I finished my character. Just letting you know.
Will try to get a CS in on time before the deadline; if not, I'll remain as a spectator instead!
Just to clarify, the 12 AM deadline on Friday--- does that mean midday or midnight? I've seen AM/PM used both ways. We use a 24 hour clock here, so I'm never sure which is which.
R u m i k o“In the time it takes to be polite I have wasted valuable seconds that could’ve been better spent on something important. For example, such activities include not talking to you. Does that make my feelings clear? Do you need elaboration?”Personal Dossier
NameRumiko Uchūhashi
Japanese: Uchūhashi Rumiko
BirthplaceAlpha Centauri, Solaris Accord
AppearanceDark blue hair, dull hazel irises, and a tall stature yet confident statures allows Rumiko to stand out among her classmates, though her stoic nature that values “facts over feelings” has often intimidated others. Rumiko is relatively attractive, though she is most likely not the most appealing girl at the academy aboard the Asterisk due to her tendency toward blank expressions, unimpressed frowns, and generally appearing to be disinterested in anything another student (or instructor) has to say.
PersonalityGiving off an aura of confidence, competence, and strength, Rumiko Uchūhashi is a proud young woman from the planet of Alpha Centauri. Rumiko is full of charisma, though not in the way that most would think upon hearing about the blue-haired centaurian’s talents with speaking. The short version of this is that Rumiko is a frigid, cold-hearted, and rather tactlessly blunt person who cares absolutely little of other people’s feelings and often displays a robotic approach to the human condition. The few friends she has often regard her as being “on par with an actual robot” and such assertions are generally correct in that Rumiko sees numbers, facts, and figures above all else. In Rumiko’s mind the most important thing in life is to be mathematically prepared and technically correct. It is a way of thinking that has been ingrained in her mind since she was but a child by her father and principal educator, Takuya Uchūhashi.
However, Rumiko is not entirely cold-hearted. When she makes long term acquaintances she tends to value them greatly despite feeling weary of them due to the ephemeral nature that relationships tend to gravitate towards in her experience. This is in part due to the way Rumiko was taught and raised; her father often telling her not to get “too attached” to others as it not only takes time from her responsibilities but also deflates her total sum value. A younger Rumiko had once been excited to have friends, but her father quickly reminded her that her value dropped beyond her efficiency then he would no longer have use for her. The fear of being sold off as a commodity entered Rumiko’s mind and it has never left. Despite this there has been one particular person that she considers a friend and a long-time one, a girl she met at a junior prepatory academy in the Solaris Accord, a girl that would be persistent in forcing herself into Rumiko’s “sphere”. This friendship has been closely observed from afar by her father and Rumiko knows it, but Rumiko understands the consequences of her becoming inefficient and short-sighted.
People who become friends with Rumiko may not even realize they are friends at all, though Rumiko’s behavior does certainly adjust. As stronger bonds develop Rumiko will exponentially increase the amount of her observations. Sometimes this is idle teasing, but most of the time these blunt remarks come from a place of protectionism, a place that Rumiko intends to remind them to make those she cares about stronger and more capable because she doesn’t want the universe to devour them. Rumiko feels more at home among starry eyed idealists and naïve perfectionists for just this reason; they are people that she envies and pities them, people that at some core she wishes she could be. But with the corporate arm hanging over her head Rumiko knows this is not a possibility.
Background InformationRumiko Uchūhashi is the heiress to the most wealthy (and by extension, most influential and powerful) dynasty on Alpha Centauri.
For as long as Rumiko can remember, the principles of the Interstellar Centauri Corporation have surrounded her. Her people, as being as gifted businessmen as they had been when they set their eyes on the stars had left a lot of their humanness on Earth. Alpha Centauri evolved into a corporatocracy, turning a blind eye to the social ethics of a situation if it meant turning a profit. Rumiko’s father made this clear to her in her early education, telling her that everyone was a commodity and that there was no single person that lacked a interstellar value on the market. It would take many years for Rumiko to grasp this, but her father kept a close watch over her development as he began preparing her to be an asset to him as he did not value her as his daughter, or at the very least he valued her as a commodity and asset over being his own flesh and blood.
When Rumiko’s development turned to a prospect of a member of the magically-inclined her father was greatly pleased – not only did it raise her value on the interstellar market, it allowed Alpha Centauri to have another pawn in the “game” that was that of the Asterisk. He increased her training and education, now including physical conditioning. Rumiko did not take well to it at first given her talents were largely in the intellectual rather than the physical, though she eventually found herself sharpening her reflexes as per her father’s request. After all, she had never forgotten the consequences of not living up to being an efficient tool of the corporation; her father did not mince words in that he could easily sell her off if her value was not as perceived. It seemed cold, but it was her reality. A reality she would never forget when she was ushered off to the Asterisk after completing preparation for it.Attributes & Other Information
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M.A.I.D.A collapsible metal alloy decorates what appears to be Rumiko’s magical device, bearing the appearance of a metal staff or stand of some sort. The device in question has multiple applications, including amplification properties through the top-piece. Some might say a “sound amplification staff” is a good enough fit for a charismatic force of nature like Rumiko, though others argue that a more conventional weapon-like device would be better suited given the circumstances. At the end of the day, opinions are like assholes and the only one that matters is Rumiko’s. The element associated with the device, which Rumiko has named “vocoder”, would be that of wind as sonic force is an aspect of such things. The device is attuned to Rumiko’s voice and its power is thus amplified by not only her will but the fluctuations in her voice – for example, if she throws out her voice the ability of the MAID is drastically weakened.
Miscellaneous Information
Z a n d e r
NameAlezander Pyralis
AppearanceOne thing can be said about the Millennium Group, and it is that they tried their damnedest to make Zander look as presentable as possible, for an orphan plucked directly from the streets. Where his shock of crimson hair was once filthy and riddled with knotted ends, it is now simply an unruly collection of tufts. His most notable trait outside of this being his pale green eyes that seem to reflect the hunger of their owner.
Though he has spent the past few weeks adhering to a new diet in preparation for enrolling in the Asterisk, signs of Zander's upbringing can still be sign in his slim frame. He stands rather short for his age at five feet, two inches, which is at least partially attributed to his formerly perpetual state of malnourishment, something that cannot be helped even with an exercise plan of running from angry storekeepers and their guards that served as the closest thing your homeworld has to actual authorities.
