Some of the damn quotes from old 80's animation is damn gold. If english isn't gonna cut it, just swap to ones native language and you have yourself some good comedy. Unlike hollywood post year 2000
2 yrs ago
Some of the damn quotes from old 80's animation is damn gold. If english isn't gonna cut it, just swap to ones native language and you have yourself some good comedy. Unlike hollywood post year 2000
"Vittorio?" The voice came echoing to him, he turned around but saw no one. Then he heard it again. "Vittorio... It's okay."
The voice belonged to Charlotte, a voice he could never forget. A voice so soothing yet so energic. The memory of the evening before the horrible event came to him. In a calm park during the summer. With birds chirping and water spewing out of the fountains.
Charlotte was smiling and waved with her right hand, whilst carrying some bag on her left shoulder. Her left hand neatly placed on the bag to prevent it from sliding down her slender shoulder.
"Oi! Vittorio! Sheesh.. you gotta try keep getting here on time, it's rude to keep a girl waiting you know?" Charlotte pouted before giving him a wink, sticking out her tongue. "Just kidding.. you are two minutes early." She giggled with her right hand over her mouth.
"I-I... right.. uhm.. Don't scare me like that." Vittorio answered with a slightly troubled look on his face while he approached. "I don't have any amazing powers to get me here any faster anyways.. I am not Geon or Carus."
Charlotte took up a magazine from her bag and folded it into a roll before whacking Vittorio in the head with it, not too hard though. "Idiot. Does that bother you so much?" She said before letting out a soft sigh, facepalming her forehead with her right hand.
"Well... I am the only one who is not attending to St.Laurels. It's hard not to think about it. To be fair I am jealous... I would love to have powers like you all have, that way I wouldn't feel so... nevermind." Vittorio tightened his hands into fists.
"Hey! Psssh!" Charlotte snapped her fingers in front of his face. "The powers are not everything anyways. I like you for who you are, not what powers you have or not have. You are fun to be around. To be fair having a power is kind of troublesome at times." Charlotte looked around for a moment before turning back to Vittorio. "Because people will only notice you because of your power and not for who you actually are." She said with a slightly discouraged face.
"But that's not true at all Charlotte, you are really smart, funny and great to be around! I am sure the rest of the school feel the same way! You are really special that way..." Vittorio said, not daring to continue the sentence for fearing to reveal his feelings right there.
"Thank you, Vittorio. I would like to think I am just a regular girl who just happens to have been given this kind of power." Vittorio remained silent for a brief moment. "You always have been outstanding though. Geon and the others can vouch for that too! The rest of the school surely could aswell." He stepped abit closer, as the sun was going down in the horizon beyond the two as they stood there in the park.
"I have something to tell you tomorrow, I think I may be in love." She said with a slight blush on her cheeks. Vittorio could feel how his heart was stopping for a slight moment. Love... she feels the same way I do? I must tell her before she tells me...
"Hey Charlotte.. I have something I want to tell you too. You see I have always-" He was interupted by her. "Oh! Look at the time. I've gotta go. We can talk again tommorrow okay? Okay?" She leaned in to his face and gave him a smile before hitting his forehead with a finger. "Pffoh! Bang. You are dead." She smiled and giggled.
"Good grief... I guess I'll wait until tommorrow then. What's the worst that could happen?" Vittorio gave her a slight chuckle followed by a smile, waving to her as her parents were coming to drive her home.
"Don't forget to be there on time! And cheer up! You only live once! Laters!" She gave him a wide grin stretching from one side of her face to the other, waving her own hand. He had already prepared his gift for her, a music box with a beautiful ring in the middle of it with a heart shaped ruby-like gem. It was not very expensive, but it was bought with all he have had been able to get. Having opened the music box a few times himself to listen to the theme playing. The tone was sad but also hopeful, like a melody befitting true love. As she was driving away he could hear the melody in his head.
Then the sound of shattering glass, followed by darkness. He was back again in the real world. It was just a memory. A very precious memory.
He was now back in his room, having returned from his encounter with William. Alongside Celestine and Celine. He sighed softly and then reached his left hand under his pillow, taking out a box with a worn out surface. He opened it, and it began to play that melody. The one locked in his memory. In the middle of the box laid the ring which was meant for her, but he never had the chance to give it to her.
"I'll never forgive you..." He felt the tear sliding down his face, he reached up to wipe his face with his free hand. Then narrowed his eyes. "No matter what I will destroy you." He tightened his hand into a fist.
"Master Galbrek! Master Gal-" Adam came yelling barging into the room his master were located within only to be met with a backhanded slap seeking to slap him across his face. Adam however managed to get out of it's reach just in time.
"Adam! You dodged on purpose..." Galbrek said before stepping up to backhand him properly, this time the doll took the slap across the face.
"Now learn to knock. I might be in the middle of an important meeting." The half demon pointed to the nearby wall where he had drawn a crude sketch of William which he used for practicing dart throwing.
"Forgive my lord, but this was left for you my master." Adam held over a package with some dossiers in them. "What is this?" Galbrek asked, raising an eyebrow as he approached.
"Papers my lord." Adam quickly replied.
"You dolt! I can see that it is paper! But more importantly what is written on them?!" Galbrek grabbed hold of the dossier and began to look it over. His irritated face began to change and his eyes widened, his gritted teeth turned into a wide grin. He began to chuckle, and later on it turned into full laughter.
"Heh...heh... gah hah hah hah! Yes! This is exactly what I need! The all powerful evil gods have indeed sent a gift to their most favored child! William...Just you wait you inbred mortal mongrel. Welcome to planet hell!"
Some time later…
*A couple of video tapes has been sent to various news agencies in the city*
The camera would fixate on a young man standing near a finely decorated table with a map of Rhea behind it.
"If I may have your attention, inhabitants of Rhea and the surrounding area! I am Lord Galbrek Ravenovich, fourth son of Lord Alduss Ravenovich of the WREVL banking corporation.
I speak to you in this time of great sadness and confusion, for there has been an attempt on my life and an unjust warrant out for my capture by corrupt or controlled officials.
Controlled? What do I mean with that? Allow me to tell you! For amongst you, in this very city walks a person with a particular ability that allows him to meld into peoples everyday life. Becoming a friend while in fact he is a fiend, a pretender and a imposter.
