Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Crimson Lion
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Crimson Lion Watch Me Roar

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“Ok, let's do this.” Nanashi said excited as he put his GP base and Gunpla into the system. “X Origin Gundam. Execute!”

The three practiced against simulation after simulation, all three pushing themselves just that little bit more thanks to the knowledge that they'd be fighting much more difficult enemies soon. Soon, the simulated Grand Canyon just looked like a pile of smoldering rock, clear evidence of their training.

“Well, I feel like that's enough training for today..” Nanashi says as he stretches his arms and legs, sore from standing in the same spot for so long. “Hm, let's end alittle early today, Sousuke wanted to show us something and I'd rather use the remaining daylight for that.” He said gesturing to the window, the sun beginning to fall.
Hidden 7 yrs ago 7 yrs ago Post by Double
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Double Hard-Boiled

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Sousuke trained and practiced, even managing to keep the Crossbone Joker from getting too beat up in the process. Even so, something nagged at him in the back of his mind. He had a gut feeling that an actual battle against Team Chaser wouldn't be nearly this simple. There was also the fact that it had been a year since Sousuke had seen any of the members, and so there was always the possibility that his information was outdated - that Chaser had since tweaked or even changed their overall strategy. Not likely, but still possible at least.

Nanashi wanted to call it quits early so that they would have more time to accompany Sousuke. He silently returned the Joker to its Gunpla case and readjusted his hat. Only then did he finally speak, "It's not a something, but a someone." he replied to Nanashi with what was admittedly a cryptic explanation, "Right, looks like for today we have somewhere to be..."

That somewhere wasn't actually that far away. More specifically, a general hospital a few blocks away from the school. Sousuke led them inside and up a few floors. Eventually they reached a specific room from which a nurse emerged, "Ah, Sousuke!" she said with a greeting bow, "We just finished treatment for the day, so he's petty antsy to see you." with that she walked away to continue her duties elsewhere.

With a gesture to the others, Sousuke opened the door and led them inside. There they found a boy sitting upright in the hospital bed. There was a clear family resemblance between him and Sousuke. The boy also had a shaved head, a clothed wrapped gently around it. There was a nearby white board with some basic information about him written on it. Namely, it specified that he was currently undergoing treatment for Leukemia. His name was also written there, but Sousuke was quick to speak up.

"You wanted to meet them, Shouji, so here they are. Ichikawa High Gunpla Battle Club, Team..." he paused, then gave Nanashi a jab in the shoulder, "Hey, 2nd Year, you never gave us a name yet!"

"2nd Year?" asked the boy, Shouji, who suddenly gave a warm smile, "That must make you the infamous Nanashi Kanzen. Not many people can get under Sousuke's skin like you did you know."

Sousuke looked away a moment, then back at everyone, "That's Shouji Kikkawa, my kid brother... and the Crossbone Joker's chief builder and designer."
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Renny
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Renny S E A S O N E D

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He knew where he was going before he had actually arrived. There were clear-cut clues … splotches of colors on street signs, certain vehicles that he recognized as belonging to doctors or nurses. Like he said, his mind worked in often whimsical ways. As he paused at the same hospital his brother had been diagnosed at, a thumping his chest occurred. He froze for a moment then as Sousuke and Nanashi continued, he had as well.

Without much thought he placed a comforting hand on Echo’s case. Patting it every five or so seconds to ease his growing anxiety.

Once inside the hospital room, the sight of the young man had sent a stabbing chill down his spine. Shouji was around his age. Seeing the patient had officially warped Yuma and his own stations. Natsu could have just as easily been the sick one. The one on the chopping block. It was scary that he could think that way, heartless even, but he was aware that he valued himself just a bit more than everyone else.

He stayed near the door with a frustrated scowl on his face. “ ... Hey.”

Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Crimson Lion
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Crimson Lion Watch Me Roar

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

“Well obviously our team name is … huh, didn't really think about that. Meh whatever, we can make it later.” Nanashi said as he looked over to Shouji. “And I’ll take that as a compliment.” He said before raising an eyebrow “So your the builder eh? Beautiful work it's honestly a masterpiece in its own right.” He commented as he sat down on a chair on the side of the bed. “Each part of Joker is customized to perfectly work with your brothers style.”
Hidden 7 yrs ago 7 yrs ago Post by Double
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Double Hard-Boiled

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"Shouji wanted to meet you guys... that's why I brought you." Sousuke said, sitting down in a chair of his own and setting his hat down on a nearby end table.

"Heh, thanks, Nanashi-san." said Shouji with a bit of a blush, "The Joker works with Sousuke because it has to. He trusts in me to make it just right, just like I trust in him to pilot it, to... steal the win, to borrow Onichan's phrase." that statement right there, whether Shouji realized it or not, would serve as the eye opener for yesterday's incident. Sousuke wasn't worked up because he was insulted... but because he thought that Shouji was the one being called into question.

"Ah..." said Sousuke with a dismissive wave, "...he's underplaying himself. Honestly, I end up breaking the Joker more often than he'd like. I'm sure he'd prefer it if I could battle without damaging it so much."

"Not true." Shouji shot back, shaking his head, "The more you make me fix the Joker, the more I can tweak it and find new ways to make it stronger. I have to admit though..." he scratched his head a bit, "...this hospital room doesn't afford me much space or time to really devote to updating the Joker. If I could work in my own room or in a real workshop, then we'd really be in business."

"Oi!" Sousuke blurted out, "None of that kind of talk, you do the best with what you have, I can't ask anymore than that of you."

It was becoming increasingly clear that Shouji's... circumstance prevented him from being able to build the Joker up to its best potential. Not only that, his health currently prevented him from being able to battle himself, which was one of the original reasons for Sousuke to get into the sport: so he could fight in Shouji's place.

"By the way, Shouji," Sousuke said, retrieving the Crossbone Joker and lightly tossing it to his little brother, "our next big fight is a practice tournament in preparation for the Under-19, and Team Chaser will be there."

"I think I remember them, yeah. The captain wanted a Police-type Gunpla right? Okay, I'll see if I can optimize Joker's speed to keep up with them. Actually, no, you'll be able to outrun them! That's my promise."

"Mmm." Sousuke replied with a nod and tired yawn, "I'm counting on you, Shouji." then he actually started nod off until he had drifted into a nap.

"Our dream is make it to the World Level..." Shouji said as he started cleaning the Crossbone Joker, "...Sousuke says not to worry about it, but I really do wish I had a full workshop to work with."
Hidden 7 yrs ago 7 yrs ago Post by Renny
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Renny S E A S O N E D

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He didn’t want to freak out but he could feel his pulse quickening, growing so loud that it drowned out everything else. Which in itself was different from the usual muffling of noise. He touched the angled knob in preparation to leave … more like flee to be honest.

Shouji, Sousuke, Nanashi; these three were so oblivious to him. They were just talking normally. And that hurt for some reason. He felt like he was screaming for help when in all actuality, he was just standing there with a quivering lip and straight-face.

Damn! he snapped to himself in anguish.

It took more effort than he wanted to admit but he softened his panicky expression. “Shouji-kun, it was … nice to meet you but I-I gotta go.” He jabbed his fidgety thumb towards the door with closed eyes. “A thing for my, mom. Groceries, eggs and milk, stuff like that.”

Before leaving he took a pause to address, Sousuke and Nanashi. “Sorry for bailing guys. Meet’cha at club tomorrow.” Without anyone moving to stop him, Natsu made short work of the distance between his home and the hospital.

Yuma was waiting for him, even called out to him twice but Natsu rushed into his room, taking the steps two at a time. Inside he deleted his brother's diary files off his phone and preceded to wreck his room out of rage and sadness.