BirthplaceSlars (formerly known as 8790I Vulcan) is the sole habitable planet of the Vulcan Cluster on the outskirts of the Solaris Accord. It was established as a mining colony during the years of humanity's initial expansion into the wider universe. While initially a boom settlement, it soon fell into disrepair and poverty once the mines were exhausted, and though the population has shrunken to nearly one third of its height, many still etch out their lives on the so called abandoned rock. That the vast majority do this via less than legal means is anything but a surprise, but the Slars have been deemed too insignificant to properly deal with by the Accord, and as such they continue as a pirate settlement of the disillusioned and dispossessed. How Zander escaped without some sort of disease is a minor miracle.
Personality'Rough around the edges' is likely the most polite thing you'll hear said about Alezander Pyralis. More often, you'll hear about an overly aggressive, brash, and downright rude boy from the forgotten edge of the Solaris Accord who holds no respect for anyone. In truth, a lifetime of hardship and looking out for himself has left Zander very contemptuous and fiercely independent. Some would say he is ignorant of his standing in life. Zander would say it is quite the contrary; he knows exactly where he comes from, and would do anything to avoid going back to such a life. Anything. This does not lend itself to being a classmate to nobles, company heirs, and super geniuses, however.
In short, Zander has very little experience in dealing with people in his own age group. Being taken advantage of by corrupt orphan mothers and pawn brokers who deal in stolen goods? He knows those extremely well. Table manners and casual conversation? Not so much. How he will adjust going from living on city streets to within school dormitories is yet to be seen, but one thing is for sure, like Zander himself, it will no doubt be anything but subtle.
BackgroundBorn in the slums of the closest thing Slars has to a capital city, Alezander Pyralis' early life was not a pleasant one. Though he had the luxury of an orphanage to ensure he was literate and knew basic arithmetic, by the time he was twelve, Zander had already become a child of the streets, where he thrived as a thief and pick-pocket. He does not like to talk about his time in the orphanage, and the most anyone has ever gotten him to say on the matter is that those who did not starve either fought, or simply disappeared, and Zander ensured he was one of the former. In short, Zander had already been through more than his fair share of hardship before he found himself chosen to escape a life of poverty and petty crime.
Unbeknownst to Zander, Slars became the target of interest for a humanitarian organization known as the Millennium Group. Supposedly, they were looking for select volunteers to test their experimental magitek systems in exchange for a chance at an education and to become a productive member of society. All that mattered to Zander was that they were offering a way out of the hell hole that was his homeworld. Nonetheless, Zander saw his opportunity and took it. Eventually, it was revealed that he was the only test subject who successfully resonated with the 'Magitek Assistant Incantation Device.' and as such had the extreme luck of being selected to represent the organization at the Asterisk. Whatever that was.
His handlers in the Millennium Group have not told him that the Asterisk is another form of schooling.
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M.A.I.D.Following his selection to attend the Asterisk, Zander was put through a rigorous set of tests by a number of scientists at the Millennium Group to determine the best choice of MAID for his individual skill set. Eventually it was concluded that Zander was best suited for....a pair of sneakers. The unassuming nature of Zander's MAID belies their true function; acting as an exit point for the energy Zander can accumulate during a battle. Coincidentally, Zander's magical ability seems to manifest in the form of fire.
Considering the incredibly short amount of time Zander has been in possession of his MAID, he has shown a great amount of intuition with it, mostly in the form of propelling himself forward at nearly super sonic speeds, using his magical flames as a crude form of turbo fuel. Other than that, he seems to have grasped the obvious technique of just kicking various forms of fire at people. While not as skilled as most others attending the Asterisk, one cannot deny Zander's less than subtle fighting method is rather effective.
MiscellaneousZander was not born with a proper surname. When filing his paperwork for entrance into the Asterisk, his handlers simply put the city of his birth in place of a an actual name.
<Snipped quote>
NameAn Shirada
The pride of the Jot's technological advancement, Jotunheim is a ring-shaped installation designed and built to maintain the lives of over one billion citizens. The history of the ring dates over a hundred years ago, on the planet of Selo. The planet was among the most resourceful planet in the, at the time, newly formed Neutral Rim. Civilizations thrived under the gentle hand of mother nature. But among one of the greatest betrayals in the universe, the kids, the descendants of the generations who thrived on those planet, turned to send the entire planet into ruins and desolation. Jealous of each other's power and privilege, while remaining ignorant to their own, the different nations on that world went on a long series of total war, against their own kind, their own brothers who thousands of years ago might have been brothers or sisters. It initially started as a small feud, but then spiraled out due to the above mentioned reason, from what may seemed to be able to be resolved in days, lasted thirteen years. In thirteen years, the creation of mother nature from billions of years ago was destroyed, and the former number of seven billion people is reduced to seven hundred millions. Where forests and jungles once lasted, the place is now a wasteland. The old battlefield was completely uninhabitable. After all the brutality and devastation, nations came to a ceasefire, having noticed the great great mistake they made. But one couldn't simply learn their lessons and that's it. Natural disasters like earthquake, acid rains and tsunami, caused by weapons used in the war, made the planet a living hell.
Noting that mother nature would not greet them in the land anymore, the remaining nations on Selo bonded together, agreeing to unify into one country. They saw that if they did not migrate to other planets within the century, they would face extinction. As a result, funds were poured into solely scientific and space exploration, with magicians investing their powers and knowledge for the cause of science and technological advances. Ideas of colonizing different planet came into debate, but not wanting to intrude on the privacy and matters of other systems, they decided on a different approach, which was a worldship, designed to fulfill the task of a planet itself. The result was Jotunheim.
Jotunheim was a super-megastructure with a radius of nearly five thousand kilometers, floating in space. The ring-shaped installation is the greatest fruit of the Science Movement by the Jot people, with the ability to create and sustain a small-sized artificial sun in the center, monitored by an energy ball surrounding it, providing substantial heat to the citizens living within the ring. Oxygen and other necessary elements are all created by talented magicians and their successors (mostly children of them). For those that could not be self-supplied, they would import it from other systems. The installation is also protected from small to medium-sized asteroids thanks to a shield system.
A meritocracy built on science, intelligence and for the cause of human development only, one of the prerequisite for the president's chair is minimum fifteen years of research in any fields of science, social or natural. Life on the worldship is a little tight, but peaceful. People are sick of conflicts, and war is considered a taboo word to a Jot. Every citizens are always respectful and loving towards others, even if their ideals and opinions are different. One of the most impressive social achievements out there is the total number of crime reports for all crimes in general hanging only around tens of thousands in five years. Those who visits Jotunheim will be astounded by the quality of life there, with the landscape filled with skyscrapers and modern buildings, powered by renewable energy. But perhaps the greatest thing about the place is the education. Every Jot's child born in this society is born with great intellect and taught with progressive methods, and are expected to finish at least college and university. Some other ambitious people continued on getting masters and doctoral degrees.