How is this possible? Allow me to tell you about it, he possesses a power which I'd come to call 'The narrarive role'. It allows him to toy with peoples minds to accept him into their very lives as if he had earnt it. While he has in fact burglarized your heads and is now eating from your pockets!
How terrifying it is. Not knowing where or when he would strike, perhaps he already have or is sitting next to you just now. How would you be able to tell the difference to unmask this deceiver?
Not only can this person do this, he can copy powers of those he has witnessed and then make use for them himself. Imagine what he could do would he see the most powerful wielders of powers in this world? It is like giving a large device of mass destruction to a terrorist!
Do you think you can avoid his gaze and intrusion? Think again. He also bears the power to gather knowledge just by coming into contacts with a building which may tell him of things which has occured in it. Your personal private life. Your buisness arrangements. Where you store your valuables.
Just a few things which this man could do to you. This terrorist as he should be called lastly also has a power which forces people to stand by his side and if they refuse it shall weaken them and make their luck run low. Making their lives miserable.
These terrifying powers are running rampant even now and who knows if the power is passed down through the family. Are you willing to take the risk? I call for the authorities to seize this terrorist and those who plot with him." -
Galbrek would approach the camera and showing his bruised cheek and bloodied lip, showing his missing tooth. "I was physically attacked by the very mother of this terrorist as she attempted to aid her wicked son and his fellow terrorists from silencing me. Assassination attempt."
"The name of this terrorist is William Chekhova Ascot! Him and his family should be quarantined! I have a full dossier here with proof of his wicked powers." Galbrek would pan the camera down to show a bunch of papers.
"I will only hand them to the chief of police or judge of the city once the threats posed by these Ascot's have been dealt with. In addition, I offer on behalf of my father, the just and rightious man that he is a bounty of twenty-five thousand for the capture of this William Chekhova Ascot. Thank you and be watchful fellow peace loving citizens."
Galbrek placed a hand on his chest and offered a salute then the camera recording stopped and Galbrek walked over to Adam who stood behind the camera.
"Ugh. Makes me sick speaking like that. But it will have to do. Wiping out that worm is highest priority. Why not let the mortal fools in the city mob up and put him to the torch? Nothing like some good lynching to enlighten the peasantry of their place in the world." Galbrek smirked and then let an evil chuckle echo through the hallway.
((collab between Dezuel, Letter B, AtomicNut and Bartimaeus))
"I will not take long. Neither will I waste any more time being idle. It is now time to act..."
Vittorio began floating out into the corridor and towards the exit of the building, carrying his physical body only dressed in undergarments and the long hospital gown he was clad in. My body is resting now, my mind however cannot find any rest at all He thought to himself. Celine threw a look over to Celestine what he was going to do.
Celine had been silent and listening, she did realize that if she could follow Vittorio she could learn something useful about her master's enemy. Perhaps enough to buy herself out of trouble would she have to. But she was not combat ready the slightest, no magical energy to project a barrier and one arm less.
If I can go along with master Vittorio then I could possibly get some useful information. I'd rather be found with something useful than found without it. But I have to do it without raising suspicion from this person. Celine had a thoughtless expression, if not a tad grave and serious for the moment as she looked to Celestine. "Are you going to follow him?"
Celestine clenched his fist, thoughtfully, as he rested his elbows on the table, his hands crossed in front of his mouth as he rested his nose against them, in a ominous thought pose. " That fool... does never listen about his body. What use is his power when his body is in such state. Well, no rest for the wicked in any case." The girlish boy added, as he rose up, still on his Pyjamas. "I suppose I shall follow, but not like this." He added, walking towards his wardrobe, as he pulled another girl uniform, this time a dark mockery of St Laurel's instead of Mephisto's, as well as another pair of boots, mask, and gloves. On closer inspection, the wardrobe was full of those items, for some disturbing reason. The finishing touches, were once again, his medical waistbag and yet another Katana replica. His eyes rested on Celine as he said in a singsong voice. "Oh, maybe your master could join the fun if a little birdy happened to tell him..." He added as he exited through the door at a brisk pace, almost unfazed by his wounds earlier. Underneath the mask, was however another story Ugh, you're a real slavedriver, you Vittorio
Celine gritted her artificial teeth inside her mouth. Damn it. If he will show up then I will have nothing to offer. "What little birdy?" She asked is a very direct manner, it wasn't smooth or refined in any way. It was however tipped with some curiousity.
This human sure had some odd choice for clothing. It was nothing like the aristocratic look her master was going for, more like something which Darla would have kept her jaw open about and looked at with sparkly eyes. I wonder how Darla and Adam are faring back at base. Galbrek is nothing but a tyrant. I'm done with doing his dirty work. It didn't do Bertrand any good.
"Oh, you know, it starts with G, ends in K, and rhymes with 'punt'. "Celestine shrugged. "Nevermind, he would just crash in like a bull in a china shop." Celestine added, before sizing Celine up. His hands moved towards the hilt of his sword...
Celine's eyes followed Celestine's hands with her gaze. Is he intending on killing me? I refuse to die like this... If he tries I'll have to run and fast.
"I don't like loose ends." Celestine said, and unleashed his sword, only to backtrace his steps swiftly and cut one of several mannequins that housed his clothes when not in the wardrobe. With a clean cut, one of the arms dropped at the height of the shoulder, before Celestine withdrew his blade and picked up the arm. Weighing it, he then tossed it at Celine. "I promised you an arm on the morning. Use this in the meantime." He added, before breathing and exiting again. "See you around, then. Or not, if you decide to follow. Either way, it's up to you." He shrugged and resumed his march.
She had grabbed hold of the arm with some difficulty, as she was not as fast as Celestine. She looked it over. As if I could meld this second rate thing on my body. Does he overestimate me? Hnn. Best not disappoint. She spoke up. "I will follow. I don't like loose ends either." After some walking through the night they finally arrived at the location where William Ascot was supposed to be calling home...
The Ascot residence was located in an upper-middle-class neighborhood, where it was hardly distinguishable from the other houses. Its timber and concrete frame was painted white, to contrast with the red roof of corrugated steel and red brick tiles. All in all, it was perfectly ordinary and even home-y...if not for the mystic wards and astral security systems that only those with special googles or magical senses would see. The wards would be seen as a bright yellow dome/sphere that covered the house, a bright yellow dome/sphere with only one hole close to the bottom.
