The air outdoors was fresh and would have been chilling to most standing about in their undergarments. Thankfully Andreim knew how to regulate his own heat and even project a small amount of it to Lise. He hated to think she would be feeling cold. He kept looking down at her face and body as he carried her. His hands felt abit shaky, yet steady. Hard to put it. It was as if he was carrying the most holy of things in the world, a gift bestowed from the skies above. He could feel her heart beating, or was it his own?
Andreim was so captivated that he could not discern if it was his or her heart. Perhaps it was both? She was likely strained after the ordeal in the building, having a high heartbeat was not uncommon for such a thing for certain. His own heart however wanted to burst out through his own chest.
None has ever wounded me as much as you have. You have taken my heart of ice and melt it into steam and now I am about to evaporate.
He was however aware that Katherine, Cassius and Samoth was still in there somewhere. They had failed to get to Katherine in time and that damn bastard Rurik and his cronies are going to pay dearly for this. Not only for what injuries Katherine or any of the others may have obtained or those inflicted on himself.
But to embarass and put Lise in harms way was unforgivable. Andreim gritted his teeth. I am going to beat him into a pulp later so not even his girlfriend will be able to provide enough ice to lessen his head trauma. He looked up from Lise and towards the star ridden sky above, before turning his sight back to Lise who was now looking at him.
The soothing and angelic voice of Lise caused him to swallow deeply. "You can let me down now!"
Without further wait, Andreim carefully let Lise down. "Y-yes! I mean, yes Lady Valois-Saint-Remy."
He looked her over as she stood there clad in his pants while he was abit underdressed himself and the realization coming to him that he was being indecent before the young lady.
Crap! She's going to think me a pervert! But... but... if it means making sure she is not embarassed. I must be one. He did a soft sigh and then turned around briefly, looking up at the sky again then over his shoulder, without thinking he mumbled. "Of all the stars in the universe, it's the one down here which has me circle around it."
He realized he was thinking out loud and grabbed his mouth with one of his hands and looked over to Lise to make certain of if she heard him or not. If she did she would find out about his feelings for her.
"W-we should get you dressed in better clothes." He beckoned to Lise to follow him.
"The gods gave me the power to do the work you cannot do, you would-be-protector! These wings on my back are not a dream!"
The barrier had caught Vittorio's attention. Alexander and Michael were now both getting in the way of justice. This was unforunate and something which annoyed him. His ally, the tentacle monster had however been able to provide him with good support. He wanted to go for Alto, but with these other two men standing they would keep interupting him. So he had to take care of them first and leave Alto briefly in the hands of his ally.
The officer had fired off some odd shots from his weaponry, Vittorio had avoided a few of the shots whilst some connected with his tentacle like wings, either from him trying to deflect them or by them just hitting them. He began to notice how the wings hit began to wither in form.
Some forms of magical inflicted acid was eating away at them was what he could tell, thus he used two of his tentacles to slice of the two affected ones. Dropping them to the floor where they vanished with a low wheezing sound. Narrowing his ghostly eyes he turned them to Alexander. The officer was still coming for him and Vittorio didn't have the time to play with him or Michael. Thus both had to be taken out of the equation. He moved towards Alexander to meet him in his charge, with less tentacles than before.
Using his superior reach, Vittorio used one of his tentacles to attempt to grab Alexander around his left ankle, before trying to throw him directly towards Michael who was suffering from his ally's acid attack. Hoping that he could knock them both out or at least prone.
To give him just enough time to get to Alto. His remaining three tentacles who were still operational were at the defensive, ready to lash out against incoming attacks or block where need was. But at this rate he had to limit the amount of attacks towards him, as he would surely not have enough time to recover his missing wings or his form falling apart.
"You failed to protect the fallen! Redeem yourself in the eyes of the gods! Kill Alto! You cannot save me, as much as you cannot save the boy you brought along with you to this place! His pain is on your bloodstained hands! See the consequences of your actions!"
"Stop all the fighting! Stop all the dodging! Stop standing in my way!"
Bertrand had lowered his guard for a moment, he wasn't intending on stopping them now. Not with all these people about, it would be too risky and they were many. But then the same guy who had attacked his master decided to attack Celine. It caused him to flare up again and caused Darla to look even more nervous, Celine had been prepared for Vernon but she wasn't sure if her barrier would have held against his attack. Luckily someone else had stepped in to intervene. Celine nor any of the others had seen this person before.
For now she was safe however and seeing things cool down abit, Darla and Bertrand lowered their combat stances aswell and moved over towards Galbrek whom had begun to move.
"Tch..." He said in a low barely hearable voice as he slammed his elbow into the side of Adam. Who happened to be helping him stand up.
"We are going... I'm fine." Galbrek said with obvious irritation in his voice, and Adam would have flinched and held unto the spot he got elbowed in. Galbrek looked to Celine, Betrand and Darla who were now pretty close to him before he whispered to them. "You three... make sure they don't leave this place anytime soon. If possible capture Andras and bring her to hideout charlie."
The half-demon gave Adam a slight snarl and then dismissed the other three. The half-demon and his tall puppet had turned their back towards the rest of the gathering and made their way towards the nearest exit.
"Damn... guess we have to think of something." Bertrand said in a hushed tone and looked towards Andras who was leaving with William. Before he began to stride after them, followed by Darla and finally by Celine who bowed her head in gratitude towards Aegus.
"Bertrand? You'll protect me right?" Darla asked Bertrand while they were walking, following Andras and William. "I was really scared back there..."
"You'd bet I do! We only gotta do what we've been tasked with. We should be okay." Bertrand snapped his fingers over his shoulder with a grin. He had regarded Darla much like a little sister ever since they came to be.
Galbrek and Adam had found themselves near one of the exits, making sure to keeping to themselves. Galbrek said in a strained and annoyed voice. "If... if they are going to get in my plans. I am going to get in theirs. We are going to visit our dear ghostly friend." The half-demon gave a wide grin which Adam could recognize as a truly bad sign, that Galbrek was planning something truly sinister. "Yes, master. I will get us a taxi/carriage." Adam began to lead Galbrek out the building and held out an arm to call a taxi/carriage.
"But what about the girls?" Adam couldn't help but ask. "I will get them after having aqquired my new puppet, which shall deal with this William boy and his wretched servant. Perhaps leave him paralyzed. Forever."
At this rate. Master Galbrek will be greatly saddened. You guys better bring back one of them for him or I will have to do it myself. As the foremost of his servants. Adam thought to himself.