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Hidden 7 yrs ago 7 yrs ago Post by Letter Bee
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Letter Bee Filipino RPer

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

Louen de Bretonny

"Sure, sure," Louen said as he got up, "Clara's pretty too; I should ask for an autograph." And with that, he began walking towards the Mephistos' area, spending the next couple of minutes shoving past spectators as he made his way to where Clara was. Then, just as the Mephistos' woman came into sight, the officer cadet halted in mid-walk, finding out that: I've been had; there's no way Clara would be pleased to see anyone right now, especially well-wishers. His military instincts kicked in. I am not completely stupid. There is something fishy going on. Halting in the middle of his walk, he looked around to search for the nut-and-drink seller, but found him nowhere nearby. Oh, crap, crap, crap!

His observational skills were more than he let on, but still not as good as they should be. Almost panicking, Louen began to backtrack towards his former seat close to the Vigilantes'...only to find it taken by another spectator already.

The young man had two choices. One was to look for another seat and withdraw from any deeper plot this presented. The other was to pretend to look for another seat, then look for the jerkass nut-and-drink seller and interfere in any deeper plot this presented. Neither looked interesting right now. And all other cute guys and gals are in the arena, or are taken, or both.

A question. Do I have to watch the Tournament at all? I may have paid good money for this, but I know all there is to know about superpowered/magical teenager combat.

Louen looked for another seat, then, his enthusiasm dampened.

Hidden 7 yrs ago 7 yrs ago Post by Crowvette
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Crowvette Shock Unlocker

Member Seen 5 hrs ago


After meeting up with her partner and Aram, Andras enjoyed a few easygoing matches. Well, that was kind of mean to say. But at the same time, Andras reasoned that's exactly what a demon would say after beating a bunch of lesser mortals.

Andras looked over her spells. She had expended some resources to get them to this point... The first match unfortunately had her lose a very powerful creature. However, she still had plenty of options.

Andras stuck her holy spear into the dirt. She felt like she may have hurt some hero of legend's feelings by doing that, but to be honest, that thing was heavy. Her active enchantments needed to be reviewed. Her physical strength was boosted by Unholy Strength, manifested as a pentagram on the back of her hand. In her hair was an Angel's Feather, which would slightly heal her in the right situation... Covering the Root was her ever-present savior, Erayo's Essence, which would block a magical effect from someone once. And of course, the Spear of Heliod, which bolstered her summons' offensive and defensive capabilities... And could take out weak creatures if they managed to touch her.

Andras grinned to herself. There were some seriously good options with her last enchantment, Recurring Nightmare. She had kept that one a secret for the matches prior becuase it would need to be brought up as a surprise. It was too powerful to let others just know about it. It had manifested as a rather unsightly tattoo of a mass of eyes and teeth, which seemed to move and writhe along her arms. Luckily her hoodie's long sleeves covered them well enough.

This next match was definitely a little different. As they prepared for the arena, Andras couldn't help but speak up, "Umm... One of them seems pretty mad at us. Like, she was death glaring us when we were watching the other matches. Did you guys do something?"

Andras had to select just one of her existing summons to bring in with her, but it was an easy choice becuase most of her others had been taken out prior. Her angel servant which had brought her here was chosen, and came down into the arena with the team of Vigilantes.

Andras brandished her spear in what she assumed to be a heroic pose. "So. You guys ready? Same plan as always, right?"
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Bartimaeus
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Bartimaeus Femboy Gaming

Member Seen 2 days ago

Aram adjusted his cuffs as the trio that was him and his team stepped out onto the field, heading towards the small structure that encompassed their flag. The matches beforehand had been easy- despite the regulations they'd put on the flag so that he couldn't completely encase it- requiring minimal effort on his part. Well, maybe that was because he was in the back for the most part. But that was for good reason, and not of his own choice. He was technically the best defender.

