Avatar of Dezuel


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2 yrs ago
Current Some of the damn quotes from old 80's animation is damn gold. If english isn't gonna cut it, just swap to ones native language and you have yourself some good comedy. Unlike hollywood post year 2000
2 yrs ago
Prepare for oblivion...
2 yrs ago
36yo today, one step closer to oblivion.
4 yrs ago
Let the roleplaying shenanigans ensue! Fun times!
4 yrs ago
Nationbuilding buisness is underway!


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The air outdoors was fresh and would have been chilling to most standing about in their undergarments. Thankfully Andreim knew how to regulate his own heat and even project a small amount of it to Lise. He hated to think she would be feeling cold. He kept looking down at her face and body as he carried her. His hands felt abit shaky, yet steady. Hard to put it. It was as if he was carrying the most holy of things in the world, a gift bestowed from the skies above. He could feel her heart beating, or was it his own?

Andreim was so captivated that he could not discern if it was his or her heart. Perhaps it was both? She was likely strained after the ordeal in the building, having a high heartbeat was not uncommon for such a thing for certain. His own heart however wanted to burst out through his own chest.

None has ever wounded me as much as you have. You have taken my heart of ice and melt it into steam and now I am about to evaporate.

He was however aware that Katherine, Cassius and Samoth was still in there somewhere. They had failed to get to Katherine in time and that damn bastard Rurik and his cronies are going to pay dearly for this. Not only for what injuries Katherine or any of the others may have obtained or those inflicted on himself.

But to embarass and put Lise in harms way was unforgivable. Andreim gritted his teeth. I am going to beat him into a pulp later so not even his girlfriend will be able to provide enough ice to lessen his head trauma. He looked up from Lise and towards the star ridden sky above, before turning his sight back to Lise who was now looking at him.

The soothing and angelic voice of Lise caused him to swallow deeply. "You can let me down now!"

Without further wait, Andreim carefully let Lise down. "Y-yes! I mean, yes Lady Valois-Saint-Remy."
He looked her over as she stood there clad in his pants while he was abit underdressed himself and the realization coming to him that he was being indecent before the young lady.

Crap! She's going to think me a pervert! But... but... if it means making sure she is not embarassed. I must be one. He did a soft sigh and then turned around briefly, looking up at the sky again then over his shoulder, without thinking he mumbled. "Of all the stars in the universe, it's the one down here which has me circle around it."
He realized he was thinking out loud and grabbed his mouth with one of his hands and looked over to Lise to make certain of if she heard him or not. If she did she would find out about his feelings for her.

"W-we should get you dressed in better clothes." He beckoned to Lise to follow him.


"The gods gave me the power to do the work you cannot do, you would-be-protector! These wings on my back are not a dream!"

The barrier had caught Vittorio's attention. Alexander and Michael were now both getting in the way of justice. This was unforunate and something which annoyed him. His ally, the tentacle monster had however been able to provide him with good support. He wanted to go for Alto, but with these other two men standing they would keep interupting him. So he had to take care of them first and leave Alto briefly in the hands of his ally.

The officer had fired off some odd shots from his weaponry, Vittorio had avoided a few of the shots whilst some connected with his tentacle like wings, either from him trying to deflect them or by them just hitting them. He began to notice how the wings hit began to wither in form.

Some forms of magical inflicted acid was eating away at them was what he could tell, thus he used two of his tentacles to slice of the two affected ones. Dropping them to the floor where they vanished with a low wheezing sound. Narrowing his ghostly eyes he turned them to Alexander. The officer was still coming for him and Vittorio didn't have the time to play with him or Michael. Thus both had to be taken out of the equation. He moved towards Alexander to meet him in his charge, with less tentacles than before.

Using his superior reach, Vittorio used one of his tentacles to attempt to grab Alexander around his left ankle, before trying to throw him directly towards Michael who was suffering from his ally's acid attack. Hoping that he could knock them both out or at least prone.
To give him just enough time to get to Alto. His remaining three tentacles who were still operational were at the defensive, ready to lash out against incoming attacks or block where need was. But at this rate he had to limit the amount of attacks towards him, as he would surely not have enough time to recover his missing wings or his form falling apart.

"You failed to protect the fallen! Redeem yourself in the eyes of the gods! Kill Alto! You cannot save me, as much as you cannot save the boy you brought along with you to this place! His pain is on your bloodstained hands! See the consequences of your actions!"