“So much for being the hero!” he shouted, kicking his desk chair onto its side.

Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Crimson Lion
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Crimson Lion Watch Me Roar

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

In the corner of his eye, Nanashi watches Natsu leave the room. ‘I should check on him later.’ He thought briefly before turning his attention back to Shouji. “Y’know Shouji, a builder as amazing as yourself DOES deserve to work in a full workshop. If you want, I can go bring some equipment here and set it up for you, although it won't be a full workshop better equipment would help you out. Or I can just call up my master, I'm sure he can work something out.” He said as he took out his phone, pressing a few buttons. “My masters a pretty great guy so I'm sure he can make this whole room a workshop!” He said while throwing his hands into the air and pretending to show the room, trying to emphasize his point of changing the room.
Hidden 7 yrs ago 7 yrs ago Post by Double
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Double Hard-Boiled

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"That would be great!" said Shouji said with a big smile. Then he glanced over at the now-snoring Sousuke, "Just, um... don't tell Sousuke. He's always had trouble accepting things from others... maybe it's a pride thing, I'm not sure." that was when Shouji decided to take a break from working on the Joker. Instead he pulled out an entirely different carrying case from under the hospital bed. This wasn't portable, and opened up to reveal an incomplete Gunpla and its remaining parts. Nanashi would recognize it as the SD Master Gundam that Sousuke had tried to build before. But even in its incomplete form, this Gunpla completely trounced its earlier incarnation. Not only design, but in that Shouji was actually adding customizations to it. He had even repainted the parts. No longer were they black like the standard Master Gundam, but were a bright crimson as if invoking the spirit of the Red Comet himself.

"Er, don't tell Sousuke about this Gunpla either." asked Shouji with a polite bow, "I'm trying to surprise him, you wouldn't believe how hard it is to keep this thing hidden in here." then he laughed a bit, "It's nowhere near finished yet, but I have a good feeling about it. I think it might even surpass the Joker."
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Renny
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Renny S E A S O N E D

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* * * April 28th * * *

Natsu felt an odd sensation the next day as he laid on his poorly-made bed. It was deeper, darker. A vortex of emotion that threatened to swallow him hold ... and yet, it was near impossible, no matter how much he wanted to, to ask for help. He trudged onto the edge of his full-size bed, his jogging pants a mess of wrinkles, his hair a old blue feather duster. He sighed and with that felt an ever-so-light release of that miasma in his heart.

I don't wanna go to school today ...

After washing up and putting on his uniform he opened his door, only to see Yuma sleeping across the narrow hallway. He was wrapped tightly in his white linen, his eyes staring intently at Natsu. They demanded that he stand still. "Natsu you're depressed, bro. Over something completely understandable but you can't avoid me because of it."

Natsu tightened his jaw. "You don't think I know that?"

"Most people do, doesn't stop them from running away from it."

Natsu was at a lost for words. So he remained quiet. "If you need to talk come to me, Natsu. I'm not only your brother, or your Gunpla builder, less not forget I'm also your best friend." Yuma shrugged off his covers and stood up, revealing how bonny he had become. Natsu turned his eyes to the floor. "I met a kid 'round my age yesterday in the hospital. I think his illness was terminal."

"...Oh. That's why you wrecked your room last night?" he accused. "So what man, you'll be okay. I got this from smoking and I'm sure that kid got his from somewhere too, you don't get sick like this out of the blue. So don't worry." Yuma reached out to clasped his shoulder but Natsu sidestepped it in a fit and started the down the stairs.


He hurriedly grabbed his backpack, slid on his shoes, and slammed the door behind him.

"Natsu!" Though he was out door, he imagine his brother ruffling his black hair in frustration. "Shit!"

* * * * *

The moment he got near school, he felt the grey overcome him and jumble everything together. His eyes glazed over with a sense of boredom. Knew he wouldn't get it. He ruins everything by jumping recklessly ahead ... I was happy it wasn't me. That it was him on the chopping block instead.