However, there are some dark sides to the seemingly peaceful society of Jotunheim. The citizens sometimes look down on the lower intelligent class, both within and outside of their society. People with mental defects that are related to their learning ability are bound to be fixed with science, but if they cannot be fixed, and the birth is taken place, the kid would be subjected to prejudice, even though subtle. The other downside to the society is the lack of investment for the military. The word called 'war' is a word that is taboo but without understanding. As a result, the citizen's fate in this large universe is dependent on the wills of other larger factions out there to not wage war on them. There are, however, the recent and newer generations of Jots are more aware of the current situation in the universe, and had been making movements to adjust.
<Snipped quote>At 5'7 but the wheelchair pushed him down to only 5'0, and 158 lbs., An looks frail comparing to his peers. His condition pretty much prevented him from gaining much weight. The man prefers to wear formal clothes above every other choices of clothing at all, aside from the mandatory school uniform of course. In fact, nobody actually knew the An Shirada wearing something that isn't a suit and a tie. His hair is silky white, straight and trimmed neatly, reflecting his formal nature. He wears a very thick glass, which is also his MAID, which is surprisingly, to anyone who discovers it, is a zero prescription glass. His eyes doesn't have any problems at all. His eye colors are a mystery to nearly everyone, except for those close to him.
In conclusion, An Shirada is an embodiment of what culture usually depicts rich and nerdy people: overly intellectual, introverted and pedantic.
PersonalityAnyone strangers to An approaching him will most likely end the conversation with a long yawn.
The reason? He does not talk much. Not because he can't talk well, but because he doesn't want to. Especially from strangers, one reason because they are just plain stupid and uncivilized. Silence is the best answer to those fools, he says. It is also because he is already fine with the friends he has. Due to his disability occurring a little too early for a man like him, which very much limited his ability to move, he is confined and isolated on his wheelchair. As a result, he usually spend a great deal of time alone by himself, with either his book or computer, as his mind wanders elsewhere in this world. However, those who manage to bear such boredom and manage to break into his inner shell, this white-haired genius turns out to be quite a warming and dedicated friend. Those who did him great favors like helping him when he is in great needs or even saving his life would be met with utmost respect and hospitality from him. He is also the type of person to sympathize with a person's struggle, especially in terms of personal physicality, because he too had been through such difficulties himself.
As a result from his upbringing, An ends up being a very formal person. He is always seen wearing a suit and tie and speaking with politeness and elegance, even if he is not returned with such attitude. And, a little frighteningly, he also retains such formalities even in battle or critical conditions, as he sits firmly on his chair, speaks very formally and calmly as he delivers his most powerful to the enemy.
An is also an efficient person, preferring to solve problems with the least resources and effort as possible rather than trying to blindly punch his way through using brute strength. He is straight-forward and quick to the point, but not at the cost of his formality
BackgroundShirada came from Jotunheim, a large worldship flying around the Neutral Rim, to a wealthy and educational family. The ship is all run by scientists and researchers, as the requirement to rule the civilization is through an election, but the candidate must have over fifteen years of research in any field of social or natural science. The place is very peaceful, with pretty much no wars or conflicts at all. All competitions are conducted in the names of science, and people are very committed to the cause of scientific and technological advancement.
As a result, the expectation of any family is to have an intelligent and clever child with high degrees of education. And this young man, An Shirada, the only son of the family, follows the tradition well. The family is held in very high regard but is considered eccentric; every meal was spent in relative silence, with everyone reading a book of their own, or if they ever talked, it would be entirely about academic.
Bearing all the expectation that people ask of him, An studied with great intensity. He was curious in many subjects, including mathematics, physics, chemistry, biology, philosophy, history, politics, psychology and many more and proved himself a great mind. He spent a few years in a prestigious middle school, it was also the time in which he discovered his rare magical power to manipulate the inner power to create billions of highly energized atomic particles, in which can be used for mainly combat purposes, and partly civil purposes. By the time he reached high school, he was already proficient at this power that he could be considered a worthy combatant despite his disability. His father initially was concerned over the use of his power, as he wanted his son to have a more civil career. But An sees further. He is, after intensive studying, relatively concerned over the state of his planet, or worldship, as there were not enough emphasis on military funding, and that if either factions decide to declare war over Jotunheim, or the entire Neutral Rim in general, his people would be doomed. So he decided to spend a fraction of his time in furthering his own power.
By the time he was sixteen, there was a nation-wide competition for fifteen to sixteen years old students for a ticket to the Asterisk. The winner would represent the entire planet to study there, both in combat forms and academic knowledge. The idea really appealed to An, as he could utilize such environment to harness all his necessary skills. But competitions were tense. An pretty much passed the combat test easily, to the surprise of many. But the written test was a lot more competitive. He was on par along with three other potential candidates, all of whom had passed the other tests with flying colors. As a result, an oral examination was conducted. When the examiner asked what is his plans for the future, An replied: "If you give me the ticket, I'll go to the Asterisk. If you don't, then I'll stay and attend a moderate school. So I expect you to give me the ticket." He was held in higher regard than he thought. The examiner said they were dealing with a person cleverer than most, so they gave him the ticket.
And so the disabled genius left his home to the Asterisk, where he would spend the years there trying to perfect his own power, while learning more about the universe he live in, in the hopes that he could use such powers to not just further the development of his home world, but to protect them from any potential threats in the future.
DisabilityWhen on a first year middle school field trip, when he was eleven, to a forest moon somewhere in the galaxy, An was subjected to a heavy and incredibly dangerous infection, which came from a poisonous creature, which caused one's muscle to lost strength very quickly everywhere the poison passes through. The creature was listed among one of the most dangerous out there on the planet, and arguably in the entire universe. The one bitten by such creatures can die within two hours, with the muscles that controls the breathings and other vital organs seizing to operate. There are no 'complete' cure. The school teacher and friends manages to bring him quickly to medical help, and the doctors manage to extract the poison out but the damage had been done. There was no way to bring back the muscle strength that was lost. Consequently, An lost the muscle control in his legs entirely, as he was bitten there. His torso was also severely weakened, being able to move slightly. His arms were not that much affected, but the effect was also apparent. However, and thankfully, almost, if not all, of his vital organs remained intact, and his face muscles were spared. As a result, he is capable of eating, breathing, speaking, seeing and maintaining some basic physiological needs.