The astral security system would manifest as blue beams of light that acted like one of those infrared beams in bank vaults; a few of those would flicker at the bottom as well.
"This is the place then..."
The ghostlike boy stopped in it's floating and gazed ahead at the building. "Looks ordinary. But is it? Where do you reckon the boy is located?" Vittorio's head turned to Celestine.
"If possible I would like to do this without setting the neighbourhood on fire..." He said with a soft echoing sigh.
"Fine, I will stay here, and be your wingman." Celestine added. "Maybe you should search the room with the superheroes in tight spandex." The transvestite smirked as he caressed the pommel of his sword in anticipation. "If anything goes wrong, I will leg it with your real body. Other than that, it's your big night, champ. Go wild. But remember that things aren't what they seem."
"Thank you. Do not worry. Don't retreat until you see someone coming out and too close. I may need that body which you have taken care of for this part." Vittorio offered a slight upturn on the corner of his mouth, a very strange sight overall from a person who never smiles at all. "I know that things are not what they seem, they never are what they seem. One moment you bask in the sun, the second you drown in darkness. Even so... I won't stop." The ghostlike young man put down his physical body against a nearby tree, leaning up against it. While he proceeded closer towards the house. He watched it from a distance for a suitable place to breach through. The house may be larmed or guarded by magic or some form of magical beasts. It was not uncommon for people to protect their homes against unwanted guests. In this case it was an unwanted geist.
He latched his tentacle like arms against two nearby trees, placing himself in the middle, then floated back abit. Set his sights on the house ahead and then pushed with his energy tentacles to fling his light astral form into the air flying towards the outer upper wall of the house where he latched unto the wall and window frames, water pipes, and ceiling using his many tentacles to make sure he wouldn't fall. The bedrooms were likely on the second floor, perhaps this William was resting.
A loud, screeching noise would sound throughout the house as Vittorio's astral form broke both the mystic sphere of the Wards and the blue beams of the Astral Security System, triggering an alarm. Said noise can be heard from outside; it seemed that the entire operation had been given away. But then the sound would fade instantly, and a few slow seconds later, a window on the second floor would open, and a faint voice can be heard:
"You can come in; I just want to talk." Male, sixteen, carrying a tone of naivete and good intentions. Was this...William?
Traps. He should have been used to those by now. Celestine was possibly one.
But Vittorio was not foolishly throwing himself into the dark unless it was Alto in there. He threw his gaze to another window and moved his form over to that, appearing in a sideway view before his piercing gaze stared into the room. There was someone in there in a bed. Some odd ears sticking out from the covers.
Vittorio grabbed hold of the window frame, and with ease tore it out through it's hinges, flinging it out to the lawn where it landed in a bush, before floating into the room, he swiftly sent his tentacle like wings towards the fox eared person which were in there with him, attempting to grapple her so that he could question her about the location of William. Her arms and mouth being wrapped by his tentacle like wings. He wanted the very least to have an assurance would more traps be laid.
Masami stirred as the thump of something hitting the side of the building woke her. For a moment she laid still, until a loud shrieking pierced her ears. Sitting up abruptly, she covered them from the horrible sound, and in turn...didn’t hear the window being torn from the wall. She saw the movement too late, and her vulnerably-positioned arms were restrained by a set of wide, strong appendages she couldn’t quite see in the dark. She found her mouth being covered as well.
After leaving the tournament scene, and receiving a delightful offer from William to house her for the night, she had thought she’d seen enough action for today. But apparently, that wasn’t the case. Unfortunately for the Kitsune, without being able to move, she was a nigh-useless asset to her own rescue. With wide eyes, she stared at the dark figure in the bedroom, attempting to struggle out of its hold.
"You are... not William are you?" Vittorio said in a low slightly soothing voice as he floated closer to look Masami over. His tentacle like wings glowing up abit.
"Pardon my intrusion... young miss? But where is he? Where is me..." Vittorio removed the tentacle which held had wrapped around her mouth, letting Masami speak a few moments after he thought she had calmed down abit.
He ofcourse tried to still keep her in his grasp, adding more of his tentacle like appendages to wrap around her while he slowly allowed himself to float across the floor towards the door out from the room.
Not good... she thought. She quickly realized she couldn’t escape the arms that now held hers, their strength was far superior. It was better to conserve her energy. But then they spoke to her. Asking her where William was. Before uncovering her mouth.
She had to resist immediately unleashing an attack on her captor. What if he could somehow block her attack? She thought it was better to play dumb...there was no way she’d betray William’s whereabouts. She tilted her head to the right, looking inquisitively at her captor, as well as the tentacles that held her. She tried her best to put on a confused face, feigning ignorance. “Nani?”
By that time, footsteps can be heard, rushing towards Masami's room. The door would open, revealing an angry-looking young man with black hair and eyes, clad in red and white pajamas and plain white slippers. Entering the room, he faced Vittorio, looking him in the eyes as he said: "You really are paranoid, aren't you?"
"So you don't know anything? I see..." Vittorio let his tentacle like wings loosen and withdraw from Masami, releasing her fully from his grip. Causing those tentacles to try rejoin with his remaining ones.
That's when he heard footsteps and the door being flung open, a young man standing there looking at him quite fiercely despite being clad in night garments and a pair of slippers.
Vittorio met the young man's gaze with his own. "My name... is Vittorio." The moon was shining in through the gap where the window once had been, appearing almost as a background for the ghost as he stood there. The ghostlike young man's tentacles snapped at the air around him, similar to how a whip would sound midair. A slight crackling sound as they twitched and formed around him, like the snakes of a medusa's hair.
"You must be William, the one seeking to play god and defile the dead of their eternal rest..." Vittorio spoke, his voice was serious and with contained anger behind it. "Why would you do such a thing?" He finally asked.
William tried to stay calm, he knew he had to face this with strength and grace. He knew he had to reply slow, and firm, and tell only the truth. But, as he delved into his own psyche, William Ascot had to ask himself: What was the truth? Was he doing this for Vittorio, for himself, or both?