"Stop all the fighting! Stop all the dodging! Stop standing in my way!"


Bertrand had lowered his guard for a moment, he wasn't intending on stopping them now. Not with all these people about, it would be too risky and they were many. But then the same guy who had attacked his master decided to attack Celine. It caused him to flare up again and caused Darla to look even more nervous, Celine had been prepared for Vernon but she wasn't sure if her barrier would have held against his attack. Luckily someone else had stepped in to intervene. Celine nor any of the others had seen this person before.

For now she was safe however and seeing things cool down abit, Darla and Bertrand lowered their combat stances aswell and moved over towards Galbrek whom had begun to move.

"Tch..." He said in a low barely hearable voice as he slammed his elbow into the side of Adam. Who happened to be helping him stand up.

"We are going... I'm fine." Galbrek said with obvious irritation in his voice, and Adam would have flinched and held unto the spot he got elbowed in. Galbrek looked to Celine, Betrand and Darla who were now pretty close to him before he whispered to them. "You three... make sure they don't leave this place anytime soon. If possible capture Andras and bring her to hideout charlie."
The half-demon gave Adam a slight snarl and then dismissed the other three. The half-demon and his tall puppet had turned their back towards the rest of the gathering and made their way towards the nearest exit.

"Damn... guess we have to think of something." Bertrand said in a hushed tone and looked towards Andras who was leaving with William. Before he began to stride after them, followed by Darla and finally by Celine who bowed her head in gratitude towards Aegus.

"Bertrand? You'll protect me right?" Darla asked Bertrand while they were walking, following Andras and William. "I was really scared back there..."
"You'd bet I do! We only gotta do what we've been tasked with. We should be okay." Bertrand snapped his fingers over his shoulder with a grin. He had regarded Darla much like a little sister ever since they came to be.

Galbrek and Adam had found themselves near one of the exits, making sure to keeping to themselves. Galbrek said in a strained and annoyed voice. "If... if they are going to get in my plans. I am going to get in theirs. We are going to visit our dear ghostly friend." The half-demon gave a wide grin which Adam could recognize as a truly bad sign, that Galbrek was planning something truly sinister. "Yes, master. I will get us a taxi/carriage." Adam began to lead Galbrek out the building and held out an arm to call a taxi/carriage.

"But what about the girls?" Adam couldn't help but ask. "I will get them after having aqquired my new puppet, which shall deal with this William boy and his wretched servant. Perhaps leave him paralyzed. Forever."

At this rate. Master Galbrek will be greatly saddened. You guys better bring back one of them for him or I will have to do it myself. As the foremost of his servants. Adam thought to himself.

These meddling mortals. I don't really have the time to waste on inferior forms of life in this matter. This mundane fool is threatening -me- of all people. This halfwitted puppet seems to belong to this William. Their liking for oneanother is a thing I can exploit. I will exploit it. Whose Alex anyways? No matter. I send someone to gather the intel I need. Perhaps Yuuto would do nicely.

Galbrek gave an arrogant eyebrow to Vernon as he leaned forwards. "Do not get conceit-" He stopped mid-sentence before toppling backwards on unsteady legs and getting grabbed by Adam.

"Master!" His tall doll grabbed him preventing him from falling. "What did you do to him? Do you have any idea of what you've done?" Adam was agitated but also visually worried, a face of terror and dread spreading. Darla would have dropped the icecream cake to the floor on seeing what was happening to Galbrek. Her mouth opened. "Why?" She raised both her hands uncertainly towards Vernon as she stepped inbetween Vernon and Galbrek. "Ey!" She ignited both her hands in a dark blueish purple energy and kept a fierce but also cute glare at Vernon.

On the other side of the gathering was the remaining two dolls. Bertrand and Celine. "Damn.. something is wrong. Something has happened to the master." Bertrand said in an annoyed voice.

"So? Do you care for him really?" Celine asked.

"Not in that sense. But what will he do to us if we did nothing?" Bertrand gave Celine a unpleased look with gritted teeth, then he stepped up behind the group at a distance with a ball of energy between his both hands.

"You better stop that! We would hate having to hurt you!" He assumed a pose he thought was cool, with Celine standing beside him with an overly serious face.