The school day was host to a new endless tone, even as he was called on, he let auto-pilot handle his life. At least he would until a bit of color emerged during Gunpla Club.
Hidden 7 yrs ago 7 yrs ago Post by Crimson Lion
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Crimson Lion Watch Me Roar

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

The week rolls by in the blink of an eye with a repetition of practice fights after practice fights against the CPU of the Battle Simulator until finally, Sunday. The day of the Practice tournament between Ichikawa, Hokuten, Nobuya and Karasato. The four (Mika following to watch) had to ride and switch trains twice before reaching Nobuya Private High School, where the tournament would take place.

The Ichikawa group all stood outside of the large school, the premise easily dwarfing Ichikawa High. Nanashi shivered a bit at the sight, "Man, I'm just getting shivers about this y'know." He said to the others "Well, I'll be relying on the both of you alot for today, so lets do our best and hopefully improve." He said with a fist pump.

Just as he finished, a van with the symbol of Karasato Academy (@Dezuel) stopped behind the group. "Oh? Seems like some of our competition arrived."
Hidden 7 yrs ago 7 yrs ago Post by Double
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Double Hard-Boiled

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Sousuke probably seemed the least nervous of the three. To be fair, he essentially had more tournament experience than either Nanashi or Natsu. Didn't stop the feeling of staring up at what would become a battleground, especially if it were one's first visit to said location. Sousuke breathed deep, then quickly adjusted his hat, "These are real battles, 2nd Year, that means I'll be billing you for the rounds we compete in." he said, adding a sly smile that made it impossible to tell if he was just joking or being completely serious.

Almost immediately a van pulled up bearing the symbol of Karasato Academy. Another school that Sousuke had never been to nor interacted with, so both of these teams would be entirely new encounters for him. But sometimes, it was devil you knew that could be more intimidating than a perfect stranger. Speaking of which, another van came rolling to a stop. This one bore the all-too familiar symbol of Hokuten Academy. At this Sousuke tipped his hat downward a bit, "And here we go..." he muttered.

Two Days Earlier

"All right, Team Chaser! That should do for our regimen today!" said Keiichiro, almost shouting. He took command rather easily, and the fact that he had a voice that seemed perfectly suited for barking orders made it even easier for him to assume the role of Captain. The team had been training with their usual regimen that day. Simulations depicting reenactments of famous of battles during the One Year War. Sometimes Chaser would be on the Zeon side fighting the White Base, other times they would be on the Federation side fighting against various mobile suits flown by Char himself. It made for great discipline building and tactical training, giving the team an almost professional aura.

"We'll be using tomorrow to rest and mentally prepare ourselves, so use your time wisely so we can-"

"Um, Sempai?" asked Sakuya, who was rereading the invitation letter, "Seems there was a last minute change to the turnout."

"Don't interrupt me when I'm giving a speech Sakuya!" Keiichiro barked dismissively.

"It's just that, this new school... Ichikawa. Isn't that where Sousuke-san transferred to?"

That got Keiichiro to stop dead in his tracks, "Huh?" he said, almost comically loud before snatching the paper, "Let me see this! Ichikawa Batlte Club... no name... members... Kanzen, Nanashi... Saisei, Natsu... AAHHHHHH!!!" he suddenly yelled with an almost comical fire in his eyes, "Kikkawa SOUSUKE!!!"

"Ahem." Tsukasa coughed quietly, "I thought you were past that now?" she asked coldly.

"What? Of course I am! Keiichiro Asaka doesn't hold grudges. Do I look I'm holding a grudge?" he asked, making a pitiful attempt at hiding his feelings, "New plan Team Chaser, we're having an emergency practice tomorrow!" and then Keeichiro stormed off.