He attempted, and failed, to get rid of some blood on his sleeve that'd ended up from one of their last opponents getting too close to their flag. Obviously it hadn't ended well for them. "Hmm...let me think." he mused as he crossed his arms and tapped the fingers of one hand against him bicep. "Nope. Haven't done nothin' to unscrew any Mephistos Crew lately. Maybe she was starin' cause you're starin'?" He finished straightening his clothing as much as he could manage before saying "Ready. Seems like we have a good case of their power sets, but vice-versa...and I don't have to remind you to look out for the walking artillery."

He'd plan on setting up defensive structures around the flag as soon as they were allowed to start doing so. He had a few new ideas to keep this specific team at bay..
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by KillamriX88
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KillamriX88 Cheese Lover / Professional Cat Cuddler

Member Seen 3 hrs ago

Vera sighed as the vendor stopped by her. Neither wolf nor Andras were in the middle of a match just yet. Andras's was about to start, but until something exciting happened, she was busy telling someone on the internet that they were wrong. She didn't even glance up from her phone at the offer of nuts.

"No thank you..." she offered the bare minimum politeness, before he was even half-way done speaking. But then he kept talking. Good for the skin? What the hell? Now she was getting annoyed. She grit her teeth.
"Look, don't you know how to take no for an answe-" She looked up from her phone and froze.

Her eyes pretty much glassed over as she was told to follow him. But... she didn't move.

'Yes, a nice walk. Do what the nice man says.'

'But Andras's match is about to start. She probably wants me to watch... or something.'

'Just obey-'

'Obey?! Since when do I obey anyone?!'


"NO ONE TELLS ME WHAT TO DO!" Vera suddenly shouted, practically at the top of her lungs... out loud. "What?" She blinked in total bewilderment. A few people were staring at her. "Uhhh... I need to pee!" She bolted to her feet and stormed off int he direction of the bathrooms. Great, now she looked like a crazy person. What had just happened?!
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Dezuel
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Dezuel Broke out of limbo

Member Seen 3 days ago


He gritted his teeth, things had not gone as planned. The pink haired girl had a strong will against leaving, strong enough to break free. It made things more troublesome. But Galbrek was not one to back down from trouble, if it meant him getting what he wanted. He acted as soon as she began to ran.

"Hey! Miss you forgot your change!" He darted after, she was not going to get away now. No matter where she was heading, he was going to follow. By the ill-mannered angelshits, she's fucking heading into the bathrooms. I hate second rate bathrooms. He cursed under his breath and glanced to left and right to make sure none saw him following her. His plan was simple now.

Follow her, wrap his marionette string around her and then whack her over the head. Drag his expensive coat over her to make sure none saw him walking off with her wrapped up in strings. Ultimate power for the price of a coat. Now that I can live with. Now I just have to wait until that disgusting human has finished whatever she was going in here for then... shes mine! He grinned and turned to find someone else trying to enter the bathroom area. "Turn back and find a bush." He told a woman who was approaching, using his hypnotic gaze to make her leave.

"I love being so fucking cunning..." He said in a low voice to himself as he waited to shoot his strings at the pink haired girl.
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by KillamriX88
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KillamriX88 Cheese Lover / Professional Cat Cuddler

Member Seen 3 hrs ago

Vera's jaw dropped as the nut vendor began chasing her. Who was this creep!? She picked up her pace and ducked into the women's bathroom. It was at the tail end of the bathroom rush, so the line didn't extend outside the bathroom anymore, but the stalls inside were all full with one other woman waiting her turn semi-patiently.

She had three to five minutes before she was alone and everyone got distracted by the upcoming match, she figured. That wasn't as much time as she liked to process what the hell was going on. Her head was still spinning for... some reason. It took her a moment before what happened came back to her. A nut vendor had told her to go with him... and for a moment she had considered it. That was concerning.

A woman finished her business and made her way out, letting the woman who had been waiting take her turn.

Vera had to assume she'd been the victim of some form of suggestion. Fortunately not an overpowering one or who knew what would have happened. She could have been kidnapped.

Kidnapped? She groaned. She only knew of one person who had a hard-on for kidnapping right now. She quickly pulled out her phone, flipping through her contacts, seeing if anyone on it was in a position to help her. The answer was no. Andras and Wolf were tied up with the tournament and... no... no she was absolutely not contacting Seth. Why was he still in her phone?!