He had seen the dark tentacles in the corner of his eyes. They posed a threat to him and he would have to step out of his incorporeal form to deal with them, but someone else intervened. A monster whom had been hiding in the dark had now lunged out to deal with this threat. Vittorio was genuinely surprised by this but gave a satisfied smile. He knew this monster most certainly.

"Don't tangle with me, or you'll draw your last breath painter!" He yelled out towards Michael in clear annoyance. "You are partly the reason why I am even here, officer. You! Like the others failed to do justice! This is divine providence from the grave! Want someone to blame?! Blame yourself!"

The officer had stood in the other end of the room talking about things. Vittorio caught hold of some of it as his battle with Alto began. Alto was fast. But faster than even Vittorio could have expected, he attacked with such speed that he wondered what it was that flew through him. He had tossed his sword right through him? Crafty of his enemy. But this is just the trickery he should expect from someone who hides in the light.

"This will be the day of reckoning for everyone! Your existance cannot be forgiven! Someone like you should disappear forever! Altoooo!" Vittorio's tentacles spread widely as he exited his incorporeal state, meaning he would be vulnerable to damage now.

His previous manifestations had vanished, but now were replaced with his dear Charlotte being killed by the monster. The moment forever frozen in time in his memory. He aimed one of his tentacle energy beams before him on the ground to provide some dust to fly up, and at the same time he shot four of his other ones at the ceiling right above where Alto, Alexander and Michael stood. Seeking to have the ceiling bury them all in rubble. Vittorio reserved his last tentacle for defense if they somehow would get through to him. His astral form looked tense and almost flared up in energy. Clearly indicating he was putting everything he had into this fight.

Give me power. Everyone... let this be my story's ending.

This was the moment he had trained for. Everything he had thought of for two years. With a few differences. He would have wanted to fight Alto all alone but it could not be helped. He did have some assistance now at least to nullify his. He channeled his love for the dead to finally be able to bring an end to it all.


So many thing had happened in just a few brief moments, but he had little time to dwell and ponder on them right now. After all, she needed him. Lady Liselotte needed him. The sole reason for him even being here fighting for St.Laurel's. She who had flipped his world upside down and was more and more seizing his core for her own.

Feeling her soft hand on his arm. The mere touch sending shivers down his entire body but in a good way. She was so composed and regal even in this situation, he couldn't help but feel admiration for her. Her eyes were however gazing to the ground, she was likely very weary and with that single command. "Andreim... Please get me out of here." Followed with her enchanting eyes meeting his. Two of her servants, the shadow maids also had appeared by Lise to provide her cover as she was still undressed.

Andreim took a deep gulp and then leaned down to help Lise take on the pants, trying his best to not embarass her further, letting her legs slide into the pants before pulling them up to her waist where he would attach the belt. Would she let him that is.

"Let us go then, my Lady Valois-Saint-Remy. I shall carry your majesty to safety." He tried to pick her up into a princess carry, looking deeply into her eyes before lifting her off towards one of the exits of the building. Anyone or anything getting in their way now would be annihilated on the spot for sure.

Angels. Demons. Gods. Mortals. Anyone who'd get in my way now is going to vanish among the stars!

This is my destiny. This life of mine... Is to be with her!


His hypnotic gaze on Andras had bounced right off her. What's this? How beautiful... a barrier. She is more well equipped than I first thought.

"Just wanted your attention so that we may talk buisness after this ordeal is over. I can detect a magical talent like yours from far away. A beautiful rare gem."

Galbrek blinked. What was going on? What did he just tell her? Had she some defenses he had not seen before? I did not need to tell her this. Have I underestimated her? He threw another glance at Andras. "Ahh! Not to worry, demoness Andras. I am just an admirer of your craft. But you do seem abit weary after the two fights, some rest could do you well."

Galbrek attempted his hypnotic gaze again. "How about a drink at my place?" He gave a one-toothed smile before turning to William and Vernon "Sadly I am not interested in any offer which would have me end up waiting. I offer what I did because I can and have things to gain. Much like yourself. W-i-l-l-i-a-m. They are however not your buisness."

He toyed with the ruffles on his shirt, decorated by a ivory broché depicting himself in profile. "Much like it is not my buisness what you intend to do with V- this Vittorio." Galbrek pointed to his own face. "Look at me William. Is this the face of a liar?" He stared with his hypnotic gaze towards William.

"Leave demoness Andras in my care for the time being, I shall make sure she'll have something to eat. Do not worry."