The very next day, Keiichiro put Team Chaser through different training simulations. This time they were all against the Crossbone Vanguard. Clearly he wanted them to be prepared to counter anything Sousuke throw at them.
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Hidden 7 yrs ago 7 yrs ago Post by Renny
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Renny S E A S O N E D

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* * * April 28th * * *

Natsu stood between Nanashi-san and Sousuke-san, staring up at the grand institution known as Nobuya Academy. There was a notable irritation in his dead blue eyes. Even as he stood dumbfounded by the gray color of the extravagant school--which was a mildly-futuristic outlook of his own--he felt that prod of familiarity again.

The question. Have I been here before? arose three times.

Natsu Saisei watched Sousuke tip his hat down with a foxish flare. The blue-themed boy stepped to mimic his position and firmly grabbed his own neck. A tightened push on one side created a crackle of noise. With a sigh he said, "I'm ready to pummel'em all. Also, Nanashi-san, on the way here I was thinking of a few names for our group ..." He paused, slightly abashed. "The Definities. I thought hard about it and we're near nothing alike but we all have our definitions of Gunpla. It brought us together and I think it makes us who we are. So ... why not?"
Hidden 7 yrs ago 7 yrs ago Post by Dezuel
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Dezuel Broke out of limbo

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They had finally arrived to the Nobuya high school grounds where the practice tournament would take place.

Kayl had kept reading through a magazine throughout most of the drive to the place, with every now and then the occasional comment regarding the subjects Syo were discussing with the driver of the van. Kayl was dressed in his school uniform with a broché attached to his chest, marking him as the leader of the Karasato gunpla club. The symbol itself seems to very much resemble the icon for ZAFT.

He had stored his gunpla safely away in a shoulder bag, a bag which most would consider to be a tad too feminine for a guy. It didn't seem to bother him the slightest though. It was the perfect way to carry both boxes containing his gunpla, books and other important things. Behind him in the van sat Ternal, wearing a vest and longsleeved white shirt. He had remained silent during most of the ride, listening to music and getting into the spirit of fighting.

His gunpla were carried in a more regal manner, in the form of a black suitcase which also contained spare parts, building tools and some other things which were connected to what they were going to do. In the front seat, next to the driver of the van sat Syo. Who looked out of place from the other two students, he looked very much like a delinquent. His school uniform jacket was opened and his shirt was slightly unbuttoned, he carried his own gunpla in a black backpack with a skull on it.

The first one to exit the van was Syo, his shoes hit the ground and he let out a loud whistle as he looked over the school building, his backpack swung casually over his shoulder.

"Sheesh. These guys are trying to act big. Time to put them into their place." He tilted his head to left and right, before setting his eyes on the students from Ichikawa. He allowed an amused smirk to form on his lips as he approached, Kayl and Ternal taking abit longer to get out of the van.

"Yo! So you are the sad lot we are going to wipe the floor with today? Good grief. I thought we would actually get some challenge. Not some kids with defective gunpla." Syo put his left hand at his waist and stood tall and with his chest puffed out, obviously trying to taunt his opposition. A mocking grin on his lips. If he could trigger some reaction out of them he might be able to disqualify them if they went physical. It was all too easy. A couple of moments passed before Kayl and Ternal caught up to him.

"Syo, stop that crap right now. I don't want you to badmouth our sparring partners." Kayl walked up and past Syo, giving the latter a look which would tell anyone present that he did not approve of it the slightest.

"Sorry about that. I'm Kayl Lanzer of the Karasato gunpla club. Pleased to meet you." He reached out his hand towards the Ichikawa school members. "Let's have some fine fights allright?" Syo on the other hand gave the Ichikawa students a glare each with obvious dislike, not interested at all in shaking anyones hand. "Tch.."

The third member of the group, Ternal had approached aswell and had set his gaze on Lisa. "My my, I did not expect the opposition to have such a beauty amongst them. If you fight as good as you look, then we are in for a treat indeed. I'm Ternal, Ternal Dawning." Ternal did a courteus bowing motion to Lisa, and gave her a wink which could very well be considered seductive, complete with a soft smile.

Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Crimson Lion
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Crimson Lion Watch Me Roar

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Nanashi chuckled as he walked up in between their two groups, smiling at all three of the Karasato high schoolers. “Hello, nice to meet you all. The names Nanashi Kanzen, president of the Ichikawa Gunpla Battle Club.”

Mika sweatdrops at Ternals comments towards her (I’m assuming). “The names Mika Ryuga, team manager.” She said with a small bow.
Hidden 7 yrs ago 7 yrs ago Post by Double
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Double Hard-Boiled

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Sousuke pushed his hat up slightly, acknowledging the team from Karasato but only barely. One of the members tried trash talking. So that was how it was going to be? Sousuke decided to beat the guy at his own game, "You know, that's funny." he said with the smile of a sly fox, "I was just about to say the same thing to you guys." he offered, it was clear he planned to keep his cool no matter what today. No one, not even Nanashi, would get under his skin today, he'd make sure of it.

Of course, that was about when the fun got spoiled. First by Karasato's leader and then by Nanashi. Sousuke only offered a shrug, deciding not make a scene or pick any fights outside of the battle arena. And right about then was then the doors to the Hokuten Van burst open. Team Chaser exited their vehicles, silently shutting the doors and approaching Nobuya with an almost professional march. They all wore their school's uniform, with an added armband that marked them not only as Team Chaser but as their school's prefects. They stopped before the group, though. Keiichiro eyed everyone with almost comical scrutiny, "Ahem!" he coughed, then loudly announced, "Trash talking, Sousuke? And here I hoped your time with us improved that attitude problem of yours."

"Who's got an attitude problem?" Sousuke asked, stepping right up to Team Chaser's captain and showing him no fear whatsoever, "Was that your battle plan, Asaka? Lecture us into submission?" he asked with a wink. This got a chuckle from Sakuya, who had to fight the urge to burst out laughing. Even Tsukasa cracked a smile, if only slightly. Keiichiro looked like he was boiling, a vein even comically popping out of his forehead. Then all of a sudden, he instantly cooled off.

"You're taunting won't work on me, Kikkawa." he said, trying almost too hard to be as cool-headed as Sousuke, "But even if this isn't an actual Tournament, it's still a sanctioned event. I strongly suggest everyone conduct themselves accordingly." with that he decided to ignore Sousuke and instead address the other battlers, "Good morning! I'm Keiichiro Asaka, Captain of Team Chaser! My team and I look forward to battling you all." he said with a courteous bow. Keiichiro could be quite polite and courteous when addressing strangers, really it was only Sousuke who got under his skin.

"Ah, me too." Sakuya added with a friendly bow, "I'm Sakuya, by the way. Can't wait to see how my designs stack up against all of yours. And uh... long time no see, Sousuke-san!"

"Tsukasa." she said coldly, and nothing else. Tsukasa was a bit of an ice queen, usually caring more about perfecting her strategies than making small talk.

"Yeah, yeah..." Sousuke said casually to Sakuya, then approached Tsukasa and tipped his hat to her, "...been a while, Tsukasa. Don't suppose that icy heart of yours has melted any in the last year?" unfortunately all Sousuke got was an incredulous raised eyebrow from her. Apparently this wasn't the first time he tried flirting with her, and it was also apparent that the attempts all ended roughly like this.
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Renny
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Renny S E A S O N E D

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* * * April 28th * * *

Natsu had remained stoic as the Karasoto team had approached. He had never been a fan of those that talked thrash or for that matter anyone that talked too often. While he hid it rather well, Nanashi-san was one of those people that aggravated him. The way he talked, especially at the moment, was far too lively, too happy. It brought fresh pain to his own self-torture.