She shook her head, swallowing hard as another woman made her way out of the bathroom, like grains of sand falling through an hourglass.

OK, she was on her own then. Time to hedge her bets. She furiously tapped at her phone before stuffing it into her shirt. She then discreetly pulled out her pepper-spray wand, and waited for the next few women to head out. Safety in numbers, right? As the next person exited the bathroom, she followed closely behind.

Not that witnesses had helped last time, but a packed stadium was a lot different from a mildly busy street... she hoped.
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Dezuel
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Dezuel Broke out of limbo

Member Seen 3 days ago


How fucking long is she going to take? The various people passing by was giving him disapproving looks, how he hated disapproving looks. How dared they look at him in that manner. It was he who was to be disapproving of them after all. Self-centred human scum. That's all they were according to the half-demon. Then finally he could see her exiting the place, but there was someone else walking out right in front of her.

"Tch.." He gritted his teeth, witnesses were bothersome. But he might aswell make use of her like a puppet. Galbrek set his hypnotic gaze at the woman in front of Vera. "You know you want to help me restrain that girl there and follow me. It will make you alot richer. You like money." The woman met with Galbrek's sight, her face going slightly blank and she said in a monotone voice. "Yes, I will restrain her and follow you." The woman turned around to try wrap her arms around Vera. When one plan fails, make up another. Such was the magnificence of the superior mind that Galbrek possessed according to himself. To twist someone to do his dirty work for him was so awfully fitting, not to mention fun.

To put that pinkhaired girl into the seat of possibly harming an innocent if she resisted. The half-demon could feel a chill of pleasure coming up his spine as he grinned. That's when he noticed something in Vera's hand. Some kind of...
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Gentlemanvaultboy
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Member Seen 3 yrs ago


"Stay closer to me this time, Rurik." Bak said, glancing over her shoulder. "Brutus will try to zap me with lightning. We must blow him up before this happens. Also, will keep you from getting one more nasty bruise." She tapped the side pf her face, the same spot where he'd gotten decked last match, and grimaced. He'd gotten to far afield, and she hadn't been fast enough to intercept it. She'd gotten a fair share of attacks thrown at her but none of them stung as much as that one. "Neither I or Christine want that, do we?"

As she turned to Christine she started to lean back as far as she safely could. "Christine..." Bak started, her eyes darting down for a half-second before springing back up to the girls mentionable parts. Christine was a pervert, pure and simple. A pervert showing off her perfect legs and thighs and...just everything without a care in the world in a stadium full of people. It was a level of unconcerned bravery that Bak would never admit she both resented and admired and like it or not it afforded them certain tactical advantages over the other, less admirable, perverts that dotted the other teams. "Be careful, there is girl on other team. She may be harder to get by than boys." Bak did her best to aim her guns over the top of the far wall. "I will soften them for you!"

With several loud bursts and the whiff of gunpowder Bak fired her canons. The shells traveled in wide arcs like old artillery, flying over the top of the far wall and falling to earth at the approximate location of the Vigilantes on the far side of the field.
1x Laugh Laugh
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Hammerman
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Member Seen 10 hrs ago

Christine Abigail

"Alright, Bak! I'll try to finish off whoever I could if I could get close enough. But I believe the optimal way to do this is to wait until they come to us before going into close-range combat. I shall hinder them with my blizzard as you bombard them from afar," Christine explained her plan.

She then put some distance from her teammates before she began summoning her blizzard. She clasped her hands on her chest as she prayed as the chilly wind began to swirl all over her. Her coat flapped upwards, revealing glimpses of her panties to the world, to the cheers of the more perverted part of the audience.

And then, she threw that heavy, cold wind towards the Vigilantes. Not only that the wind would impede them, the snow would also obscure their sight.

