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Zoe Theseum

Before Zoe could manage any further awkward hello's the other crew called to the meeting arrived. A familiar face in Q-T; as the head of exploratory botanical research she'd ventured out with the EVA crew a few times during their travels, and if anyone from her sector saw them most, it would be Zoe. She fought an urge to give her a smile and wave. Q-T was a nice girl.

Then there was the engineer. Miss King. An unfamiliar face, as Zoe didn't often mingle with that crowd by chance. She knew the face of the department head though, and this wasn't it. Regardless the woman had an air about her that Zoe wouldn't deny.

As she began to speak her part, Zoe set the bot on her shoulder to record. Wanting to again catch every detail. While normally she'd be fidgeting and unravelling at the shower comment, this was business; and there she could function.

Her expressions were hardly perceptible, a squint here and a frown there at the mounting news. Much like her sector, things could be worse, but they could also be better. Aside from programming new routines into her drones and maintaining her legs, she wasn't particularly handy with machines. Hearing that the ship wouldn't take off on it's own was disconcerting to say the least. Options were presented, but they all meant the same thing; they're going to be here a while.

Once Q-T finished her report and attention shifted, Zoe took just a moment to collect herself, interacting with the small screen on her drone for just a moment.

"Well, no surprises here but we're in roughly the same condition. Things aren't apocalyptic, but there's damage. In terms of crew we haven't lost anyone, thankfully. A few injured but not so many that we can't pitch in if needed. Some of our equipment took a hit, so we have an engineer coming to take a look, but as you can guess they're quite busy right now.

Some seed storage was compromised, but not so much that planting is a problem. Our on-board ecosystem will take some time to recover, but as you know these are plants selected and cultivated for space travel, they are hardy. The biggest issue is water, with some pumps and pipes breaking we had to shut it off in that area of the ship. We're borrowing from others so keeping our own grown food supply going isn't a problem. That being said without soil samples I can't say whether or not we can expand for an extended stay without making some sacrifices in bio-diversity here.

To give you a more long term projection, we'll need to study the local air, water and soil. Simply put we just need data, and time..."

She withdrew the external drive from the approximate area a stinger might be, and presented it to the captain.

"The data my drones have been collecting."

Some part of her was fighting to not feel useless. She knew the value of her job, and she'd never besmirch it; but standing next to people who could actually figure out how to fix the biggest problem made her feel a touch small. That and her captain's reprimand was having time to seep in. Zoe hoped no one noticed she was getting a little warm under the collar. Blushy pale complexion be damned.

This feeling mixed with a bit of guilt, stemming from a bit of excitement. Getting to venture out and collect the samples she mentioned passed her mind, in addition to seeing what new kind of flora could be waiting outside these walls. This wasn't a field trip, but landing on a new planet always felt like one.

She pinched her arm behind her back a little.
I'm finally getting around to making a proper image for Loretta. I'm trying to go far less anime than I usually do but if it comes through I hope that's alright lmao

Made my first post!

I know it's a little scant but I don't much take my girl for a social butterfly. I'll contribute more heartily as we get rolling.

That being said; if anyone wants to interact with her please do!

If we want to talk about per-established relationships I'm open to ret-conning some stuff in.
The ship swarmed like a hive; soldiers of all stripes maneuvering around each other in haste. Like a flight of bees, they moved with purpose and order, despite a sense of chaos and tension. Most people now on their feet, getting into rank and file, checking over equipment, fiddling nervously.

Still sitting, moving with the slowness of someone who either didn't care or was sure of the result, a woman nearly all in white prepared for her part.

She didn't like to switch from her air tank to her battle-mask any earlier than she needed to. It wasn't as comfortable, but what about battle ever is? Once her device was discarded and set aside, and her new way of breathing in place, she flexed her hands. A pale turquoise light shone around her legs, forming from thin air. First seeming like vapor, then gaining an edge and mass like hardened glass, a set of greaves clad her. She shifted her weight onto the pommel of her sword, and hoisted herself up.