He'd had a slight smile form on his lips. "Darla, how about you share that cake with dear William here?" The youngest of the dolls he had made stepped up with the icecream cake and looked to William. "Good to meet you." She said in a soft and somewhat monotone voice.

Andreim blinked to Alexander. "What are you talking about?! The two of us are withdrawing for now. We have a certain situation here..." He nodded towards Lise and tried to lead to her to an adjacent room by holding unto her arm. At this rate Lise's pride could be hurt, and this he would not allow. Screw this officer and his glue canisters!

"You are the damn officer so -do- something! Coward!" Andreim yelled to Alexander, clear agitation in his voice. Partly because of what had happened to them just a little moment earlier. This is exactly what happens when there is no control, chaos roams free and people get harmed. I will create a world where there would be order and safety, where things like this could not happen again. Andreim looked to Lise and gulped abit as he was trying to take charge of the situation and lead her to a safer place where she could get dressed.

If she would join him in the other room.

He looked Lise over and then swallowed. Crap.. I need to figure out how to not have her panic. What to do? Oh... I know! "Just be quiet okay?" Andreim began to take off his shoes, then unstrapped his belt and started to unbutton his pants right in front of Lise. Leaning down and then picking his pants up, standing there only in his black boxers and a black tank shirt so it looked almost like they were a part. I have to keep my calm and not be embarassed, or she will feel embarassed. He held out his pants to Lise. "Uhm... you can borrow mine... Liselotte-"

He stopped and gasped as he realized he didn't use the proper honorifics. "Ahh.. err... I mean... Lady Valois-Saint-Remy."

The boy's name is William. I shall have to remember it for later, he may be of use to me in more ways than one. The self-confidence of this Andras girl is very amusing however, Demon Lady of Despair. How fitting.

"Oh I am all for tearful reunions." Abit of tears always get the better of me... Galbrek felt a tingling joy in his head. Galbrek held over the Icecream-cake to Darla whom stood close to him before stepping up and pointing a finger along William's chest.

"All you need to do is allow me to speak with Andras here first in private. Have a little buisness proposition for her. After that is concluded you can continue about your buisness with her, and I shall tell you where to find Vittorio. You can wait here until I return right?" Galbrek gave William a soft smile without showing any teeth but his one sharp cornertooth.

"A win-win scenario for you. W-i-l-l-i-a-m." He tapped the tip of his finger against William's chest while keeping his gaze fixed on him.

"Perhaps you could keep company with my two... friends. So they won't be standing all alone in my absence, you are a gentleman right?" He motioned to Adam and Darla, the former who looked out of place with his guard-like manners. After hearing William talking with Andras, Galbrek nodded in agreement.

I am also convinced she will bring me much joy. When said joy shall bring despair to all who dare stand against me.

"So let us have a little buisness talk after all this is over, fine lady Andras?" Galbrek set his hypnotic gaze at the bluehaired girl. While Galbrek was scheming, two of his dolls. Bertrand and Celine had their eyes set on Masami.

"Why does he want both these girls?" Bertrand said in a hushed tone to Celine.

"Likely something vile... but we don't really have any choice but to do it." Celine sighed softly.


The floor had crumbled after large sound from below and it was clear one of them had targetted the floor they walked upon. The scream of Lise was the first thing which alerted him, and his top priority. She fell before he did. But he more or less jumped after. As he did he'd spotted the ones on the floor below. They were going to pay dearly for this later.

He instinctly called his water powers to his hands and was planning on using them under himself and Lise to create a circular icy slide for them to glide down on for a somewhat soft landing. But there had been a bright light below them and Lise had been the first to reach it. Alto. He had gotten there and caught Lise in his hands, where normally Andreim would feel grateful this was more a declaration of war.

One sentence was all he got to think of while he fell. Get your dirty hands off my Lise! Andreim put his both hands pointed downwards, aiming them for Alto to try use him as a landing pad. The water pressure giving Andreim the fall reducement he needed to not get seriously injured. If he had hit or missed the student council member he'd quickly got up in front of Lise as her skirt began to fell. Like a timely censor he'd took off his jacket and held it out to her to help cover her. Before trying to lead her away from the hole they had fallen through, to avoid being hit by falling debris.

He had been shrewdly robbed of saving her from the fall, surely he could still make up for it.