When faced with the disease, An was hit hard, but after a lot of encouragement from his family and instructors, he continued his studies while he learnt to adapt to this new condition. The isolating process of treatment led him to become a lone wolf and extreme introvert like how he is today. Around the same time, he discovered his magical ability. Fortunately, and probably also a merit, for this genius, his family was wealthy enough to handle this sudden change of lifestyle. A robotic nurse was hired to take care of some of his physiological needs that he could not help himself, and was given special permission in the Asterisk, as soon as she remains only in the vicinity of his room. An electronic wheelchair is also bought, using the latest technology of 'air petroleum', the technology that converts air into energy. It takes around fifteen minutes to fully charge from 0 to 100 percent, and can be used 3 hours straight. The wheelchair is controllable via a small rotatable ball on his armrest. Thanks to the good treatment from his family and people, he is ready to study again, with as much efficiency as he used to before the condition.
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M.A.I.D.The glass that An is usually seen wearing is also the M.A.I.D device that he uses in battle. What better a MAID device for this young man than something that he uses every day, 24/7 and is always on and with him all the time. The magic powered by this small device is a specialized innate and highly-energized power of a person. The ability to utilize this power is rare, and requires a great deal of concentration. This power can be utilized into many different techniques (References only). The three below can be used at the same time, with the shield able to be maintained as long as he is not exhausted, with the final move being the only one that cannot be used while at least one of the other are being used:+Aegis's shield: One of the trademark ability of this power is the ability to create an impassible shield that surrounds An in his wheelchair, and potentially other allies if need be. The only way through this shield, and arguably to win, is to hit it as hard as you can, as the shield is directly connected to his stamina. The harder you hit, the more fatigue he feels. If you manage to struck down the shield with your power, congratulation, you have won, because he is completely vulnerable without it. Another path is to make him lose concentration, as his power requires significant amount of it+Collider Bomblets: He is also capable of materializing this energy into small round balls the size of a soccer ball and super heating it to magma level. A touch of this ball can melt. The ball is slow but explodes when in contact with a solid surface.+Wave-force Lasers: A highly energized beam of energy that is a lot faster in terms of velocity than the collider bomblets, but is not as collateral or deadly. However, these things can be fired with a fast rate.+Collider Decimator: One of the deadliest moves, but the most costly. It is the same principle as the bomblets, but instead of multiple bomblets, he concentrates the majority of his strength and stamina into one gigantic bomb, engulfing the impact area with a boiling bath of energy near ground zero.
MiscellaneousHe enters battle in his wheelchair, and is almost unable to dodge anything due to his slow engine. Also, he had a robot maid/nurse in his dorm room to help him with his needs.
Theme song
Arcail Zaldhart
"Knowledge is power. Power is victory. Victory is mine."
Arcail Zaldhart
Alkaid Alpha-01, Ursa Majoris. (People's union)
The first impressions people may get of Arcail is that he is very reserved, withdrawn and quiet. Though upon making eye-contact with him, most will feel unsettled as if something is really wrong with him. His gaze is cold but also filled with contempt. His voice is soft and somewhat smooth, but it has a chilling and creepy attribute to it.
The way which he speaks, whilst usually very formal and spoken as if it came from someone far older. Like in a dark poetic or dramatic way. While he may lack the outwards charisma and inspiring voice to rally people, he knows which words to pick in order to achieve the best results. Using his intellect and knowledge to make people do what he wants them to do, without having to actually convince them.
Usually meaning he presents them with a scenario or draw up a picture before them, usually a very dark or grim one and then wait for them to act on it or not. When it comes to actual fighting, he prefers to let others fight for him or at least weaken up whomever ends up being his opponent. Rather than going in himself. He tries to stack all things in his favor if possible, if he has to scheme and play dirty so be it.
Though when he actually does get into a fight, he fights very ruthlessly. Taunting and playing on other peoples emotions while using destructive blasts of energy to toy with whomever is on the receiving end.
Arcail was born to a pair of merchants who travelled around alot, leaving him either alone at their home or going with them to see more of the World. He thus did not have enough time to get to know others outside of his family, what he learnt of other people were mainly from what he read and what he saw. Was it following the news or listening to his parents talking with customers. His parents were not very strict nor were they too soft, they were in love with their craft however and making profit.
Leaving Arcail often with a bundle of Money of his own to spend as he desired, it did feel earnt for him as he did aid in arranging things in their trading depot and stepping in when one needed a break. He wasn't left there for long though because his charisma was not very impressive, even if he was polite and spoke with much wisdom and intelligence. He just wasn't the face needed to cause customers to step up and buy things. For the Money he obtained during his upbringing he bought things where he could read into matters regarding the world. Psychology, philosophy and history was what he enjoyed the most. Especially the tales of heroes and villains in the books were intriguing to him, to some degree he could sympathize with a few villainous types who had the overall good end in mind, while the means to bring it about wasn't as good.
The wonders a chosen few could do that would change for the vast majority for ages to come. Men and women with visions, those who displayed the truth to others. That was something he found fascinating. A single person could bend a world to his or her whim, all that was needed was the right mind and ambition, and with the charisma to go with it. He considered his own boons, whereof he truly was lacking in charisma. But if he could find someone who could speak well and spark the hearts of others, then he could surely achieve wonders.
When it comes to the physical matters, Arcail was never the strong lifter or type found to punch someone. He was however very agile and enduring, having to keep up with moving from place to place with his parents at times aswell as keeping his body overall in a good shape by running and doing acrobatic gymnastic tricks at his home where none would bother him. Different planets had different pressure, some were warmer others were colder. It gave him a pretty good overall toughness towards most elemental and physical afflictions such as sicknesses.
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An earring attached to his left ear. His magic manifests as eight orbs of red energy which hover around him, he may shoot laser like beams from them or just send the orbs to home in on his opponent like magic missiles. He may also cause them to spin around his body quickly to create like a ring of energy, or gather them together to create an energy shield around him.
He has a very fine uniform and polished shoes.
✿ Y U U N O K U R O K E ✿
Height: 157 cm ✿ Weight: Guess ✿ Age: 16 Years
Name:Yuuno Kuroke
Birthplace:Tamanom of the People's Union
Appearance:Yuuno isn’t picky when it comes to fashion and attire, sporting whatever best suits her mood and the day. She’s not above wearing school-regulated uniforms if need be, but her favorite matchup is either her casual yellow and white blouse or one of her many cat-themed jackets. More often than not she’ll go for the cat theme, serving no real purpose but to be a tease. Glasses are also added into her outfit sometimes though whether she actually needs them or just thinks they’re also a teasing tool is anyone’s guess. One piece to her outfit that she'll never go without, however, are her slick and slim gloves. She wears them at all times for very obvious reason..
