he made a gentle popping sound with his them. Maintaining his smile, he sort of just followed his instincts and her. Ja waved his hand though kept quiet as she was on the phone.