Unfortunately, the two walls kinda blocked the force of her blizzard, so its strength considerably weakened when it got to their half of the field. Well, at least this would punish them if they tried crossing over here.
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by KillamriX88
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KillamriX88 Cheese Lover / Professional Cat Cuddler

Member Seen 3 hrs ago

Rurik sighed at Bak's instruction. Did she really want his help, or was she trying to keep him from becoming a liability? The implication kind of stung. He pursed his lips and began... pacing. Kind of? With a mildly annoyed look on his face, he began walking in circles around the "flag bunker", running his hands along the four walls as he did so.

At this point, Bak had begun firing volleys of shots over the walls. In between salvos, he gave her a smalls nudge to step away from the bunker.

Then, even more oddly, he began walking in a line, slowly, in front of Bak and the bunker, pausing in between large steps. He only stopped once he'd made it from one end of the field to the other... or the enemy showed its face. Whichever came first.

He offered no explanation to his teammates, but that was fine. It might be better that they didn't know. Or maybe he was just too lazy to bother spelling it out.

Vera almost laughed, but she was too stressed out for that. However, he made it just so easy. He was literally saying, out loud, that he was a bad guy. It gave her all the justification she needed to just hold up her pepper baton and blast him in the face while he was busy with the woman he was trying to hypnotize.

Trying... successfully, unfortunately. She was already under his spell as she let loose. She quickly turned on Vera, lunging at her. Vera threw up her free arm, the woman latching onto her. It took a bit of struggle, but Vera was able to aim the spray at her face next and let her have it. The woman shrieked in pain and then fell to her knees, sobbing in pained confusion at why she'd just been peppered.

Vera took the opportunity to bolt and run for it... the wrong way. She'd headed toward the exit, away from people who might be able to help her. She saw a security guard jog past, heading toward the sobbing woman. Vera had a feeling she didn't want to be around for when the guard met up with the man who was probably Galbrek. The last thing she needed was a hypnotized man with a taser after her. Did guards have tasers? She decided not to find out.

Exit into the city it was.
Hidden 7 yrs ago 7 yrs ago Post by Dezuel
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Dezuel Broke out of limbo

Member Seen 3 days ago


She had pointed that thing at him, sending some kind of spray towards him irritating his eyes, luckily that idiotic human he had hypnotized got in the way after abit. Galbrek screamed out first, followed by the woman in question. "Argh! Hngghhh! My eyes! Fucking little shit!"
Some security guard had shown up and left him with a good legal reason to chase after Vera, she had after all pulled that move in front of a couple of witnesses. Galbrek yelled to the guard coming up, his eyes slightly watery and stinging. "Call the damn guards by the exit, that pink haired fucking bitch is escaping! She is a thief and is armed!" Galbrek took one of the drinks still attached to his attire and poured some unto his eyes and face Before rushing after in the general direction where Vera was going.

The security guard lifted his walkie talkie and gave a call to the rest of his security team to apprehend a pinkhaired girl approaching the exit. The man then resumed to try help the woman on the spot.

How dared she? How he was going to take unusual pleasure in getting his hands on that damn girl. It would be sweeter than honey dipped sugar and more enjoyable than watching poor people get stomped at. How he relished on the idea as he ran, annoyed that Adam had misplaced himself and was not here to carry him. Somehow this was partly his fault, he should have been there to run for him.
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by KillamriX88
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KillamriX88 Cheese Lover / Professional Cat Cuddler

Member Seen 3 hrs ago

Vera's legs grew weak as she heard the guards calling for back-up. She slowed to barely a jog, trying to think of a way out of this. The likelihood of her pepper-spraying her way through security was... slim. A patsy, then? Pay someone to run through security and distract them?

Ugh, no, the area was practically deserted and they were looking for someone with pink hair! Curse her uniqueness!

She could see security closing in on her now. Looking back, she saw Galbrek himself closing in. And there was more security that way too. She was hemmed in. Welp.

Vera sighed. She was in the right here, but she had a feeling Galbrek would get his way long before she could get security to figure that out. So, being in the right, she took the last thing afforded to her.

"I give up." She raised her hands over her head. She then took a step backwards as Galbrek got close, spun around, extended her baton, and aimed to crack him across the face.