As he finally opened his mouth, William said, "Originally, the reasons were selfish; I wanted to stop you from trying to kill...him." And by him , William obviously meant Alto. "But after finding out more about you, I realized that it wasn't my call to demand anything of you, that bringing back those whom you've had to be done for free.
"As for why I want to do it for free, without anything in return and keeping your enmity towards...him alive, it's because I can't abide the thought of someone in Rhea going through extreme suffering without no one to care for them; without anyone doing anything for them." A pause and a sad, but firm frown.
"The more I learn about you, the more I know this, that I do not want to be the sort of person who looks at tragedy and suffering and does nothing. My brother told me a story once, of how people from my school once bullied a fellow student to the point of driving them away. Put him in girl's clothes; he said. Now, said bully victim...I don't know the exact details, but he's doing a lot of unsavory things now." A sigh.
"That's what comes of standing by when others suffer. That's what happens when good people do nothing."
Masami had slowly put her legs over the side of the bed, trying to move as un-threateningly as possible, so as not to alarm Vittorio. But she had stopped as she heard William's words. She wiped a tear from her eye after the speech. She had no idea what was going on or who this he was...but William seemed like he was fighting for a true cause.
She looked to the opposite side of the bed, where her hilt laid on a nightstand. She couldn't reach it without allerting Vittorio. She watched him. Hopefully, he would understand William's noble actions.
"You never planned to defile them.. you wanted to... restore them?" Vittorio's form flickered, clearly indicating that he felt distressed. "You know plenty about me it would seem... but you won't stop me from taking revenge. It is not only my revenge, but the revenge of those who are no longer here. Those are the ones made to suffer. Those are the ones which lost their future. It is for their sake that I will never, ever give it up."
Vittorio's wings violently lashed around him, snapping midair like small thunderbolts. "You look just like him. That officer who got in my way when I was so close to finally getting him. That person who led everyone to their death, if it wasn't for him they would still be alive. If it wasn't for him! You wouldn't even be here talking to me. Everything is because of him, he is the cause of all this suffering! Why did you people even be in that apartment building in the first place. He draws people to him like moths to the light and then have them all killed!"
"Save your own soul William, and those near you. Don't get involved or everyone you hold dear will be drawn into it just like my family and friends were. You will lose -everything- and become just like me."He breathed heavily or so it would appear in his ghostlike form. The room would begin to get filled with spectral forms depicting those close to him, but also people he met in the apartment building and outside of it. Including Alexander, Darla and Galbrek.
"I will not ask this of you. But if you are fine with that and still clinging to that stubborness. Then you can aid me... kill him. Kill Alto."
Vittorio reached out his hand towards William. "If that's the case. Join me, on this path of no return."
"I crave the grave. My story's ending, much like all living things. I will meet them again on the other side, I wish to do it with pride. A death without meaning is what I fear. What do you fear... William?" Then finally Vittorio would say a line that would surely send chills up William's spine. "The path of revenge is mine." He paused. "What is yours...?"
William closed his eyes and opened them again. "My path is the path of hope, hope and help extended towards those who need it."
He looked towards the illusion of Alexander, smiling warmly at his brother's image. "So, Vittorio, you genuinely believe Alto is the culprit, that he seeks to hurt and kill others. That Alto is one who revels in suffering. If so...why? What proof did Mephisto give you that you'd suspect him?
"Because if I had reason to believe Alto was that sort of person, he'd be dead already, whether by a dagger at his back or poison." William was confident he could have backstabbed or poisoned Alto at any time that Samoth was away, due to his Narrative Aura of Familiarity. "So tell me, what proof were you given? It couldn't just be that your heart says that Alto is the culprit, because even a gut feeling requires evidence in the end.
"Alto's death can be secured, or perhaps something even better; a way to enter Hell itself to seek out the Demon Lord that dealt the actual blow to your friends and family. That was my previous plan before ressurection became my idea; to seek out a way into the Ancient Evil's realm." A lasting pause.
For Celestine, however, time seemed to pass like a crawl. After the initial ruckus of the alarms, in which he had managed his best to hide Vittorio's body even further and tell Celine to keep a low profile, the silence that followed was nothing short of ominous. "He's taking his sweet time. And I don't hear screams. Well, then. How about for a little game, Celine?" Celestine said, a mischievous twinkle in his eye as his arm darted to a nearby dumpster and fished up something black and furry, that squeaked and squirmed. "I call this ... Ratball!". The Fallen One grabbed the rat with glee, and readied his throwing muscles, enhacing his sight. The poor rodent never stood a chance, as it was sent flying, "............SQUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE". A shrieking noise that was once again drowned by the sound of triggering alarms. Celestine chuckled to himself as he ducked under cover more. "Ten points!".
Celine blinked and looked at the rat. Cute. Then witnessed how the fallen one threw their newly aqquired friend over towards the house. Cel narrowed her eyes Celine will remember that. He is about as sadistic as master Galbrek... I need to find someone else that can aid me. "Why did you do that?" She asked
"One. Boredom. Two, our little concussed friend will now keep triggering that overly sensitive alarm system. It might give some additional window opportunity to Vittorio." Celestine added as he shrugged. "I never liked that cheap alarm to begin with."
Inside the house, William would ask Vittorio: "You brought friends?"
"Hope. This world is becoming more rotten by the moment. Alto is the one whom the monster sought, my friends knew Alto. That's why they were killed. That monster wanted Alto but had to settle.. with them instead." Vittorio said with a pained expression on his ghastly face. "Mephisto has nothing to do with this. Just a means to the end. The monster. The demon of my dreams, I will find my own way to the hells where it dwells to end it."
He began to float backwards abit, closer to the window, throwing a slight glance to Masami then back to William. Vittorio opened his mouth to softly sing on a melody. "A mortal hand opens the door, that unleashes the dawn and ends this pointless war. These hands are wounded and bearing weights, for what tomorrow brings is all up to fate. The doors of flames are open wide, fanning hot blaze all around. I cannot breathe or make a sound. Some are scared to pass through the door, so they turn away, cause they fear being burnt. What if tears could subdue the flames? Then I will pass through unhurt by hell's games. I have faith in love."
When his song finally settled, he turned to reply to William and the alarm going off. "I have no friends left in this world. Because I am dead to the world. A specter." Vittorio turned his right hand palm up towards the ceiling, before tightening it into a fist.