Personality:Open and non-hesitant, Yuuno likes to tease, prod, and sometimes even flirt with those around her. Though she always tries to balance herself and not go overboard with her behavior all the same. It’s one thing to have playful jibes but to be a bully is not something Yuuno finds savory. She likes to think she knows it all, or rather, pretend that she does; such airs of nature may be meant to impress or flaunt confidence she invokes.
With teasing however comes the quality of laziness. Yuuno hardly takes matters seriously because to her, doing so would be boring and take the fun out of everything. Thus, she won’t often be pushed towards a goal unless she needs to, or she’s given some motivation for it. Even then, half the time she’ll only exert the bare amount of minimum effort anyway.
Background:The planet Tamanom of the People’s Union is a fairly laxed piece settled in the cosmos. Given the Union’s endorsement of the betterment of the state, Yuuno grew up alongside a whole slew of differing opinions and political ideologies. But all that big-worded jargon meant little to her; she neither understood nor cared for the government’s big games and how they’d affect the many peoples under them. It never seemed fun to her why bother trying to stake a claim?
Magitek though, now that was some real fun. Discovering she had a knack for it, she was promptly invited to Asterisk for proper training and education. Oh sure, she had farewells to give to those back on her home planet, but to her it was just one transition of life to another. And this next phase of her life was definitely going to be more fun than anything Tamanom had to offer.
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CHA - ▰▰▰▰▱
M.A.I.D.:Yuuna’s MAID, which she’s affectionately named as Felidae, takes the form of black gloves. Composed of almost a leathery material, the palms are a red hue with the outer side revealing a portion of skin. Yuuno always carries them around be it wearing them directly out of leisure or keeping them close at hand in her pockets. There seems to be no affiliated element displayed by Felidae, acting more as a container for magic rather than an outlet.
When activated, Felidae emits a shroud of pink magic around the user’s hands, coating them entirely. Once done, this same aura morphs into the shape of feline claws fitted to the size of the user’s hand. Yuuno can use Felidae to hack and slash as she pleases, though the power behind each blow isn’t as impressive as other MAIDs. As such, it is a tool to be used to quick strikes, physical dueling and sneak attacks.✿ Theme ✿
Merringo Saljinon*incoherent internal screams*
NameMerringo 'Merry' Saljinon
BirthplaceTobal - The People's Union
For every Jotunheim, there is a Tobal, a planet that seems to break off from common sense altogether, instead indulging in the fact that magitech, if properly developed, allows one to actually pursue a more anachronistic life than one would expect. A meritocracy built upon physical might and outdated chivalry, Tobal is a planet that generates much of its wealth as an 'entertainment' planet. On one side, honored guests can enjoy perfectly controlled yet charmingly imperfect encounters with the natural world or receive divinely stress-relieving massages from a collection of lubricated supermodels. On the other side, those with a taste for testosterone can pick any number of exciting, innovative, brutal sports to gamble and cheer on. The top echelon of athletes within Tobal are viewed as heroes and role models, gods amongst men, and mid-level athletes find much success in interplanetary tournaments.
Indeed, in Tobal, they simply make people bigger than the norm, their most ground breaking scientific breakthroughs always revolving around the studies of kinesiology. A land of knights, a land of champions, a land of entertainers, Tobal always puts its best foot forward, a winning smile for each foreign prince and princess to grace its fantastical lands.
AppearanceAt 5'7 and 117 lbs, Merringo is a slender lass, plagued by a certain physical condition that makes it extremely difficult to put on weight and muscle while also making her constantly hungry and irritable. Her hands are callused, her body filled with a variety of scrapes and bruises, but for all the pains she goes through, the young girl doesn't have much to show of it. It pisses her off, really, that she can't attain her ideal of being a muscled Amazon, but it's doubly irritating when others think she's 'cute' and someone that they must 'protecc' due to her currently pathetic build. Indifference or irritation is the most common expression on her face, and her current wardrobe of punk rock attire, complete with studded accessories and leather, seems to be more of a way to turn normies the fuck away rather than to truly reflect her musical tastes.
Her ears are pierced, a different earring every day. Her hair is dyed, the natural color being blonde. When studying, she wears glasses, but otherwise pretends that her vision is definitely 100% perfect.
PersonalityOn good days, Merringo is charmingly direct, a young lady who's straight to the point, quick to help, and has the cool aura of someone who's competent, confident, and doesn't feel the need to show it off. Despite her delinquent-esque appearance, her mind is sharp, her eyes are bright, and she walks with purpose, as if she has a hundred things on her to-do list and plans on doing them all before school ends. Some may think of her as blunt, others may think of her as difficult to approach, and still more may dream of her being some high-functioning kuudere, capable of social interaction but not beholden to filthy social media addictions, but regardless, on her good days, Merringo is a very good girl.
Her good days, sadly, are pretty rare, because she's a neurotically competitive tryhard with a tongue as sharp as razors and an attitude towards others that veers her so hard down the tsun territory that Merringo may as well just be a thorny bush with no petals to speak of (metaphorically). Is it a matter of pride? Is it a matter of expectations? No, it's more akin to an obssession to sprint as far up the staircase as possible, while expecting others to put in the same amount of effort as herself. Oh, but she still gets shit done as well, and does a pretty good job of it, so on those not-good days, Merringo could easily just be summed up as 'a bundle of rusty barbed wire with the functionality of a quantum computer'. Definitely capable and rational, but definitely pissy and bitchy as well.
Of course, Merringo's enough of a disciplined high-functioning psychobitch to at least withold the majority of her asura-like wrath towards the entirety of the universe until she can get back home and scream into her pillow. Most of the time, at least.
BackgroundTobal is a planet where athletes are superstars, where physique, not intelligence, matters the most, even in a universe where manual labor and human craftsmanship means almost nothing. In this backwater planet that doesn't matter at all, Merringo was born as the eldest daughter of the Saljinon family...before her younger siblings quickly grew taller and bulkier than her. A defect amongst the genetic demigods of the world-renowned Saljinon 'brand', she was kept out of the public's eyes even as her sisters and brothers were pulling in dozens of medals in their respective sports. Her parents coddled her out of sympathy, her younger siblings did their best not to trouble their physically inferior older sister, and all that sympathy gave birth to a really pissy girl who just wanted to get swole like the rest of them, who wanted to get at least some sense of superiority over every other one of those lucky, seven foot tall gods of might.
So she studied instead. Did lots of reading and writing. Kept up with her gruelling workout regimes instead. Ignored the fact that all the older boys she was interested in were stolen away from her by other, beefier girls. Learned to enjoy the pain of her all but futile efforts. Maybe became a bit of a masochist. Definitely became a super angry tryhard. Probably derived some sick pleasure at seeing herself ascend to the top of her class, academically. Was this the revenge of the nerd?
