=W= forever. Today's jam: Jamie (acoustic.)
7 mos ago
Waldo took some time off and finally found himself.
8 mos ago
Why shouldn't you argue with a dinosaur? You'll get jurasskicked.
8 mos ago
This book on anti-gravity is so surreal, I can’t put it down.
8 mos ago
Just type.
Howdy. I'm Dee. Been tabletop RP'ing since '90 (D&D 2, 3, 3.5, Rifts, Palladium, D20, Pathfinder, Shadowrun) and writing collaborative fiction for nearly ten years (JvS, represent!) In my day-to-day existence, I'm a theatre technician, a parent, I tend to work too much -- and writing is my escape. I take it pretty seriously.
I'm a pretty big fan of Sci-Fi (but I'm pretty selective about what I read,) Post Apocalyptica, certain Fantasy works (though I prefer my sword-and-sorcery via tabletop...) and Zombies. Used to watch a lot of movies, and read a lot, but having a three-year-old stymies that quite a bit. (2022 edit: the three year old is now nine!)
Some character inspirations: Harry Callahan, Max Rockatansky, William Munny, Snake Plissken, Tyler Durden, Cpl. Hudson (RIP,) Severen (RIP,) Peter Venkman, Malcolm Reynolds, Han Solo (to be continued...)
I tend to look for small groups of dedicated, talented writers who post regularly and love the unknown of spontaneous or semi-planned RP. Hit me up with ideas!
hmm. To be honest with you -- not really. I trust in my ability to "roll with it" and have been writing fic since 2007. I rarely if ever plan it out. Spontaneity is king.
I just don't know how to reel in writers. If you have ideas in that vein, lemme know!
I suppose so -- although I hadn't really thought of that, initially. I pulled the notion from 'The Postman,' honestly. Stealing the clothing, maybe trying on the persona. Or even, creating a fictional travelling fire & brimstone judge/jury/executioner type. Should have recalled the Pale Rider motif. I love that picture. But it has been a very long week, and honestly, I thought of stealing / finding clothing a la Postman.
Of course. I'm not suggesting you want to hog all the limelight; I just figured we need to start off with strong relationship and motive between at least one protagonist and the bad guy. Someone that, no matter what else unfolds, has a strong arc to complete with the antagonist. So, that way, other writers have freedom to play with character concepts more tangential to the antagonist, but there still is at least one character with a motive that has to go all the way to the end. So, not so much saying "me me me," but saying "I'm committing to a certain arc and a certain background that will carry the story through to the end, allowing others to explore a wider range of characters without worrying the plot will stall."
Well, as long as we have that firmly in mind, then! Looks like we have a few folks in this thread already. Anybody up for a recruiting drive of sorts? I figure five or six would be good. Let's say, 5-9, somewhere in there?
Howdy. I'm Dee. Been tabletop RP'ing since '90 (D&D 2, 3, 3.5, Rifts, Palladium, D20, Pathfinder, Shadowrun) and writing collaborative fiction for nearly ten years (JvS, represent!) In my day-to-day existence, I'm a theatre technician, a parent, I tend to work too much -- and writing is my escape. I take it pretty seriously.
I'm a pretty big fan of Sci-Fi (but I'm pretty selective about what I read,) Post Apocalyptica, certain Fantasy works (though I prefer my sword-and-sorcery via tabletop...) and Zombies. Used to watch a lot of movies, and read a lot, but having a three-year-old stymies that quite a bit. (2022 edit: the three year old is now nine!)
Some character inspirations: Harry Callahan, Max Rockatansky, William Munny, Snake Plissken, Tyler Durden, Cpl. Hudson (RIP,) Severen (RIP,) Peter Venkman, Malcolm Reynolds, Han Solo (to be continued...)
I tend to look for small groups of dedicated, talented writers who post regularly and love the unknown of spontaneous or semi-planned RP. Hit me up with ideas!
<div style="white-space:pre-wrap;">Howdy. I'm Dee. Been tabletop RP'ing since '90 (D&D 2, 3, 3.5, Rifts, Palladium, D20, Pathfinder, Shadowrun) and writing collaborative fiction for nearly ten years (JvS, represent!) In my day-to-day existence, I'm a theatre technician, a parent, I tend to work too much -- and writing is my escape. I take it pretty seriously. <br><br>I'm a pretty big fan of Sci-Fi (but I'm pretty selective about what I read,) Post Apocalyptica, certain Fantasy works (though I prefer my sword-and-sorcery via tabletop...) and Zombies. Used to watch a lot of movies, and read a lot, but having a three-year-old stymies that quite a bit. (2022 edit: the three year old is now nine!) <br><br>Some character inspirations: Harry Callahan, Max Rockatansky, William Munny, Snake Plissken, Tyler Durden, Cpl. Hudson (RIP,) Severen (RIP,) Peter Venkman, Malcolm Reynolds, Han Solo (to be continued...) <br><br>I tend to look for small groups of dedicated, talented writers who post regularly and love the unknown of spontaneous or semi-planned RP. Hit me up with ideas! </div>