She was nothing if not petty, a mild comfort as security finally grabbed her and pulled her hands behind her back...
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Dezuel
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Dezuel Broke out of limbo

Member Seen 3 days ago


She's fast for a lowly human... If only that idiot Fegin wouldn't be so fucking occupied he could do the chasing.. The half-demon watched the pink haired girl stop ahead of him. Hah! She's fucking out of bridges to burn, all she's got is that spray thing and this time I am not going to take it...heheh...

He walked the last bit before he lifted his left hand, shooting his string out to attempt to entangle the girl's arms, he couldn't let her use that thing on him again. She then swiftly turned around, and extended her baton seeking to hit him in the face, but at this point his strings had wrapped around her arm and prevented the thing from hitting his face head-on, but gracing his right cheek.

That sneaky girl was resourceful, maybe it would be a shame to kill her... so early on. Yes, after all this effort she was not going to die. No, she was going to suffer for her actions. Galbrek gritted his teeth. "You... bitch..." That's when he saw the guards approaching and at that he retracted his strings to let them grab her.

"Good... job..." Galbrek said panting abit before adjusting his cap. "All of you, may I have your attention?" Galbrek said and waited until the security guards turned their eyes to him, before he used his hypnotic gaze, trying to catch all of them within his sight. "I'm youth officer Ascot, undercover here. I'll be taking care of this amnesiac and demented girl after you've cuffed her. I'll take her someplace...safe…. where she may be questioned." The half-demon smiled as he allowed his hypnotic gaze to fall on those meeting with his eyes.
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Dezuel
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Dezuel Broke out of limbo

Member Seen 3 days ago


"Huh... what are you?" They almost said in unison before they began to blink their eyes, the leader spoke up in a monotone manner. "Yes, as you wish Youth Officer Ascot. We will leave her in your hands."

A guardsman with a mustache finished cuffing Vera before pushing her over towards the nearby street. "One moment. Do you happen to have something to gag her with? She seems to be a biter." Galbrek said and waited a little longer before a younger guardsman approached with a piece of cloth he tied around Vera's mouth.

"Also I'll be borrowing your car and a spare couple of cuffs..." Galbrek finalized in a now satisfied tone with still some irritation in his eyes. The young guardsman blinked. "Okay. Here." The guardsman threw over his carkeys and an extra set of cuffs to Galbrek and the half-demon smirked.

"Now please all of you head over to the portable bathroom area. A woman there may give you further information on how highly improper this girl has been. Take notes won't you?" He smirked most wickedly as he dragged Vera towards the car he had gotten the keys for, he attempted to force her into the backseat, making sure to watch himself from being kicked by her before he carefully put cuffs around her ankles aswell.

Then he shut the backseat door and jumped into the driver seat. "I've never had to drive this fucking thing before, but how fucking hard can it be. If you human idiots can do it, how could not someone like me?" Galbrek said in a confident manner and twisted the key as he locked all the doors, then pressing down the gas pedal on the vehicle to drive away at a questionable speed towards his nearest outpost.

Fucking yes! Now I got this bitch. That snugglebitch better hold up her part of the deal or someone is going to fucking pay!

Galbrek adjusted the mirror in the front of the car, taking a moment to eye his catch in the backseat but also see how his face looked, he adjusted a strand of hair that was being misplaced. His sight then returned to the road and a slam was heard. The mailboy on his bike had not seen it coming, the back part of his bike got slammed by the approaching car driven by the half-demon, sending half of the bike flying into an empty valley and spreading newspapers all over the street, the boy himself landing in a bush after a small bit of flight.

"Idiot! Learn to watch where you are fucking going!" He said out loud before resuming control of the car.

"Now... now... when we get to someplace more quiet I shall part with you a little secret, after all it wouldn't be as fun without seeing the look on your face to not know the whole story of betrayal most foul and how greedy and evil some can really be! Oh don't look at me like that... I am not the evil here... human."
Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by Crowvette
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Crowvette Shock Unlocker

Member Seen 5 hrs ago


Andras shivered as the wind picked up... Of course, this wasn't any natural phenomenon, considering they were in a dome. That means... "The wind.... Is troubled today. It speaks of forbidden magi-"

That was when the first shell exploded, which totally threw Andras off of her monologue game. She let out a squeak of surprise and quickly scrambled away, clutching her spear. One she deemed she was clear of the salvo, she turned to her angel, and nodded. The angel would use its flight to see what the enemy was doing and quickly report back, before any explosions actually managed to hit someone.