Yes, this was.
Especially when she was the one out of all those barbaric muscle gods to snatch up the spot to fly off to the Asterisk, representing the backwaters planet of Tobal, where brawn meant more than brains. Haha, fuck them all. How does it feel now?
Her family still sent her off with smiles, kisses, and pleasant platitudes of 'being so proud of her' though. That was certainly a thorn in her gut.
StatisticsSTR - ▰▱▱▱▱
DEX - ▰▱▱▱▱
CON - ▰▰▰▰▱
INT - ▰▰▰▰▰
WIS - ▰▰▰▰▱
CHA - ▰▰▰▰▰
M.A.I.D.Merringo's MAID takes the form of a two handed sword, miraculously balanced to the point where even a flimsy waif such as herself could wield it without much trouble. The entire weapon appears to be forged out of a single block, a claymore chiseled out white stone rather than forged with hammer and flame. It is a truly gaudy weapon, embellished with gold and obviously more fitting for a muscular warrior-king rather than an angry hamster, but it's what her parents got her, and no matter how much of a teenager she was, Merringo has no plans of just throwing it away. No, this oversized sword, the same length as her body, is what she fervently swings over and over again in battle. Every step she takes is small, but every step she takes will build up. And one day, one fucking day, she will be able to ram the full length of her sword down some asshole's throat and claim her glorious, glorious victory.
That wish is what she clumsily engraved in the fuller of her MAID. And by the gods of the cosmic multiverse, she WILL smote someone with this oversized blade one day.
But this nameless sword is not just a sword. It is a MAID.
And, stubborn as it is, Merringo has no intention of drawing out the true manifestation of her power.
MiscellaneousHer voice is cute and high pitched, like one of those Youtubers who appeal to lonely creepy anime nerds. She hates her voice.
Her musical tastes lean towards rap, especially the type that plays during the trailers of sports-centric movies. She also enjoys listening to ASMR featuring young men whispering insults into her ears, but will probably kill anyone who learns of this.
Her favorite foods are high calorie jelly drinks, orange or lemon flavored. She orders those by the boxes, especially when the end of the school year nears.
Outside of being a salty bitch who tries to place first in everything she can, Merringo also enjoys riding a flying motorcycle around. Surprisingly, she doesn't have any road rage at all and the whole experience is quite meditative for her.
{"You seriously believe that you stand a chance against me, don't you? A~hahahahahaha~! ...How cute."}
Primary Hexcode || #B70000 ||| Secondary Hexcode || #554F9D
{Fairy Dance || Hayashi Yūki}
{"Really, I'm not that hard to please. I only require- Hey, are you listening?! How dare you ignore me, you rude-!"}
{"Come now, entertain me! Show me what you're capable of!"}
_________________________________________________________________________________________________________Princess Lukarya was born the youngest and thus perhaps most cherished daughter of His Highness the Imperial Monarch Caius Anh-Sahaak fon Euna Amarant I. The Monarch, a former warlord who had established a powerful protectorate over the entire Amarant Cluster in the Neutral Rim, is regarded by his subjects as something of a "hero king," in no small part due to the frequent festivals, banquets, and other such entertainments he hosted at his own personal expense. Nevertheless, the Amarant Cluster was governed by a strict caste system, with cases of extreme merit - usually in either combat or magical engineering - or very rare, fortunate marriages being the only way to achieve upward mobility.
As such, Lukarya had little experience with common people, largely living an isolated life with the children of knights and nobles in her father's palace-worldship, the Rysslind, in orbit over the moon of his empire's capital world, and only being sent abroad to study at respectable private academies for the children of the foremost social elites in the Solaris Accord. However, as she also displayed a remarkable proficiency for magic, she, unlike her two elder sisters - both of whom were married off to other Neutral nobles from nearby territories to secure alliances - was ultimately selected to go to the Asterisk to learn more of the arts of magic and combat, and to serve as the representative of the Amarant Cluster in disputes with other powers. With this responsibility heavy upon her shoulders, she set forth from the lap of luxury, determined to make her father proud...Statistics
_________________________________________________________________________________________________________STR - ▰▰▰▰▰
DEX - ▰▰▰▰▰
CON - ▰▰▰▱▱
INT - ▰▱▱▱▱
WIS - ▰▰▰▱▱
CHA - ▰▰▰▱▱
_________________________________________________________________________________________________________Princess Lukarya's weapon of choice is the uncharacteristically unassuming armband she wears as part of her uniform. Known as the Crimson Cloth Mk. II, it is a more compact version of a common magical tool among martial artists. Its elemental affinity is Earth, and it dedicates its entire power to processing three magic formulas.
The first is Self-Replication, allowing the fabric of the ribbon to absorb magical energy from the user in order to increase its length. This also allows it to repair itself from damage, provided that Lukarya still has magical energy to replace the damaged cloth, in addition to granting it the capacity to extend and contract at will. Through judicious use of this power, she's capable of controlling the motions of the cloth to some extent by "growing" it in a specific direction to wrap around a target. Between this and her own natural dexterity, her manner of fighting resembles nothing so much as the elaborate and fanciful ribbon dances upon which she bases most of her movement, giving her an air of almost ritualistic grace and poise even in the midst of combat.
The second formula is Reinforcement, serving simply to increase the durability of the ribbon based on the magical power she's pumping through it. At its highest level, she can temporarily grant her ribbon the durability of a particularly thick steel cable while still retaining its flexibility, making it highly resistant to cutting, and incredibly efficient at absorbing blunt force due to its shock resistance.
The final formula is unique to the Crimson Cloth, and was designed specifically by Amaranti engineers to synergize with the Princess' own magical talents. It is an archaic spell that focuses on the amplification or reduction of gravitational fields. In practice, it allows Lukarya to freely alter the weight of objects in contact with the ribbon, making them almost impossibly heavy, or tremendously light. This power has a variety of uses, but as Lukarya isn't a terribly creative sort, she usually just tries to wrap the ribbon around her enemies to weigh them down and render them immobile, or to simply throw large objects at targets, reducing their weight before amplifying it right before they make contact. She can, however, wrap the ribbon around her own body as armor, or use it as a makeshift lasso to swing herself around, among a few other things. More techniques may come with time as she adapts further to the art of combat against skilled opponents.Miscellaneous
_________________________________________________________________________________________________________Although she's skilled at manipulating her M.A.I.D. from a great deal of training and practice, she lacks real combat experience. As such, she's not good at thinking tactically in a fight, and generally tries to win through brute force rather than strategy. Furthermore, due to her genteel upbringing, she lacks a tolerance for pain, and thus might not be able to endure as many hits as a more rough-and-tumble fighter. Similarly, although she's very good at various artistic pursuits and more social skills, she's terrible at math, has an abysmal grasp of history, only the bare minimum of knowledge of fundamental magic theories, and essentially no comprehension of scientific studies. Furthermore, she also isn't exactly familiar with how common people live their lives, and thus routinely blunders in the kinds of assumptions she makes about social conventions at a level lower than what she's used to.
