Avatar of Dezuel


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2 yrs ago
Current Some of the damn quotes from old 80's animation is damn gold. If english isn't gonna cut it, just swap to ones native language and you have yourself some good comedy. Unlike hollywood post year 2000
2 yrs ago
Prepare for oblivion...
2 yrs ago
36yo today, one step closer to oblivion.
4 yrs ago
Let the roleplaying shenanigans ensue! Fun times!
4 yrs ago
Nationbuilding buisness is underway!


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Not all good horsemen of history had named mounts nor special types, they were just skilled as riders.

Unlike for example Lu Bu, whose horse was described to be the horse of horses pretty much. Meaning the horse itself was special, but alot of characters from history, legends, myth etc doesn't have named mounts but are still capable of doing great feats of it due to the riders particular skill with the particular type of mount. Sure it won't be as effective as someone having a special and named one I'm sure.

As for your question. I don't know if you need a noble phantasm as I am not that into fate. But limiting it to people only using named/special mounts is kind of silly as it is the rider's skill which ultimately matters and not the mount. Sure it plays a difference but should it be the only factor?

@King Cosmos
Here is my two characters, hopefully I wont have to change much.

I may be interested in this. Will see if I can put together a character for it tomorrow. I will likely bring a character which has never been used in a Fate RP, series or game yet. Note that I am not very set into the fate lore or World, I just know pretty much the basic idea of what the servants are after, the matter with the masters etc. The class special skills and such are pretty much what I don't know.

She's fast for a lowly human... If only that idiot Fegin wouldn't be so fucking occupied he could do the chasing.. The half-demon watched the pink haired girl stop ahead of him. Hah! She's fucking out of bridges to burn, all she's got is that spray thing and this time I am not going to take it...heheh...

He walked the last bit before he lifted his left hand, shooting his string out to attempt to entangle the girl's arms, he couldn't let her use that thing on him again. She then swiftly turned around, and extended her baton seeking to hit him in the face, but at this point his strings had wrapped around her arm and prevented the thing from hitting his face head-on, but gracing his right cheek.

That sneaky girl was resourceful, maybe it would be a shame to kill her... so early on. Yes, after all this effort she was not going to die. No, she was going to suffer for her actions. Galbrek gritted his teeth. "You... bitch..." That's when he saw the guards approaching and at that he retracted his strings to let them grab her.

"Good... job..." Galbrek said panting abit before adjusting his cap. "All of you, may I have your attention?" Galbrek said and waited until the security guards turned their eyes to him, before he used his hypnotic gaze, trying to catch all of them within his sight. "I'm youth officer Ascot, undercover here. I'll be taking care of this amnesiac and demented girl after you've cuffed her. I'll take her someplace...safe…. where she may be questioned." The half-demon smiled as he allowed his hypnotic gaze to fall on those meeting with his eyes.

She had pointed that thing at him, sending some kind of spray towards him irritating his eyes, luckily that idiotic human he had hypnotized got in the way after abit. Galbrek screamed out first, followed by the woman in question. "Argh! Hngghhh! My eyes! Fucking little shit!"
Some security guard had shown up and left him with a good legal reason to chase after Vera, she had after all pulled that move in front of a couple of witnesses. Galbrek yelled to the guard coming up, his eyes slightly watery and stinging. "Call the damn guards by the exit, that pink haired fucking bitch is escaping! She is a thief and is armed!" Galbrek took one of the drinks still attached to his attire and poured some unto his eyes and face Before rushing after in the general direction where Vera was going.

The security guard lifted his walkie talkie and gave a call to the rest of his security team to apprehend a pinkhaired girl approaching the exit. The man then resumed to try help the woman on the spot.

How dared she? How he was going to take unusual pleasure in getting his hands on that damn girl. It would be sweeter than honey dipped sugar and more enjoyable than watching poor people get stomped at. How he relished on the idea as he ran, annoyed that Adam had misplaced himself and was not here to carry him. Somehow this was partly his fault, he should have been there to run for him.
Yes, we are just doing big collabs at the moment via discord. It will take some time but the RP isn't dead.