To Andras's surprise, the Angel returned back to her before even reaching the height of the dome. Apparently the blizzard made it both hard to fly that high, and impossible to scope out the enemy's positions. As the angel dusted ice off of its armor, Andras sighed. "We can't see what's going on with that blizzard, so..."

She looked at her hand. If anyone tried a straight shot at the flag, she could stop them with a tidal wave, but that would only work on the defensive side. Using the powerful Furnace of Rath would probably deal with the blizzard, but... The enchantment would cause some serious collateral damage. She didn't want to use her draw spell yet, either. "I'm going to advance! Let's see if all they've got is just bombs and wind!" She nodded to her teammates, and started a brisk jog towards the center of the arena. In between the salvos of artillery, of course. She kept her angel in front of her, just in case.
Hidden 6 yrs ago 6 yrs ago Post by AtomicNut
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AtomicNut Abusive Contractor

Member Seen 2 mos ago

Celestine Lightbringer

Remember, Caesar, that you are mortal. Celestine said to himself mentally, as he went mentally through the situation. So much for his plans and participation. Sometimes, somehow, you get the type of call that you are unable to excuse. Your strings are yanked, and you are unable to do as one wishes. The show had to go on... but without him. At least the water plan had somehow nudged things a little, but the teams of other schools were made of pure grit. Oh well, no plan survives contact with the enemy, he thought as he focused on the scene at hand.

He was, once again, in his honest alternative life, having being recalled with short notice to assist the Tournament healing bay. Someone thought that since alumni of schools helped in peacekeeping, alumni should also help with the healing. He turned around to see one of the defeated, the fallen, better.

He tried to be concise and professional, but it was hard to do so: His own body was so underdeveloped and androgynous that even in a formal suit with a white coat, it looked more an ill-fitting disguise than looking the actual part of his profession. He caught some of his female helpers spying glances at him with wishful eyes. They probably wanted to pet him, as if he were a cute dog. Or maybe worse.

Right now, he had parted with the wig and the makeup, and he was wearing some sunglasses, thankfully, so that no one could see the sheer look of disappointment and boredom in his face. Well, he was getting -some- intel on the rival schools. Second hand at best, but still better than anything.

"Hey doc, do you think Grant Handsome can have some fun tonight?" said one of the defeated ones. The so-called Handsome looked like he had stopped one too many fists with his face. His comrade, was even worse, clad in plaster and bandages head to toe.

And yet, he still had the energy to shout "YOLO!" once more. Truth to be told... YOLOman had a vitality to behold.

"Well, you may... but you might regret it in the morning, young man." He answered.

"Tch... and to think the Flatbread is the one left standing of our school." The perp replied in a bitter voice. "If I had known it, i would have ditched Reapper." He casted a glance aside.


"Just...shut up." THe Rhean Technical student gritted under his teeth, throwing daggers at YOLOman. Celestine, now in the guise of Doctor Lightbringer, pinched the bridge of his nose. How come... all the idiots flocked to him?
Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by rawkhawk64
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rawkhawk64 Master Gamer

Member Seen 2 days ago

Brutus glanced over at Andras as she declared she was advancing. Fortunately, the electric boy had managed to evade Bak's incoming salvo. Brutus shook his head. "Always knew that girl was more dangerous than she let on..." he muttered. However, he knew that the most obvious play was for him to attack Bak. However, the enemy would prepare for that. So, he'd have to target one of the others. Brutus shook his head. He hated these mind games, but they were a necessary part of this tournament. They had to prove themselves so as to get more and better-paying jobs. With that in mind, Brutus quickly caught up to Andras with some electric enhancement. "I'll watch your back! Retreat at the first sign of trouble! If we're lucky, they'll try to follow us, and I can just zap the poor sap that decides you're an easy target." Brutus said with a bit of a mischievous glint. "Provided they survive, that is." he added as an afterthought. He was still running strong, and felt confident this would be a good initial plan. Staying on the defensive was not an option, but it could help them probe the enemy's defenses and maybe soften them up if they slipped up.
Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by Bartimaeus
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Bartimaeus Femboy Gaming

