The flaming sword attack had done something to it at least. If not wounding it, it had at least took off a chunk of it. Some of which was sent flying into the unlikely duo's position. The explosion itself had detonated under the creature thus keep colloteral damage to a minimum. The female knight was however angry, then again he figured that word would sum her up quite well.
Though she was correct that physical attacks would surely not do here, yet she wanted to get into close range with it? Even with his flaming sword this would be tricky. He couldn't use Nature Unity down here because it would cause the entire place to crumble in on them aswell.
"Like you said. Physical attacks will not hurt it. Don't you think I'll take precautions? Be silent and watch." He said the last part through gritted teeth. This woman was completely unbearable as far as he could tell. The team he had been assigned to had been horrible. One guy backstabbing them, another one abandoning them as soon as it begun and -this- woman.
He wondered silently if the other team was doing any better. They had that hotheaded midget and the flying psycho. Not to mention the damn girl who pointed her sword at him. Alberich had made his mind up. This creature before them. He was going to seal it away forever. He raised both his arms to the sides and his cosmo gathering, his hair beginning to slowly blow upwards revealing his both eyes.
"Amethyst sealed!" He yelled out and began to shoot alot of amethyst crystal shards towards the creature, either they would tear right through it to slice it into bits or form a crystalline shell around it, depending on how tough it's 'skin' was. Sealing it until Alberich himself would let it out or til his own demise. A death sentence for certain. The creature was surely a living thing and thus could have it's lifeforce drained away inside the crystal-like prison would it manage to build up around it.
The group had come to a halt. Someone had appeared in front of them. Some girl with a weird hat. Emilio had his hand casually placed at his hip and tilted his head to the side on seeing her. "Such a scary face...heh.."
The girl was after the tall woman with the scythe. Sadly neither in the current company wanted to part with her. It was their mission to bring her to the commander. No matter what they called the army in this world. Without Wong giving directions it was either doing their work or to leave. But to where? New York? Well it would have to wait. The girl in front of them was going to fight them all. Were she that arrogant? Worse than Setsuna after Wong had granted him his powers.
"Give it a try..." He said to Yukari a psychotic grin forming on his face.
Emilio didn't wait for Yukari to get the high ground, he dashed up into the air aswell. Her attacks began to target them from all manner of angles. She fought just like Wong. His wings began to manifest.
Wong had also used weapons and teleportation for fighting. This was nothing new to Emilio. In fact it was something he was well prepared to combat. As the projectiles came for him he began to quickly dash through the air, dodging them at high speed and as he did he placed out an octagonal prism where he had previously hovered mid-air.
Then as he relocated himself quickly to a spot where he could attack Yukari without catching his allies in the attack itself. He spread his arms widely and yelled out. "Light!" He began to use his most powerful attack in his repertoire, his attack aptly named 'Archangel'.
A cross of light would appear behind him and then a one and a half metre wide beam of light would shoot out from him targetting Yukari. This beam would travel at a fast speed and anyone caught in it would be in serious trouble and pushed gradually slowly backwards, if caught in it she would be stuck until the beam would end. Even if one of his allies would get close enough to it he could turn the beam slightly to the left or right, or up and down to not hit them.
This attack was however heavily draining on his energy, consuming 80% of what he currently has stored.