Taking a moment to settle back onto her bones, Loretta Voltylun moved in measured steps towards her group.

A lot of famous names and faces here. Though that is to be expected when partaking in the world's last lines of defence.

The spectres, always the odd ones out. A grimly quiet bunch. She regarded them in passing with a clinical eye.

While they aren't often met with much familiarity from the knights or battlemages, she felt some connection with them. Had her magic powers not awakened, she wonders if she'd be in their ranks instead.

The battlemages; lesser in numbers than the knights, as always. Even here she feels a touch out of place. She stands beside another odd one out; more so than herself. Mr. Drunoda. A turncoat from a noble family. She wasn't much sure of his personality, nor her ability to trust him, but that was all the more reason to stay close in her eyes. She offered him nothing but a polite nod as she sunk into the group. His abilities might match well with hers, or against. So he'll be one to watch out for.

Across were the knights. The ever proud and noble knights. She regarded them, shiny and sharp, mottled and blunted. Heroes all the way through. She hears one of her ilk call them boy-scouts, and lets the tiniest sliver of a smile form under her mask. An old standby, but always fun.

Finally her eyes settle on THE knight. Roland Leonis. An old man in a young man's game; something worthy to respect and fear.

She's had her run-ins with him before. She's decided she likes the man, though she can't place when. If any knights is going to tell her what to do, he'll have the easiest time of it.

The air seems to vibrate with the energy inside and out the aircraft. Like the thumping of a drum, or a beating heart. Their turn is coming.

Her turn is coming.

Zoe Theseum


"We'll have to shut off the water for this area."

A wave of groans passed over the huddle of crew; sheltered in together in a sea of mess. It wasn't an entirely surprising diagnosis, but it meant the inconveniences they feared were soon a reality. Worse yet: It could spell for a bigger problem.

The area was an abstract painting of soil, broken glass and cold water high enough to make anyone regret wearing slippers. While many people such as lab technicians, sanitary workers, horticulturists and gardeners busied themselves with things such as setting desks upright, piling bags of fertilizer, cleaning glass and collecting uprooted specimen, some of the department heads were surrounding one corporal Bridge as he spoke.

"Is it a threat to the ship's water supply?" Asked a calm and concerned voice. One belonging to Dr. Andiya Zahib; chief of Onboard Agriculture. A dark skinned woman born and raised on good old mother earth. She always smelt like tea; what kind Zoe could never place.

"Luckily not. The only parts that need to be patched up are some pipes and a pump or two; which is the worst of it here. The water features here and here are the ones that..." The middle aged man from the engineering department went on and on, detailing where the impact bent features enough to build pressure; and which pumps couldn't handle it. Zoe watched him like a hawk, one of her drones on her shoulder making a recording of it all for later, her eyes unblinking as she took it in.

They'd have to set up temporary rubber pipes connecting all the way from another sector; far enough that it isn't within the radius of shut off valves. Zoe was stopped in the middle of a wide, clinically-cold corridor taking a long enough breather to wipe the sweat from her brow, when her communicator went off. She sucked at her teeth after reading the summons and sighed, slinging the heavy rubber tube back over her shoulder. The pair of robotic bees carrying another beside her hovered a pace behind. All the way mutterings peppered the air.

"I've hardly ever spoken with the captain and I'm going to show up either late or covered in dirt...sweaty...."

After dropping off her share of the pipes and delegating the storage of some seed banks, she was throwing a coat over her arms and dictating an informal report to the one B-Bot she'd be bringing with her. All the while applying deodorant and ineffectually cleaning her person. The undeterred and quick clomping of her prosthetics echoing ever towards her superiors quarters.