"Are you allright, Lady Valois-Saint-Remy?" He panted slightly and then looked to Alto with some slight annoyance. "Alto. What are you doing here? With Michael of all people? And who's this old guy?" Andreim nodded his head to Alexander.

"By the way there is some-"

A sound took him offguard and the eerily feeling of something in the air.


As the floor crumbled, Vittorio looked for the source and then nodded to Nasaraph. "Yes, another time would be better." Vittorio floated up next to Brutus and looked down the hole. Two people had fallen down, but more interestingly there was a light at the bottom.

Could it be? Could it really be? Vittorio's face had a wide smile form on his face and his eyes would have widened aswell, his tentacle wings twitching and glowing up.

"Alto... ALTO..." Vittorio said in a possessive manner, like a vicious incantation or chant. He walked off into the hole and began to fell, he beckoned to Rurik, Christine and Thobias to follow him mid-fall. His tentacle like wings slided across the remaining walls and debris about until he came down to the 1st floor.

Like a merciless angel of vengeance descending from the heavens, he landed surrounded by his now more strongly glowing wings. There were four others apart from Alto down there, but Alto was whom his gaze fixed on.

"You... had all those dear to me die! Your existance cannot be forgiven! They give me the strength to be here! Enough bring you down!" He manifested all of his dead friends and his parents like a row of knights beside him.

"This is for you. My brothers. My parents. My lo.. ALTTOOOOOO!" Vittorio screamed and lunged forwards with his ectoplasmic wings at the ready, his facial expression that of utter hate and pain, he was however in his incorporeal state. He had gathered information of Alto's abilities during the two years he had been with the Mephisto's. In his awakened state. In his dreams. All he ever saw was this boy and his wicked light.

All he ever dreamt of was him leading his friends to their deaths. All he cared for was to kill him and that monster before ending himself to rejoin them. Vittorio was planning on catching Alto offguard once he would realize that his attacks would go straight through him. But there was others here whose talents he had to be wary of.


Seems that Andras was still slightly occupied. Galbrek was not one who was fond of waiting. But seems fate was playing a fun joke with him. There was a boy seeking the same girl. Seems he was right in bringing his servants to take care of any hiderances, but the boy did say some interesting things.

This boy seeks that wretched Vittorio whose family was killed by a demon? How very amusing and last eve he had the pleasure of speaking with one. Galbrek had his head fill with joyful and sadistic thoughts about it.

Alto? Now who was that again? Wasn't the name of someone important in some sense? St.Laurels perhaps? No matter. I cannot possibly memorize every ant I step on along the way. This boy however thinks the girl can ressurect the dead? Now that is something I would find very useful. Just how many dead evils be buried about and can be awakened anew, with just a little friendly push.

Galbrek already had decided to take the girl with him, even more so now that he received this information from this boy. Perhaps he could also use the boy.

Yes, like a little puppet.

"So boy, you want to ressurect the dead for this Vittorio? This girl is not your only hope though. Tell me, do you want to meet him? His physical self that is. I know where he is kept. But all things have a price."

Galbrek gave a cunning devilish smile, attemping to use his hypnotic gaze to have the boy more easily work with him and with that he reached out to try take the icecream-cake out of Ascot's hand. If he played his cards right he could end up getting the girl Andras, the foxgirl Masami and get trouble to that pestersome specter and this boy with his boyfriend or whatever he may be.

"Interested?" Galbrek placed one of his hands by his waist, to assert a royal sort of pose.

The day before...

He was sitting comfortably into his pillowed wooden throne in one of his many hideouts, Galbrek prefered to have many places in which he could be in. Would make finding him a real bother at times. Clad in his fine and formal attire, a long coat, breeches, a pirate-like shirt with ruffles. His appearance was that worthy of a prince. A demon prince of darkness. His father were however a mortal, a rich yet powerful mortal whom had bred with his demoness of a mother to produce him some years past.

He wasn't the firstborn of the family, and there were many siblings aswell as relatives always clashing for power so who was in charge of the family could change in time, but one thing was certain that if a threat from the outside would come then they would put their differences aside.

Unlike most of his siblings however, Galbrek was not interested in the family treasures and living a life away from people. He wanted to live a life where he could affect people and enjoy doing so, in other words to play god. His inborn powers had bestowed him with the tools to see it happen.