William looks downward onto the floor, saying, "The monster sought Alto, but for what reason? Have you ever thought that if that was the case, then Alto and the monster would be enemies? As for Mephisto having nothing to do with this, he is also an enemy of Alto, he has repeatedly sought the ruin of St. Laurel's, and his daugther can actually summon demons. I am not making my own unfounded charges, but it seems to me that Alto has been set up."
He then gets up to look at Vittorio again, "You're not dead to me. The world might think nothing of you - it thinks nothing of all of us - but your sadness, your depth of pain, it demands that I do something. But right now, it seems that your heart demands the death of someone who has not been proven guillty, a death that plays into someone else's gambit, although it might not be the one I am thinking of."
A faint frown to detail increased sadness. "I am not as strong or even as determined as you are, but I know this one and only truth: I don't want you to die uncared for by anyone alive."
Masami stared at the two in a standoff. This “Vittorio”...his story was tragic. It seemed as if he had no-one left to love. No-one to care for. It was truly the saddest existence she had seen. “Vittorio...” she said, followed by a long pause that could be taken to realize she did indeed speak English, “ don’t have to walk alone...” she said solemnly.
“Even if nobody understands your pain, there are those who are willing to stand by you. If your deeds are righteous. Maybe...” she stopped. Possibly in fear of what his reaction would be, “Maybe if you find nobody beside you, your deeds are wrong..”
William sighed at Masami's words. "Or it could be that this is all part of a greater gambit than we can see right now."
"All things that truly mattered to me are gone from this world. I do not mind leaving this world behind."
"Alto is just another warmonger. It is natural for them to throw things at each other. The history of the world. Since the start of it all people have been fighting. He is just another tyrant who cares nothing about who gets harmed in his own personal quest for glory." He briefly paused as he floated up to sit in the window.
"If you don't consider me dead. Then you are blind. William Ascot... all that I am is a memory taken shape. The only thing keeping me here is my promise."
"A rabbit which flees into a another rabbit's hole is guilty when the fox runs after to devour it. Killing all the in the process. Alto is the rabbit. The monster is the fox. He is guilty and he will be judged for it!"
"Who matters the most for you William? What would you do if your dear ones are lost because of one man's actions? Would you not seek revenge aswell? Don't presume you know everything about it until you've experienced it! If you keep getting in my way you will come to experience it, but not by my hand."
Upon hearing Masami speak, he turned his head to her. "I chose to walk alone. Because I am alone. I do not intend to leave this world with someone mourning me or seeking the same revenge I crave. That is why... my deeds are not wrong at all." His facial expression displayed a sense of sorrow but also determination.
"Let's find a big, juicier one, Celine." Celestine eyed the display before him from his crouched position. After so much struggle they had managed to capture the rat. So much for top notch alarm systems, when little rodents could make them jump. "You don't fancy ratball? Stakeouts are boring."
"Stop that." Celine said with a serious facial expression before realizing her place.
"You...liked the rat?" Celestine raised his eyebrow. "Oh, geez. Maybe I should buy you a pet rat then. A proper one, not something fished out of a dumpster. I am fascinated how humanlike your reactions are at times."
"I am not amused." She said with a serious facial expression and tried to cross arms but only one of them worked.
William tried to find an answer, all he knew was that he had to talk down Vittorio while he had the chance to; he had to prevent the looming tragedy he can see before him. Finally, he found words, words to say to Vittorio.
"If my dear ones are lost because of one person's actions, then I would investigate , and filter, and apportion blame appropriately. But about what you said on rabbits and foxes, it depends on the ultimate intentions of the rabbit. Malice and cowardice? Those need to be punished. But Alto wasn't there in that fateful day, no one person can be everywhere at once. So the question is if Alto would not have lifted a finger to save anyone if he had been there."
A faint smile. "We seem to have different answers to that question."
The boy was biting back, his resilience did almost make Vittorio admire it. Were it not for the fact that he was wrong. According to Vittorio at least.
"Intentions doesn't mean a thing. It is the end result that matters... It's always the end which matters the most." The ghostly figure replied to William while his tentacle wings caressed the walls and ceiling. "He should had been there. It was his duty to be there. He was the leader of the group! But he failed them. He -betrayed- them. He left them to fend on their own and drew that thing to kill them. His lack of fullfilling his duty is why he needs to disappear forever." Vittorio now yelled out clearly agitated as his wings flickered with more violent clashes in the air, some tears would appear on the astral figure.
"My answer is his death! It's the only appology I will accept from him! As for you... your greatest enemy is yourself. You will become your greatest enemy and bring ruin to everything you hold dear if you get in my way!" He stood up, his wings tearing away an area above the window to allow him to fully stand.
"One last warning. The half-demon seeks you for some wicked desire. Ward yourself, but ward your dear ones better. You have at least the power. I did not."
Is this cruel jest a curse from the gods? How much will I be tormented before you release me from all this pain? When will my suffering end? Vittorio looked out towards the sky, then back towards William and Masami. Looking like he is about to jump off the window.
Masami stared at the astral figure as he violently ripped part of the wall away before providing a warning to William about some half-demon wanting to capture him. She stared in disbelief. Stared in pity. Nothing anyone could say would change his mind. He was nonsensical. And there was nothing the two of them could say that would get through to him, it seemed.
If only she knew more.
"Ah good. Finally. Some movement. Get the true body ready, Celine. We might have to get out of here soon." Celestine said as he caressed his sword and stepped into the light, walking towards the mansion, to ascertain Vittorio's condition inside by having a closer look, yet not getting in range of the alarms yet.
Celine threw a glance to Vittorio's body. She had not considered it. But he was the ideal hostage. But she had no weapon nor powers to threaten with, neither did she have he other arm. Not to mention how badly it went last time. She utlimately nodded. "OK." She said in a straight face before trying to get Vittorio's physical body up. He wasn't very heavy and she tried to shoulder him.
William looked at Vittorio with sadness, before saying as his eyes set themselves firmer: "One last thing, then! You hold on to your certainties, but I hold on to mine as well! And I know this as surely as you think that Alto deserves death: I cannot stand by and watch you suffer. Keep your enmities, but my own truths drive me!"