"Just take a deep breath. She isn't expecting you to smell like roses...Unless she is, because we're one of the botanists. No that's silly. And the boss isn't silly. Not entirely. I mean she likes to make jokes, especially about her young looks. But calling her silly doesn't seem fair. WE'RE the one being silly. We're standing in front of her door panicking. She's just your boss, she just wants information, you aren't interviewing. You've already gotten the gig. Why are we still doing this? Holy shit woman open the door. No! Knock first. Were you raised in barn?"

Zoe's thoughts sputtered in staccato. Her train of thought zig-zagging with the days ordeals. Of course it was just the beginning, but that was a thought to let fester later.

With a solid few raps on the door, she promptly entered.

"Ma'am. Zoe Theseum reporting."

She let her eyes scan the room, in a manner she hoped wasn't too obvious. It would be reasonable to assume all she was looking for were other crew members, but something about seeing the captains quarters was itself exciting; even considering the fact they're possibly stranded on an alien planet.

At the moment, it was just her and the captain.

She wasn't sure if that made it more or less scary.
Ah I figured as much.

A shame, but it happens lol
Is this still alive?
Zoe Theseum

Clack, clack, clack

The sound of light metal flicking open repeatedly in the quiet office. A single person sitting in the cold space.

Clack, clack, clack.

Zoe sat curled up in the mildly uncomfortable chair, a ball of nerves. She wasn't quite sure why takeoff always made her anxious; it didn't make sense by any means. She was raised on a colony; the idea of space was home to her. She trusted space travel as much as she trusted the ground beneath her feet. She had done it a million times throughout her life, and she'd do it many more in the future. But leaving for a long mission always put her in this state.

Clack, clack, clack.

The lighter was a memento from her father. Something he handed down to her when they went camping. He still has a matching one now, but it's got less character Zoe thinks.

As she flicks it open and closed, she wonders about why this is the habit, rather than actually lighting the thing.

Aside from using up it's fuel, she still has the habit of not lighting fires onboard any ship. She remembers learning in history class about how nothing that produced fire was ever allowed aboard the ships of old. How even pencils needed to be replaced with zero gravity designed pens, because the graphite that came loose could clog filters and cause problems. Spooked her right good.

She took a deep breath and stopped fidgeting with it.

"No need to worry. Worrying can just manifest troubles. If we don't worry, we're less likely to experience anything bad!"

As if on cue the ship shuddered like a cave ready to collapse, and a deep rumbling passed through the floor.

She stopped dead in her tracks; standing now. Hands planted on the tabled edge.

"I didn't..."

Then the room began to pitch, and the sirens turned on. Blaring the orders for safety. Her captain's voice telling her only enough to know something very not right is happening.

It took her only a moment of processing to start running towards her bunk. Through garden 3, past the fruit trees and fungi; then suddenly the ship went wrong-ways. Tumbling into the loam, she let out a shuddering "haaah" sound as the crew on helm got the thrusters under control. The ship of course, was still heading downwards; because there was now a downwards. The forces of gravity once again conspiring against the whims of people.

When the thick metal exterior of the Thucydides struck the surface like a red spearhead, Zoe was just getting into her room, launched off her feet by the impact and against the wall next to her bed. When things settled she had her back on the floor, a leg in the air and one on her pillow. She sat still long enough for a blessed silence to settle in, then blew some hair from her face.

"And that's why we stay calm."

After recollecting herself, Zoe marched back to the office; a few new colorful band-aids plastered on her. Ready to meet up with the other botanists, landscapers and caretakers of the ships green features. She took stock, took orders, and took no breaks getting some things back into order. Grow beds spilled halfway across the hall, plants uprooted, seed banks compromised, water supplies leaking. It was going to be a long day.

Her B-Bots were on survey duty at first, then collection duty next. Consolidating mess to be better cleaned. Making automated logs and reports to save on time. Zoe had heard that this planet had breathable air. That was good; that meant life. Life could make this easier. Even as she became entrenched in her work; she wondered.

What would she get to see out there?
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