Under him was currently four named 'dolls'. They were more like humanlike mannequins or golems rather than dolls, but to him they were indeed dolls or puppets. Expendable and usable as he saw fit. No more important than a porcelain cup of tea, it could easily be replaced. But they had their uses as servants. One of them was in fact waving a big fan at him as he sat there by his dinnertable in the long fine room.

Darla. The latest of his creations. A head shorter than himself and overall very frail looking, but she was surely as strong as the others if she wanted to be. He had bestowed her with some of his powers after all. At the end of the room stood Adam, who he considered to be his right hand doll at the moment. Due to his traits of never questioning orders audibly, he was following the commands of his master flawlessly. This sat well with Galbrek.

Then the doors flung open and into the room came another of his creations, Bertrand. A loud and very tiring doll as far as it concerned Galbrek.

"Master Galbrek! I've been.. running through several districts... there are no tea of that sort in any of the vending machines I-"
"Bertrand. Are you trying to tell me you were unable to aqquire the tea I ordered you to find for me?" Galbrek asked as he watched Bertrand approach his seat.

"I- I tried to but there was-"

Galbrek sighed deeply through his nose and pinched the bridge of his nose, standing up from his wooden throne. As he did the servant to his left, Darla whom was holding unto the big fan stopped waving air with it.

Taking a few steps forth to the slightly shorter Bertrand, Galbrek withdrew his right hand, decorated by a fine glove depicting an inverted pentagram, all the way to his left shoulder. Before he lashed out with it, backhanding Bertrand across the face causing him to fall to the floor.

"Unforgivable. I asked something this simple of you and you disappoint me like this?"
"F-forgive me... master... I..." Bertrand was trying to find any word suitable to please his master.

"Forgive you? What would the world be like if everything would be so easily forgiven? People would not learn a thing. So what shall it be? An arm perhaps?" Galbrek loudly pondered as he gave Bertrand a displeased stare.

"Please I-" Bertrand was starting to beg but it was interupted by Adam.

"Master Galbrek." He said out plainly. With no anger or emotion tied to it but it did come across as serious.

"What is it, my servant?" Galbrek threw a questioning glance to Adam.

"Celine is back and with company. Shall I allow them entrance?" The tall doll asked.

"Fine. I shall take some more time to think of a proper punishment for this disgraceful cur later." Galbrek put his finely decorated boot against the side of Bertrand's chest, kicking him so he'd roll over on the floor, from his kneeling position.

Then a woman entered the dining hall, she had long hair and walked with a determined walk. She too was a servant of his, one which questioned more than was good for her health. Behind her however floated a ghostlike figure which followed her into the room.

"Master Galbrek. Vittorio of St.Lucifer's desire to speak to you." Celine offered a soft bow and stepped aside.

"Oh? What brings one of Clara's toys to my humble chamber of peace and joy?"

"A call. Clara desires all powerful members of St.Lucifer's to join in a upcoming task. She expects you to also be there. Galbrek."

Galbrek twitched an eyebrow as he played around with one of the glasses that held an expensive fruity drink.

"It is LORD GALBREK to you. Do not forget this you damn commoner!"
"A lord of nothing is not a lord at all. I came here to relay this message to you and that is all. So shall I tell her you are going to join us or?"

This guy was getting on his nerves. How dared anyone speak like this to him, in the presence of his servants. It was not to be forgiven.
"If it falls to my liking. Perhaps." Galbrek replied, taking a sip from his drink before throwing the glass into a nearby wall sending it into pieces. "However before you go I have to give you a send-off gift. It is the least I could do for someone of your lack of manners."

The finely dressed half-demon snapped with his fingers and wires sprung out from his fingers and began to attach themselves around the ghostlike Vittorio, squeezing and restricting his arms, legs and tentacle-like wings. "How about you'll dance and show me just how sorry you are mortal?" Galbrek had a pleased grin form on his lips but it was not to last for long.

Without warning Vittorio became incorporeal and the wires which held him int place fell down and he was freed. His form floated forwards towards the half-demon. "Do not try to tangle with the dead, half-demon. I gave my body to the gods, perhaps I shall add yours to the offering?"

Galbrek was now annoyed. How dared anyone to speak with him in this manner, especially a mortal pawn. "Hmph. I, Galbrek Ravenovich commands you to obey. Kneel and submit to my undeniable will." He began to use his hypnotic gaze towards Vittorio, his gaze which could have people stand frozen or to obey his commands if they did not avert their eyes. But this ghost. He was as if unaffected by it, the realization manifested itself in the half-demon in an unfamiliar way. Fear.