Member Seen 2 days ago

It was time to begin. He placed his hands on his chest, the symbol on the back of his suit sending out crackling black energy. The energy traveled through his body and to the dirt below him as his teammates advanced towards the other side of the field. Soon, patches of ground around the flag's "bunker" would seem to melt and flow into themselves, slowly growing in heat and emitting a soft light as they converted into boiling magma. After the pools formed, each one would have a short cone of rocky earth rise from the ground around them, protecting them from the wind and snow.

Aram admired his handiwork, which looked like a field of mini-volcanoes. "Nice and toasty over here.." he said to himself. This array would keep this area warm, warding off the effects of the cold, and give him a reliable way to deal with the ice-abuser if he needed to fight her on their turf. As for the artillery- a shell exploded nearby, chipping off a small piece of rocky stone from one of the volcanoes- he'd have to figure something out for her.

He dusted off his gloves(even though they were perfectly clean), but he wasn't done yet. He would make a shield for himself, pulling some material from the earth and transmuting it into thick steel, then strapping it to his left arm. He left his hands unburdened though, as he would approach with his allies until they reached the pillars on their side of the field. Here there were fewer volcanoes than farther back, but still a couple. Here he would set a trap for his enemies. He got to work transmuting, a drop of sweat forming on his brow.

"Let's beat feet. We wouldn't want to keep our new friends waiting, would we?" he said with a smirk.
Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by Gentlemanvaultboy
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Member Seen 3 yrs ago

"Da, this is good plan too." Bak said, trying to not let it show how uncomfortable the chill now creeping up through her parts made her. It wasn't as though Christine was hitting her with it directly this time. It meant they were basically betting it all on demolishing the other team, but that worked for her. After all, they couldn't defeat their flag if they couldn't fight back.

Because they were all beat up.

All beat up and apologetic.

"Nyet, this is fantastic plan!" She cheered, flipping back on her thermal vision to keep track of where the enemy was coming from. Against the blizzard that Christine had whipped up they would stand out even more. It was then that she felt a nudge from behind and moved obediently forward. One red blob moved out from behind her and made its way across the field. "Rurik?" She asked, but it didn't give any reply or indication that it heard her. Definitely him then.

"Rurik, if you move so far out I will not be able to defend you." She called to him. She kept a closer eye on the red blobs representing the enemy, then a concerning thought hit her. "Wait is this like rooftop demon plan?" No reply. "If this is like rooftop demon plan I am against it."

Then suddenly, her vision went red. Totally, completely, incandescently red! All the blobs of head in her vision were engulfed, vanishing into the general signature. She gasped and cut the vision, re-tuning her eyes to the cold, now slightly snowy ground on their side of the field. What was that? What had they done? For a moment that hateful red inferno from the roof flashed in her head, fleeting visions of how mangled everyone had gotten in that fight. "Rurik come back come back come back come back!"

Hidden 6 yrs ago 6 yrs ago Post by Hammerman
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Member Seen 10 hrs ago

Christine Abigail

Christine smiled brightly after she heard Bak approving of her plan.

"Yes! We can win this for sure! Now we just need someone to actually go to the other side and grab the flag!", she thought to herself.

As if on cue, Rurik volunteered to be that someone. Or at the very least, that's what she thought in her heart.

"Go get them, Rurik!" She waved at him.

Suddenly, just when she thought everything was going their way, heat began to spread all around the battlefield, diminishing the cold she had been generating.


She saw magma and rocks appearing from the earth at the opponent's side, protecting them from her wind and cold.

Of course! Its their side's ability!

She glanced nervously towards Bak. "Umm, Bak, what should I do now? I can go there and combat the heat but I have to get close."

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