Her voice is naturally very smooth and even, but also rather high-pitched. Her singing range is in the soprano, and, while not a maestro by any means, is nevertheless quite pleasing to hear whether she's speaking or singing.
Aside from her first and last name, the title "Ahn-Rysslind" is similar in usage to the German "von," roughly meaning that she is "Lukarya of Rysslind," signifying her place of birth and family heritage. "fon Zahria," in turn, is non-gendered, but similar to the Welsh "ap" for males or "ferch" for females, meaning roughly "child of Zahria," and designates her family heritage on her mother's side.
She has two elder sisters and an elder brother. Both sisters, however, married off to members of the nobility when Lukarya herself was fairly young, and, perhaps due to her father's favoritism, were oftentimes rather harsh towards her. Consequently, they were never particularly close. Her brother, however, is to some extent her personal idol, and despite only being able to meet infrequently, she respects him highly.
Princess Lukarya does not live on the Asterisk herself, but rather resides on board her luxurious yacht, the Ryssilya.
More TBA as I iron out backstories with other PCs.▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬
{"I'll show the world what I can do, and make papa proud of me! Nothing's going to stand in my way!"}
Cheese!Lina Tachibana.16 years.Female.164 cm52 kgEltria, a habitable moon orbiting a gas giant, on the Neutral Rim. With an economy driven mainly by ships, tech and fuel exportation, using the abundant resources of their Solar system. Its people are widely known as daring explorers, and skilled pilots with a strong sense freedom, fickle personality and sense of self preservation that's "a few" points below the average.Lina is a goofball, always joking and making sure that she has a good time... everytime. A happy-go-lucky idiot most of the time, it's hard to see her without her beloved handheld console, or an earnest smile in her face. Some may think that she hides a sharp intellect behind this facade of willful ignorance, however, the truth is that as soon as you get to know Lina you are given the full deal on her true self.
If people lower their guard around her thinking that she's a harmless dumbass, it's their problem not hers. Like most of the people of her home world, she likes to play by the ear and believe that luck will get her exactly where she needs to be when she needs to.Lina was born in a typical Eltrian family. As the only daughter of a couple of thrill-seekers and explorers whose main job was mapping areas for companies in search of new resource deposits, it was needless to say that she was folded into their erratic lifestyle from birth. She learned the tools of the trade before she could even walk and worked up from there, making use of Eltria's very flexible schooling system.
Being a very skilled pilot and shooter, for her age, it was natural that Lina would develop an interest to broaden her horizons. After making sure that she had a M.A.I.D. that matched her specialties, Lina's parents gave her the go to enroll on Asterisk and see how far she can fly on her own while they keep bouncing from piece of space rock to unknown planets and back.▰▰▰▱▱
Lina's M.A.I.D., affectionately named Nep, takes the form of her handheld console. It's indeed a fully capable AI that can assist Lina in a number of ways besides what normal devices would be able to accomplish, including detailed holographic projections, hacking and the ability to control other electronic integrated devices as well as assisting Lina with tactics and suggestions befitting her needs. Oh yeah, and it's very handy for gaming as well, both VR or not.
An all in one digital assistant that can be said to be the lifeblood of a modern rogue.In addition to Nep, Lina almost always has a pistol and knife, as well as a light exoskeleton to assist her more daring acts. She also tends to have a "survival" kit with several types of tools to get around tough situations.
Oh, and she likes her hat, a lot. She would be deeply thankful if people could avoid ruining it.
EDIT: App complete and ready for review.
"Oh, don't mind me out here; I'll be right over when I'm needed most!"Personal Information
Name:Jaelyn ArmanixAge:15Gender:MaleBirthplace:Zarmina; Solaris AccordAppearance:Standing at a very meager 145cm (4' 9") and weighing in at a rather light 50kg (110lbs), Jaelyn is, for lack of a more respectful term... small. Especially for a male. However, his lack of height doesn't actually stand out all that much, and it's in fact completely overshadowed by his slightly-higher-than-normal pitch of voice and the rather feminine features that his body seems to have to it. This isn't helped by Jaelyn's choice of attire, as no matter where he is, he'll always be seen wearing a T-shirt of some kind and a mid-length skirt. To complete the look, Jaelyn has long, bright pink hair that he ties into short twintails up top using red ribbons.Personality:Despite still identifying as a male deep down, Jaelyn has grown very accustomed to the persona he has of a highly jovial teenage girl. That is to say, he's all about making friends and living life to the fullest. The moments where he's ever seen without a smile on his face are few and extremely far between, and even when there would be something that'd bring him down, rest assured he won't stay that way for long. Jaelyn's will to persevere through all of life's hardships stems from his abundant optimism. He has high hopes for a bright future ahead of him, regardless of how high or low other people's expectations stand with him.Background:
While having a personal quest to make many friends within the Asterisk is all well and good, though, what really makes for a good friend is someone who's able to understand one's pains and capable of easing them through them. And Jaelyn... well, he tries. He hasn't experienced all the hardships that there were to endure out in the known universe, and he sure as hell isn't scholar in therapy. So why he chooses to try and stick his neck out for the people that he does is anyone's guess; especially considering that he knows damn well that he can't actually help some of them. Still, it isn't in him to knowingly leave people in anguish.
He may not be the brightest bulb in the kitchen or the sharpest tool in the shed, but Jaelyn always had a certain way with words. He always seems to say the exact words one may need to hear in order to improve the way they feel about themselves in the long run, even if their mood hasn't made a shift for the better right then and there. It's not as though he chooses those exact words either; it's more as though they naturally well within his heart. Point is, his heart's in the right place, and Jaelyn will always be there when you're in need.Jaden Elijea was an unassuming boy in the backwaters of the planet Zarmina. He had his group of friends (all fellow boys) doing all sorts of generic boy things... when suddenly he found an old MAID that had been discarded by the road. Having never been educated on what exactly a MAID was supposed to look like, Jaden naturally had no idea what he was even looking at, let alone how he was supposed to use it. After some egging on from his friends, however, he finally managed to get the antique MAID working; and he was able to some pretty cool things with it too, much to the amazement of his friends.