One of the members of Karasoto, a blonde haired-blue eyed casanova bowed towards him and made some comment that sounded ill-prepared and wrong. Natsu wouldn't dignify it with a response because he knew it wasn't meant for him ... that was unless the boy had been batting for the other side. A shiver ran up his spine, causing him to jolt slightly, but it was all for nothing.

No sooner had he said that, did a truly, fascinating beauty speak from Natsu's shadowed-left. She wore Nobuya's blazer stylishly over a pure blouse as she returned Ternal's bow. "Unfortunately I don't get the chance to battle today." Her voice was nice and inviting. She spared a side-eyed glance at Natsu, a purposeful yet pleasant smile on her face. "I'll be acting as substitute coach for Nobuya's gunpla club this evening."

Natsu found it easy to ignore everyone amidst the adjoining chaos. Soon Team Chasers had arrived, confronting Sousuke with a obvious lack of caution and seemingly ... a vendetta. Deep in his mind, Natsu found a place of silence to mull over himself. "... I'm nervous." he uttered on the wind. He grabbed Echo Barbatos' case tight in his hands. "Too many egos, not enough battling." he continued.

"It's nice to meet you, Ternal ... Kayl, Syo. Team Chasers and the unnamed gunpla club of Ichikawa. Give me the honor of welcoming you all to Nobuya Academy and leading you the tournament arena." She greeted, curtsying in an odd-western-fashion towards the group of battlers.
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Dezuel
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Kayl nodded his head to Nanashi and Mika, and then to Keiichiro and anyone else close to him. "Looking forwards to seeing what beautiful gunpla you all have. Good luck in the practice to you all. Sieg Zeon!"

While Kayl was trying to greet and be friendly with the people, Syo had found himself a target for the upcoming fights.

Sousuke Kikkawa. I am going to tear his smug face and gunpla up. Syo's teeth began to grind against oneanother, he was thrilled and eager to get in there and beat the living hells out of all of them. He didn't need Kayl or Ternal for certain, that is what he was certain of. Sure Kayl had some knowledge of gunpla and how to do tactics. But he couldn't even assemble his own. That's something Syo could. As for Ternal? He didn't know what that guy was capable of. Though he was sure he was the team trumph card himself.

This team Chasers had shown up aswell. Whilst Syo found his remarks to Sousuke to be amusing, he did not like the face of that Keiichiro guy either.

I'll grind them all to dust. But I'll start with that Sousuke guy. He's mine. "Better watch yourself in there, bozo. Cause you are going down." He said in a hushed voice as he tried to pass by Sousuke.

Ternal turned his head briefly to Mika who was being courteus towards him. He had a blank expression for a moment before offering a slight upturn at the corner of his mouth and gave her a deep nod. "A pleasure, little lady." Ternal's eyes narrowed slightly in a seductive manner. Before his attention returned to Lisa. "That is a shame. Perhaps it is destiny at play. Looking forwards to seeing you in action when you finally get to it, golden princess. Thank you for the kind welcome." A soft smile forming on his lips and he tilted his head to the side with closed eyes before his attention turned to the others gathered, looking over each and everyone gathered. "Play well everyone. There is some really tough ones that will be out there."
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Crimson Lion
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Crimson Lion Watch Me Roar

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

Nanashi looked over the groups of people. All four teams Lined up together making a makeshift square. "This is pretty impressive, many of the top fighters in our area in the same place." He said with a chuckle.

A girl from Nobuya stepped forward, bowing, "Good afternoon to you all, my name is Chiaki Naomi the president of Nobuya Gunpla club and Team Fortress. If you'd all follow me we can get set up." She said as everyone began to follow her into the school, through the courtyard, and around the school to what looked like a gymnasium. The inside of the gym was big, with every corner of the gym having a couple of work stations for Gunpla maintenance. "How about each of us do final checks before we begin to battle." She asked the others.