A pause. "Whether it's to my destruction at your or the half-demon's hands, or to a sought-for success remains to be seen."
He then dared to wave goodbye. "And I will protect those I love from that guy."(edited) A faint smile at that.
Vittorio kept his eyes at William. "If you don't stand down from some fights then you may lose more than yourself. Don't make me find you getting in my way." He said in a way as it was meant as a threat, a warning prayer. "You know what to do now, don't you?" His head slightly turned to Masami then back to William.
"Forgive me for the alteration to this room. Goodbye..." He spread his arms wide and fell backwards out the window, but managed to land hovering above the ground below. He made his way across the lawn, keeping a glance over his shoulder to make sure he was not being followed. He attempted to regroup with Celestine, Celine and his own physical body.
He could see the former ahead.
"That will do for now. Let us hope that shall prevent the awakening of the chaos. It is now up to those two. The boy and the fox girl." He looked abit relieved but not completely troublefree, there were still a chance for these people to oppose him and get in the way. At least he had now done what he could, would they not heed it he would have to fight them.
"Well I suppose no fights, then. Have you achieved what you wanted to do in this place, Vittorio? I did notice a distinctive lack of fighting despite being you." Celestine said, hand in his hip as he eyed Celine. "Well, I suppose... in a sense it's better this way. Sort of." The masked Fallen One sighed. "You two go ahead, I want to do something before I leave this place."
"Yes, that I did. I'll now be heading where I've always been. Watch your steps..." Vittorio said as he floated over to Celine to take his own body from her. Celine almost staggered backwards seeing the large tentacle wings coming into her personal space. Too close for comfort. "Master Vittorio." She gave a slight nod to Vittorio, she had no ongoing issues with him but she knew that Vittorio was far from the stable kind. Though in her current position perhaps it was a good idea to linger near him for now until she could find a more suitable ally. He's surely more powerful than master Galbrek. But something about him makes my very core tell me to run away from him. Both of them is surely more powerful than master Galbrek, but they don't know how he is. His power isn't limited to us and his strings. He doesn't hold back on playing unfair. At least I know now where this person lives, if my old master will place me in a difficult position. I at least have something to barter with. Celine thought to herself while she nodded to Vittorio and Celestine. "On my way."
"One last thing..." Vittorio said as he looked over his shoulder to Celestine. "He knows about your past or some part of it would seem."
"Oh? Such a clever little rat. Or just his brother disclosed details about some events in my past. Well, he isn't one to talk either, seeing how i'm told he brags about his pet wife who used to be a junkie." Celestine shrugged, merely taking the fact in stride. He was still masked and in girl's clothes, it would be too much of a coincidence to be unmasked this soon. He flipped a coin in his hand, thoughtfully, his eyes looking left and right for something. He furrowed his brow, as he grasped the coin in his hand deftly. His eyes rested on a transformer, perched high atop of a pole. He breathed in and focused. Before him, his consciousness expanded many times, realms of possibilities, near infinite trails of futures that were waiting to happen . Crimson trickled underneath his nose, as he grinned.
"The night is dark and full of terrors." He whispered, as he flicked the coin into the transformer, an spectacular arc, as if by mere chance forming on top of the device, eventually making overload and explode... cutting off the electrical supply to the entire neighbourhood. "This is enough for a dramatic exit. Let's go home."
Having made his way over to Celestine, he threw a glance to Celestine's pyjamas, furrowing his eyebrows and then looking away from it and instead set his sight directly into Celestine's eyes. His strained eyes, with dark circles around them and his pale skin almost made him seem like a hungry vampire.
"His mother... so that's the case." Vittorio said out plainly with a rough and painful voice. He knew the importance of mothers, having lost his own a couple of years back. If possible he would avoid dragging someones mother into the picture. But he had to set out to stop William.
"I am up and walking indeed... but it is not for anger, but for love." Vittorio said as a matter of fact and then set his gaze on Celine who was also present abit behind Celestine.
"Follower of Galbrek, what are you doing here? Taken her in have you?" Vittorio turned to face Celestine again.
Celine gave an indifferent shrug. "Who knows. I am not here for you, Master Vittorio."
"So you say... How long do you intend to follow the whim of the one who does not understand the preciousness of life? Such a person does not deserve your time nor tears." Celine's eyes narrowed slightly, there was something in that which did not sit well with her at all. But she knew better than to question people whose powers far exceeded her own, which both of these individuals did.
They could however possibly aid her on obtaining freedom, if nothing else a way back to Galbrek's side. As much as the latter choice made her feel like throwing up, if she only could have done something like that. Survival was what mattered the most. No matter what happen, she would survive this. She refused to end up like Bertrand, a puppet whose highlight in existance was to serve their creator. A creator which did not deserve their obedience or respect.
Vittorio sat down in a chair and closed his eyes while listening to Celestine. Then began to manifest his astral self next to his physical body, appearing first like a oval formed light before his tentacle like wings would spread out and like a butterfly exiting a cocoon he would spread them out.
"Galbrek's plans are of little concern. He has his own selfish ambitions, much like I have my own. Are you two any different? We all want something. Were my powers to aid or hinder Galbrek, that does not matter to me. He interests me not. Only when or if he gets in my way I will take appropriate measures."
Vittorio stood silent in his ghostlike form further listening to to Celestine. "Ressurrection. An act I cannot stand for. No matter whom it may concern. Everything only lives once, a single chance and a single life. All beings are like this. Life may not be fair, but it is fair that all only have one chance. Were I to somehow ignore this and try ressurrect someone from the dead, I would throw away all that which made life, their lives beautiful to begin with. Someone would try to play god. I will not stand for it. If you look back and try think in 'what if' scenarios you will run out of time. If you were able to turn back time, would you have done things differently? More importantly.. would it have changed anything at all?"
The ghostlike young man had an expression on his face which displayed both grief and severity. "This boy William and those who may share his company. I will examine them closely. It would be dangerous to let such a force roam free. Not only for me but for the rest of Rhea."
"Life is not only sunshine and rainbows, such a thing can quickly be devoured by dark clouds and heavy rain. Rain which'll never cease to fall." Vittorio floated over behind Celestine to look at the laptop. "William Ascott. You know me, Celestine. I am as sensible as they come. When in ones home, where safety is assured would be the perfect place to strike at. Yet with caution."
