That isekai idea works until you take into account the advanced part and include things like AI, brain machine interfaces, etc. Knowledge can just be downloaded.
3 yrs ago
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3 yrs ago
That isekai idea works until you take into account the advanced part and include things like AI, brain machine interfaces, etc. Knowledge can just be downloaded.
3 yrs ago
Some day's I regret setting foot in this site.
3 yrs ago
What do you mean by added? Like to a PM or something?
4 yrs ago
What the pog doin?
4 yrs ago
Unless you love kids a little too much, then a prison sentence is what can be done about it.
I was thinking we have like one planet, or maybe our own individual ones, and we play hiveminds that we build using that CYOA who are expanding into space for various reasons. And maybe come into conflict with one another.
Nah, it's a Choose Your Own Adventure. Think of it like a glorified writing prompt where you make a build or character using the choices presented and then imagine the rest or write it if you like from there.
Wheel of Time is amazing!!!! Wish it would lend itself to an RP. Also Amazon picked up the rights to it and they will be doing a series this year. Stupid excited about that.
To answer your questions, I don't discriminate against newcokers to the Guild, Crestwood is open to new applicants and there is a template with provided code you can use to create a character application.
So I was looking over the powers other users character's have, and I was just wondering if there were any that aren't allowed. Beside Almighty/Omni/Meta powers, etc.
I'm having trouble getting a face claim that I uploaded to my images page to display correctly. I put the link in the right place, but when I preview it it says that the certain parts of the code are misaligned.
Oh (and I hate to bother you again) but about the pics for your characters, can they be taken from the internet? Or do I have to provide a picture of myself?
Alright, I'm pretty sure I can figure this out (especially after looking at the BBCode Cheatsheet). It'll take me a little bit of time to make a character though. And to research the lore for your RP universe.