How fucking long is she going to take? The various people passing by was giving him disapproving looks, how he hated disapproving looks. How dared they look at him in that manner. It was he who was to be disapproving of them after all. Self-centred human scum. That's all they were according to the half-demon. Then finally he could see her exiting the place, but there was someone else walking out right in front of her.

"Tch.." He gritted his teeth, witnesses were bothersome. But he might aswell make use of her like a puppet. Galbrek set his hypnotic gaze at the woman in front of Vera. "You know you want to help me restrain that girl there and follow me. It will make you alot richer. You like money." The woman met with Galbrek's sight, her face going slightly blank and she said in a monotone voice. "Yes, I will restrain her and follow you." The woman turned around to try wrap her arms around Vera. When one plan fails, make up another. Such was the magnificence of the superior mind that Galbrek possessed according to himself. To twist someone to do his dirty work for him was so awfully fitting, not to mention fun.

To put that pinkhaired girl into the seat of possibly harming an innocent if she resisted. The half-demon could feel a chill of pleasure coming up his spine as he grinned. That's when he noticed something in Vera's hand. Some kind of...

He gritted his teeth, things had not gone as planned. The pink haired girl had a strong will against leaving, strong enough to break free. It made things more troublesome. But Galbrek was not one to back down from trouble, if it meant him getting what he wanted. He acted as soon as she began to ran.

"Hey! Miss you forgot your change!" He darted after, she was not going to get away now. No matter where she was heading, he was going to follow. By the ill-mannered angelshits, she's fucking heading into the bathrooms. I hate second rate bathrooms. He cursed under his breath and glanced to left and right to make sure none saw him following her. His plan was simple now.

Follow her, wrap his marionette string around her and then whack her over the head. Drag his expensive coat over her to make sure none saw him walking off with her wrapped up in strings. Ultimate power for the price of a coat. Now that I can live with. Now I just have to wait until that disgusting human has finished whatever she was going in here for then... shes mine! He grinned and turned to find someone else trying to enter the bathroom area. "Turn back and find a bush." He told a woman who was approaching, using his hypnotic gaze to make her leave.

"I love being so fucking cunning..." He said in a low voice to himself as he waited to shoot his strings at the pink haired girl.

The half-demon gritted his teeth and narrowed his eyes, his eyebrows furrowed slightly to turn to whomever it was that dared to disturb him.

This fool keeps blabbering on. Why would I care what my deluded sister does or looks like? Cute? How ill-chosen words. I am beautiful, not cute you dim witted buffoon.

He paused in his thoughts before continuing to ponder. A military student. Why can't he go and be awfully gay somewhere else? Oh the trouble of being too beautiful. To think such would be a hinderance to me. Won't this fool ever shut up?

Galbrek changed his expression to a bored one.

Teenage contempt? Don't tempt me you moronic misfit or it will take a decade for them to gather your shredded body.

Galbrek's expression changed to a smirk at the idea and then set his eyes on the military student again.

"Oh you have quite the talent for seeing the obvious." Galbrek said in a soft manner and gazed into Louen's eyes as he began to use his hypnotic gaze, before uttering the command to him.

"You should go over to the Mephisto team and show your appreciation to the girl with the book. And be a good boy."

The half-demon smirked as he attempted to draw the military boy away. Or be a good idiot and fuck off, you wretched excuse of human excrement walking on two legs. I have more pressing matters to attend to. He didn't wait long until he began to move down the stands and towards the Vigilante team area, carefully moving to not draw unwanted attention and avoiding his sister who was semi-interested in watching, looking into a book of hers every now and then. Success was surely not far away, having waded down and sold some nuts to some loud individuals which had spilled some drink on him. He collected himself not to strangle the man on the spot, and carefully approached the pink haired girl. Vera.

"Nuts here, nuts and drinks." He said in a slightly distorted voice from his usual, walking past a few individuals before he got close to Vera.

Time to crack this nuthead open like a coconut. "Good day, would you like some of these nuts or a drink? Look here, this one is really good for the skin." He said and smiled, waiting for the moment Vera would look up. Seeking to affect her with his hypnotic gaze.

"You need a little walk. Some sightseeing would do you well. Follow me." He smiled, gradually he felt like smiling even more and sinister but he had to keep his mask and make sure she would submit to his command.
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