His ghostlike form reached over to pick up his physical form aswell as the chair he sat on. "We'll both be going for this one. I will be back before dawn. Thank you. Celestine." He said in an echoing tone before he made his way towards the doorway, not caring the slighest about what hour it was. He had gotten his rest.
William Ascott. For your role in trying to play god, I shall be sent forth as the gods mighty hammer to pass judgement...
"Darkness. The ever present looming darkness. How vast and unknown it may be to most, yet to someone like me. Vittorio. It is all I've known for two years." Vittorio looked around but he was not in his bed, nor was he in his astral form. He looked at his hands which were illuminated now by a light. He approached it and there was a pool of water.
Vittorio leaned down and got to his knees, he began to loom over the water to look at it. Seeing his own reflection in the water, the face he wore was the one he had while bedridden. Time had been cruel on him, but it was his own fault. He did not take enough care for his physical body, all that he now cared about which was left in the world was revenge.
Justice. That was what he wanted most of all things. The reflection in the water began to flicker and the face began to twist and turn, causing glowing wicked eyes and a wide grin to spread across his reflection. Vittorio quickly got to his feet and looked away from the pool.
"No.. I will not become a monster! I will not harm those who had nothing to do with it! I did not mean to- It's because of Alto!" He turned and saw shadowy figures around him, the first three approaching began to reveal their faces to him. They were Geon, Billy and Carus.
"Vitto, my man. What's wrong? Why haven't you joined us yet? What's taking you so long?" Geon leaned against Billy as he pointed to Vittorio with his other arm.
"Geon... I gave my word.. I would avenge all of you.. I cannot go back... I cannot go forwards... I need to end it all." Another set of voices could be heard and two taller individuals stepped out of the dark. They were his parents.
"Vittorio my son, don't lose faith. You will make us proud. Keep working hard and don't give up." The voice of his father, which he had not heard for a long time. But he could remember it in his memories.
"We will always be here to support you. Me and your father. We love you." The comforting voice of his mother, whom like his father worked hard under the higher ups in the society. Those who had the power. Then there were those who did not have any power at all.
"I love you too... father... mother... that's why I will never give up. Ever." He could hear the sound of his tears hitting the ground below him, the ground was in fact water. Each tear making a clinging sound and out of the shadows she stepped forth. Charlotte. The girl which he wanted to confess to. She alongside the others were the ones which brightened his days.
"What's the matter Vittorio? Wipe that gloomy look off your face this instant! You are not going to look gloomy like that while walking next to a lady are you?" Charlotte had smiled and closed her eyes, giving him a teasing look on her face followed by a giggle. The girl began to sing a beautiful song, which melody could still any beast or urge to fight.
"It's a melody, I hear in my memory... Can we be reborn in the wake of a storm, so that I can tell you the words of my heart? Do sing along, and may your tale live on."
"Charlotte! I never had the chance to... I wanted to tell you.. I wanted to ask you... but..." His words were cut short as a tall imposing figure stepped out of the darkness and consumed all the other figures.
"I took them all away. Gah hah hah. Because you were too weak! Alto led them to their death and you let it happen because of your weakness." The tall figure laughed, it's cruel laughter echoing all around. He could see the light gather around him, the rage seething. And out of the dark a light would appear, a false light a wicked light. Alto.
"Vittorio, you are such a fool. I do not care about what ants I have to step upon on my way to the top." Alto smirked.
"Charlotte, my heaven queen, cover me in all that which is true. This foolish boy, such a petty ploy. You will be dead to the world! Heaven queen, carry me away from all pain! All the same take me away! I am dead to the world!!!" He flew forth and drove his tentacles of light into Alto, piercing his chest. His eyes stung and he grit his teeth as he gazed into Alto's eyes.
Alto's face began to change to take on the shape of himself. Vittorio stepped back and the tentacle like wings removed itself from the body of his foe. "Monster. You are a monster. I am a monster. You will kill them all. I will lead everyone to their dying day." He noticed a couple of more shadows step forwards.
"Murderer! You have broken the law!" The voice of Alexander would echo forwards, followed by the voice of Katherine. "Get out of the way monster! You don't belong with us!".
He held his head and looked at the others approaching. "You sit idly by while someone defiles your dear ones. Such a wicked beast you are Vittorio." The arrogant voice of Galbrek would mock him.
"I will take good care of you Vittorio. Because I have to. Not because I want to. You are just a tool." Celestine would say reassuringly.
"Vittorio, I cannot defeat Alto alone. Help me. Help me!" The voice of Gilliam would reach him.
"Nooooo!" He could hear Bak screaming and then evil laughter as he saw Samoth standing over her body and stomping on her back. Then he saw something in the corner of his eye. It was Alto again, now he was holding unto something.
"What hope do you have to stop me. You cannot kill an ancient evil. You are not strong enough. You were never strong enough. You being here is a mistake!" Alto's shape changed into that of the monster who killed all dear to him.
"You are both the same! Hiding behind masks of dark and light! I... am not like you at all! I will... I will defeat you. This time for certain! With divine providence!"
"Mother! Father! Charlotte! Geon! Everyone! Give me the power! Haaaaaaaaaaaah!" He could feel the watery surface under him vibrating and begin to break until it finally shattered.
Then light.
A blurred view. He was awake. Back in his grave. Where his caretaker was the first thing he saw, alongside a woman with an odd look about her and a missing arm.
"Charlotte..." Vittorio spoke in a hushed tone to himself more than anyone else.
What am I doing? Something had... William. Necromancer. My dear ones!
Vittorio's eyes flung full open and he grasped the bed before he let out a scream.
"Wil- Where the hell is William!?" He screamed out in a rough and loud voice, it could also be heard that something in his throat must have taken abit of damage from his loud yell as he coughed after.
He grit his teeth. He was angry beyond containment. It was anger. Revenge. Justice which powered him. He slid his legs to the side of the bed and grabbed one of the metal bars holding up some life sustaining vitamins in water for him, using it as a makeshift cane, he pushed himself off the bed with a pained expression and on unsteady steps moved over in his white hospital gown towards Celestine. He had wrinkles inbetween his eyes and his eyebrows were twitching. "Where... is... he?"