"That'd be great, thanks." Nanashi said as he and the Ichikawa group moved to one of the stations. "So guys, thoughts?" He asked gesturing to the other teams.
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Double
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Double Hard-Boiled

Member Seen 3 hrs ago

"I think I remember some of Chaser's M.O.'s," offered Sousuke in a hushed tone. After his little conversation with Keiichiro and failed attempt to flirt with Tsukasa, he kept quiet while everyone entered the gymnasium. But now he was talkative again. He decided to explain as much as he could remember about Team Chaser's tactics, "If I know Asaka, he'll focus fire on me so you two should be able to ignore him and target his partners. Sakuya likes to fancy himself a pacifist, he'll spend most of the battle defending and only attacks if he's forced to. That also means he usually burns through his energy the slowest, so he'll almost certainly outlast us in a drawn out fight. You may want to do what you can to get him to attack and use up his energy faster. As for Tsukasa, I have to admit it's pretty much impossible to nail her style down. She's perfectly willing to change and alter her style to suit whatever opponent she's trying to take down. She's also very observant. The more time you give her to assess your skills, the harder it will be on you in the long run. But you can't just go rushing at her either, she pretty much always has some kind trap or plan in place for that sort of attack. And like I said, you can just leave Asaka to me." that was about all Sousuke could offer on them. But he did add one more thing, "I don't know if any of the information I just gave you still applies. Something may have changed with the team that I don't know about, so keep that in the back in your mind while you fight them."

Meanwhile, Team Chaser was waiting in their designated area, "So? What do you make of them?" Keiichiro asked Tsukasa. He knew she would have been making silent observations of everyone before they entered the building, and whatever she learned would likely be of use to them. Tsukasa closed her eyes in thoughtfulness, "Difficult to say. The boys from Karasato seem a bit mismatched, but nowhere near as much as Sousuke's new team. The home team from Nobuya are reserve battlers, not the regular team. So I'm afraid I can't offer much about them. But if they aren't the regular team, then that probably means that Karasato and Ichikawa are our biggest threats here."

"If Sousuke-san's new team is the most mismatched, doesn't that make them the most unpredictable?" asked Sakuya with a thoughtful nod.

"Tch, figures. Kikkawa always was a wild card, so I guess an eclectic wild card team is perfect for him, isn't it?" Keiichiro quipped. He gave a quick sidelong glance in Sousuke's direction.

"We may also want to assume he's told his team about our usual tactics." Tuskasa added with a blunt, matter-of-factly tone, "Which means we'll have to be doubly cautious. I won't be able to tell us much more until I've actually seen some of these people battle, though."
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Renny
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Renny S E A S O N E D

Member Seen 1 yr ago

* * * April 28th * * *

Lisa sat in the front row of their expensive gymnasium, the room dimmed to near dark as cool ambient lights circled overhead. She was confident that she gave Chiaki a good feel for the competitors. At first her question seemed a bit cheap but after a light-hearted talking to her on the joys of figuring ones opponent out first-hand, she revealed her first impressions of each team.

They could all be summed up with one conclusion in mind. They were real fighters; each and every one of them was legit. Which was perfect because the whole point of the tournament was to toughen up the softer members of Nobuya's Gunpla Club.

She eyed her team with a steadfast confidence, bit her lip nervously, and pondered just how far they'd come before inevitably losing to the Karasoto boys. Her gaze meandered towards the blonde one, her cheeks flushing as she smirked. "Blonde Princess, huh? I just hope you take it easy on my subjects," she mumbled to herself.

Then, unbidden, they moved to a head of blue focusing mindless on the opponents across for him. There was something about him that had changed, he was once so lively. Now he seemed ... off. She wondered if he remembered her. That thought was begrudgingly left behind as she returned to her duty as mentor.

Natsu was more than eager to take on the strongest of the three. He stared at her keenly, a beast feeling out his prey. "I'll take out, Tsukasa. Nanashi-san, that leaves the other one for you." He hadn't even turned to look at them as he spoke.

"I don't have a plan ... but," he balled his fist up. "I'll definitely beat her.
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