"Your will is like a drop of oil in the vast seas compared to me. 'Lord' Galbrek. I have however told you what needs to be told. Therefor I will be leaving. And you will not stop me." Galbrek had gritted his teeth together and his dolls had readied themselves with their hands pointed at Vittorio but none attacked until he would give them the command to do so.

"I don't have all day to toy with you ghost." He gave Vittorio a dismissive wave with his hand as the ghostlike figure flew straight out through one of the walls. These kind of people infuriated Galbrek. People he could not do much about, so that required him to get hold of things which could. Clara had a powerful tome in her possession, but it would be so much more useful with someone like himself who would use it properly. Though ofcourse there was the risk of something going wrong, perhaps he could find someone else to use the tome and then use that one as a puppet.

Yes, that's exactly what he would do. To use people for ones own gains, what more noble thing is there to do? Perhaps he could find some less-known individuals capable of doing just that.

"A place where people fight... would be a good place to look. My servants, forget your current tasks. We are going for a little trip to find some new toy." A sigh of relief was on Bertrand's face. He had just escaped a horrible reprimand.


The fighting had been amusing. Who did not enjoy violent theatrics? Galbrek had seated himself at a good spot among the spectators. Where people usually would pay alot to be seated at. Being filthy rich had it's uses but also drew attention by thieves. So he had himself surrounded by his servants to make sure the thieves would find themselves in alot of trouble if they would try something funny.

The two fighting first were some brute idiot and a girl with a eyepatch. There was something about her though, Galbrek was however uncertain of what during the initial fight. She had easily sent the brute guy out on a stretcher, she knew how to fight for certain. Then following that another challenger appeared. A girl with a fox tail.

"Oh what have we here then? This should be interesting." Galbrek crossed his legs as he leaned back in his chair. "Let see what that one can do then."

"Andras and Masami. So that's what they call themselves." Galbrek's expression of slight interest magnified as he began to see the card magic Andras was using. Whilst Masami was able to manifest elemental weaponry and wind twisters.

The latter was surely the more dangerous when it came to up front fighting one on one. That's when he saw it. Andras eyepatch flew off and she was close to cover it up after. This sparked much intrigue in the half-demon. Just what kind of power is that? His servants was throwing worrying looks to the smile forming on Galbrek's lips, as if he had just witnessed his greatest enemy be destroyed before him.

"Master Galbrek, is everything okay?" Darla asked her master.

Galbrek turned slightly to the left, letting his smile die in an instant as he looked to Darla. "Oh indeed my servant. Everything will be."


He gave Darla a pat on her head before resuming to watch the fight. After some brief time it looked like the foxgirl, Masami he presumed was winning. Pinning down Andras. "She's making her submit. How entertaining..." Galbrek stroked his chin and tilted his head abit.

"Adam. I want them. Both." Galbrek said to Adam in what some could regard as a command or statement.

"Master? What do you want done?" Adam looked with a questioning look.

"The girl Andras possesses just the type of magic I would need in order to use a particular trinket. She is tired. Weary from fighting two opponents. Her mind and body is battered. I shall lead her to a place where I may examine her abilities more closely." Galbrek stroked back his hair abit with one of his left hand before continuing.

"Bertrand and Celine, you two will go and restrain the foxgirl. Masami. Wait until she is alone. Then take her to outpost charlie." The half-demon amusingly then turned to Adam. "You and Darla shall make sure myself and this girl Andras are not followed. You don't have to follow us all the day, just enough to make sure none is following. I hate interferences." He gave a slight glare to Celine whom had been the one to lead Vittorio into his dining hall which had upset him. Before finally he got up from his seat, whereof Adam and Darla followed him. With Bertrand and Celine walking towards the fighting area looking for a good place to stalk Masami from.

He patiently waited for Andras to exit the arena. To approach her in a congratulatory manner, despite her loss to Masami. He needed to greet her and make good eye-contact to try use his hypnotic gaze on the girl whom was no doubt weary from the fighting.

"I wish to congratulate you on the fine fight, fine lady Andras. I have a fine buisness proposition for you. Care to walk with me?" Galbrek held out his gloved hand in a gentlemanny way, like the inviting hand of a demon lord of hell itself. His eyes would try to get contact with her one eye, with a soft smile on his lips and that sharp tipped corner tooth of his clearly visible. Giving him a somewhat playful appearance. Despite his ruthless nature. Nothing like abit of acting to get to a change of scenery. Time for the second part of the play.