Title(s): Son of Wayland, The one who betrayed Dietrich.
Class: Assassin
Gender: Male
Birth and Death Dates: ???
Alignment: Chaotic Neutral
Personality: Vidga is quite complex a character who tries to play both sides of a conflict, betraying people left and right and often falling into impulsive decisions only when either his own life or an ally is about to be killed. He is dishonorable, prone to break his word and doesn't hold himself back from grabbing an opportunity would it present itself. He is not completely lacking in feelings however, many of whom he has had to kill were people he at one point considered to be allies. While he may break promises and more or less betray people, there are a few which he just will not directly 'engage' at fighting despite having recently betrayed them. Due to past allegiances.
Born as one of the sons of Wayland the smith, trained at an early age to be a warrior. Couple that with his father granting him weaponry, armor and a horse to complete his training. He earnt reknown by defeating a particular Langben Rese in a duel early on, and after that Vidga found himself meeting people such as Hildebrand, a veteran warrior and an ally of one Dietrich Von Bern. Which Vidga himself came to later join forces with after the two had fought. Vidga's weapon, Mimung had been replaced by Hildebrand prior to his fight with Dietrich causing the latter to get the upper hand and causing the fake 'Mimung' to break in Vidga's hand. When the finishing blow was to be delivered by Dietrich, Hildebrand threw him his true sword and from there the battle turned in Vidga's favor and he was furious and tried to kill Dietrich. He only stopped in his fighting when he made a large cut in Dietrich's helmet, with Hildebrand and Dietrich's father telling them to stop.
After that fight he joined with Dietrich's group and were an ally of his, even coming to save him when he was captured. Even lending his sword to Dietrich when he fought Siegfried. Siegfried have had the upper hand, but on receiving Mimung. Dietrich had successfully landed several hits, and Siegfried recognized that sword to be made of Wayland. Causing him to surrender to Dietrich.
There were however growing issues between Vidga and Dietrich, causing Vidga to one day bid his leave whilst Dietrich reminded him of his oath. Vidga ended up aiding the enemy of Dietrich, one by the name of Ermenich. After that Dietrich hunted him down and managed to get to him, but came to forgive him on behalf of the rest of his group, Dietrich gave him leadership of an area. But Vidga once again betrayed Dietrich and handed over the area to Ermenich and after Dietrich's counterattack, where Ermenich lost. Vidga left the area but was being hunted by Dietrich and others.
Such as Diether and two sons of Etzel, who managed to come across him and engaged him in battle. Causing all three to die to his sword Mimung. Then there was also Dietrich himself who tried to get to him, but Vidga managed to get away this time due to his horse being able to travel the sea. Another follower of Dietrich, a young hero by the name of Alphart tried to chase down Vidga and managed to do so. Vidga fought him but was knocked down uncouncious, thankfully for Vidga there was an ally of his present who tried to persuade Alphart to leave and return to Dietrich.
This timely interference gave Vidga enough time to recover and the three spoke for a brief period of time, Alphart said he would not leave without Vidga as his prisoner. Causing a fight to break out between the three, Vidga and his companion fought Alphart and managed to push him back. Alphart asked of them to only fight him one-on-one. They agreed. But when Vidga's companion was on the verge of being killed by Alphart, Vidga sprung forth and slid his sword into Alphart's back. Killing him in a dishonorable way.
Weapon: Mimung. A powerful sword forged by his father, Wayland the smith. He also possesses a shield and a lance. But Mimung is the strongest weapon at his disposal. Strong enough that people fear it and want to borrow it for their own duels. Vidga as an assassin uses Mimung in a sneaky manner, usually taking in various advantages/disadvantages to raise his chances for victory.
Strength: A (B without Mimung in his possession) Endurance: A Agility: B Mana: C Luck: B
Class Skills:
Presence concealment A: Using careful and sneaky movement, Vidga may remain undetected. As if that wasn't enough he wears an armor with a helmet which conceals his true identity. Until he draws Mimung and someone recognizes the sword.
Personal Skills:
Battle continuation B: (C if Hildebrand is present.) He continues fighting with ferocity and does not retreat unless he is at a major disadvantage in a one versus one. Disengage B: He may quickly withdraw from the area, he could withdraw even faster would he be summoned as a rider. Independant action B Able to last quite awhile without a master. Vidga is prone to go off on his own if he sees it fit.
Noble Phantasm:
Name: Mimung
Title: "Let see if you can defeat this sword. I have the advantage."
Rank: A
NP Type: Anti-Unit
Range: 1-50
Maximum Number of Targets: 1
Description: Mimung, the powerful sword forged by his father, Wayland the smith. It is made by the strongest of steel, capable of easily cutting through armor. Even causing powerful opponents to surrender once they realize just whose sword they be up against. Such was the case of Siegfried who surrendered to it or Dietrich who was saved by others (His father and Hildebrand) stepping in to stop the fight which would have ended with his death.
Vidga fights using Mimung in a very dishonorable manner, exploiting the area, the people in it and various situations that may be in favor for himself. Be the enemy outnumbered, wounded, disabled or just overall having a disadvantage in strength or weaponry all of these are things which will aid Vidga and his sword Mimung. He darts in and does a quick stab, preferably in the back. The stab is swift, powerful and often all that is needed to finish a fight. Such was the fate of the young, but powerful hero Alphart. Even if the damage done would not kill the target, Vidga can disengage and leave the finishing off to someone else or to return later to finish the job. He fights dirty and using everything at his disposal to win.
Name: Lamentation of the traitor
Title: "I am the warrior who betrayed Dietrich. Don't assume you win just because I am outnumbered."
Rank: A
NP Type: Anti-Unit(s)
Range: 1-50
Maximum Number of Targets: 3
Description: Through difficult battle, distress and lamentation he may fight and attempt to defeat up to three other servants if they team up against him. This is what he used to kill Diether (Close person to his former ally Dietrich Von Bern) and two of Etzel's sons (Attila). Using this power will raise all his stats by 1 point, then lower all his stats by 1 step after the fight is over and remain as such until the next holy war.
I'll give up my claim on assassin and would ask instead for a rider slot as that would fit better with the new character I have in mind. (Since my first one was not part-human and thus wasn't allowed)