After revealing that he could mutate his body so it would appear more akin to a girl, Jaden was dared into sneaking into the girls' bathroom of his school and snapping a pic that would catch some of the older girls exposed and, thinking it'd be mere harmless fun, he accepted the dare. He'd been staking in the girls' bathroom for all of recess and a good portion of his lunch break in school, unaware that the mutations he'd done would've had more than enough time to stabilize by the time someone would take the bait (or he'd give up for the day, which he wound up doing). Jaden panicked when he found all this out, and tried frantically to revert back to how he appeared before the mutations stabilized, but he got himself caught by the principal... with his friends having long since scampered. Jaden's parents were quickly contacted, and he was practically coerced into explaining how he got his hands on a MAID and what the hell he was thinking when using it. His was since legally changed to Jaelyn Armanix, the name he said he'd use while his body took the form that it did.
Eight years had passed since that embarrassing incident, and Jaelyn was growing more and more skillful with the use of his MAID. He long since figured out how to change back to his former appearance, but scrapped it due to having grown attached to his "new form". He also managed to add a collection of even more impressive mutations that he could make to his repertoire, which he'd unveiled to the whole universe through social media. This managed to capture the attention of a couple of representatives from the Asterisk, who had traveled all the way Zarmina in order to contact Jaelyn directly. At first, Jaelyn was uneasy about the idea of being separated from his parents and all the friends he'd made, but the representatives assured him that this was a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity that many people his age would take without hesitation. So in the end, he accepted their offer, and was all set to prove himself to the universe once and for all.Combat Information
Statistics:STR - ▰▰▰▰▰M.A.I.D:
DEX - ▰▰▱▱▱
CON - ▰▰▰▰▱
INT - ▰▰▱▱▱
WIS - ▰▰▱▱▱
CHA - ▰▰▰▰▰Jaelyn's MAID takes the form of a smartphone and earphone combination. Once he places them in his ears, the two main conduits automatically extend themselves deep into Jaelyn's ear canals, navigating past the ear drums and drilling their way through everything else until they detect brain matter, before they finally secure themselves directly into his brain. This may sound excruciatingly painful, but the drilling is so seamless and surgical that it barely registers as anything more than slight discomfort. The smartphone-resembling portion of the MAID serves as a remote control, and allows Jaelyn to mutate his body into whatever form he would need at any specific moment. He can make his muscles forcibly expand, giving him superior physical strength. If he needs any extra arms for any specific reason, he can grow them himself. If a part of his body just so happens to make contact with an enemy, he can have it secrete a poison that is potent enough to cause paralysis. He can transform his limbs into hardened, sharp constructs of bone that he can use to hack and slash at his enemies. He can even "patch up" any damage that his body had taken from combat.
It should be noted that this specific MAID acts nothing like the modern variants. Its sheer age compared to the other MAIDs may play a factor in this, as it is theorized to have been constructed way back when Magitek was at its infancy. All mutations that occurred within Jaelyn's body are usually undone the second his MAID either is disconnected from his brain or detects no actual brain activity. However, if Jaelyn's MAID remains "plugged" into his brain for long enough, certain mutations will begin to stabilize and take a more permanent form. The amount of time this will take will typically depend on how large of a change the mutations actually made to Jaelyn's body. Subtle changes would only need a single hour to stabilize, whereas massive changes may require more than 24. Furthermore, while the sky's the limit in terms of how exactly Jaelyn can morph his body, the vast majority of the changes he could possibly make will only be cosmetic at best, and as a result, they serve no purpose in combat. Aside from the aforementioned mutations above, the only other mutation Jaelyn has made in the past that could prove viable was the growth of wings; but even then, however, he's yet to realize how to grant the wings functionality.Miscellaneous Information
Main Theme Song:Battle Theme Song:Ideal Voice Actresses:Colleen Clinkenbeard (En)/Fumiko Orikasa (Jp)Tidbits of Trivia:
- The Zarmina that Jaelyn comes from is based on the real-life Zarmina, or as it's scientifically known as, Gliese 581g. It is 20 light years away from Earth, and is one of the first planets discovered that has the potential to support extraterrestrial life.
Just wanted to give a heads up that I'm about halfway done with my CS (it's nearly 4 AM where I am, but I'm determined to get this done before sleep).
Are we suppose to go into action with one item and nothing else? There was nowhere in the description mentioning that so, I came to believe that items that should be common sense in any advanced tech setting would be ok.
Also, nowhere on the M.A.I.D.'s description is it said that they need to be something usable in combat or a weapon. I was just trying to make a device that could really earn the name of assistant and be more utilitarian than the destructive. Also, no, it wouldn't be for hacking other M.A.I.D.'s, perhaps disrupt or disable them temporarily but even that's not the original intent
Anyway, if those alterations really need to be made, despite nothing on on the opening post mentioning those facts, I'll have to think about it (and probably take my leave) since I don't know if I would like to change this character both because I like her the way she's and won't be able to come up with something new in the upcoming week thanks to IRL stuff.
Firstly, I stated that people should PM me if they had concerns or questions. If you weren't sure, you could've PM'd me (or said something here). In fact, someone did PM me their question about exactly what you had assumed.
I think given Sola’s transparency on his influences for this RP as well as the concepts provided through some flavorful gifs was fine enough indication that this was a battle academy anime type roleplay. I’m not sure how that was misunderstood especially considering it is downright implied with the whole "you battle other students with MAIDs to solve interstellar disputes and wars" thing.
Personally, I'm not really a fan of this. While it's fine to PM misunderstandings and questions, the OP shouldn't be so vague as to be unsure of what to even ask. For my character as an example, I'm not sure if you want an entire detailed description of the planet she was living on or just more substance for her background on that planet. Nothing wrong with clarifying things we're not sure of, mind you; just not my cup of tea when it seems vague.
True enough, though I think KoL's issue is less with misunderstanding the RP's purpose and more wanting to make a non-standard and unique MAID. I actually thought this would be more leaning to the slice-of-life aspect since we're all just students trying to learn.
In any case @Sola, if KoL leaves I probably will as well since they're my lifeline and whatnot in things.
<Snipped quote by KoL>
Firstly, I stated that people should PM me if they had concerns or questions. If you weren't sure, you could've PM'd me (or said something here). In fact, someone did PM me their question about exactly what you had assumed.
Secondly, I did say "the Asterisk would serve as a way for each respective government to duel each other without the destructive power of a full-scale war." This RP is supposed to be shonen-esque, and the source material that inspired this roleplay all have combat situations. I did not directly say MAIDs should be a weapon to be used in combat, but the above statements should've left enough to be inferred that they were to be used during combat, just like everyone else had thought.
That being said, if you do intend to leave, then I hope you find luck elsewhere.