Vittorio gaze turned from Brutus and unto Nasaraph.

"Like the sheep whom gather when the bell is rung, or when herded by a hell hound such as Alto... to the slaughter."
He had no real quarrel with the vigilantes or whatever they were, but now they were getting in his way in one way or the other.

"You've ought to show more respect for creatures from nightmares or faerietales. Lest you want to become a martyr for your cause." Vittorio began to spread his tentacle like wings out in a sort of combat stance, pointing them towards Nasaraph. He was prepared to fight if he had to. Anyone wasting his time had to be thrown aside, even if it meant to wound them slightly. However as much as he wanted to press onwards, he had no desire to kill anyone but those two. The monster and Alto. They could pretty much had been the same in his mind at this Point, two different sides of the same coin. One covering is a shroud of darkness and the other hiding in blinding light just out of reach.

"Can you feel the fear? It fills you with doubt. Do you still believe in what you do? This world is so cruel, eager to leave it behind? Then come at me and you may leave this world behind."


Think we needed abit more evil and villainy so here is one.


He stood at a distance away from the group of vigilantes and Bak. He would speak up and his voice echoed back towards Bak.

"The world is a sad place. The real world is not like the world in the storybooks, Bak. This is a world where monsters can win. Wouldn't you know that better than most?"

He had a brief smile form on his astral form as it turned it's attention back to Brutus.

"What would you say if I told you that one of these threats to this world be Alto of the St.Laurel school? The most evil enemy hides behind a mask of light, surrounded by silver-tongued leeches."
Vittorio spoke with obvious severity and anger in his voice, despite trying to remain calm.

"Beneath this floor forces clash, and people will be harmed. Ask yourself; Why is that? Because Alto is a puppeteer. Why else would students from St.Laurel's be here? Want to save this world and the people dear to you? Then stop the ones pulling the strings. You can do it can you not, Brutus? You and your friends here."

Vittorio began to move closer and closer and attempts to pass them by to get to Bak's location. The images of the people he manifested would all be gone at this point.


Katherine had this. Well she'd better have. Andreim was troubled. This was not a good place to fight in, they had to finish this quickly and get further up. If Mephisto's students are here then they had to hurry.

But not to the point where it would become more reckless and endanger the group. Especially not Lise. He threw a quick glance over his shoulder and to the ceiling behind them in the corridor. Vittorio had gone up through the ceiling easily, there were others who could do similar feats however.

"Cassius! Keep watch on Katherine and make sure they won't target us. Watch our backs for just a moment. Samoth, be ready to catch anything falling down. I have an idea."

Andreim stretched out his left hand and threw out a spinning cone of water which began to spin along the floor, when it had gotten abit away from them, he attuned to his heat powers and gritted his teeth as he targetted the cone of water, causing the water to evaporate up towards the ceiling, before changing his focus to a spot in the ceiling, making a heated up circle. The ceiling would suffer intense heat in that spot.

The amount of heat required for this was quite hefty and not something Andreim prefered to do unless given no choice.

He reached out with his other hand and began to manifest his cold powers instead, lowering the temperature quickly on the spot in the ceiling. Causing it to crumble into pieces and falling down into a small pile of rubble on the floor. He panted slightly from the effort. It was one thing attuning to a single thing at a time, but to do both in quick succession was tiring. But right now there was little choice in the matter.

An entrance to the floor above. Just what we need in order to flank them. To get up there and find the stairs down to get behind the three cornered by Katherine.

"Cassius! You'll get up first, Samoth you go after. Flank them. Go!" Andreim created a vortex of water on the floor, just under the hole. Intending on using his water powers to pressure them up one after the other to the floor above. Using strong jets of water under their feet.

That's when he realized it.

Crap. If Lise gets into this her clothes will get wet and she has a skirt aswell. I won't allow these mongrels to see her like that. She has to move last or I'll have to make some steam to provide her cover. This is... bad.

She also must not think him to be rude. "The queen is the most important piece. That's why pawns go first." He said in a low tone to Lise as he leaned in to her ear, breathing some warm air accidently at her ear from the tiring task.

"You'll go after them. I'll be right behind you, M'lady. Got your umbrella with you? Use it once you get up there."
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